28 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of Port-Cities: The Case of Marseille-Fos - France

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    This working paper offers an evaluation of the performance of the port of Marseille-Fos, an analysis of the impact of the port on its territory and an assessment of policies and governance in this field. It examines declining port performance over the last decades and identifies the principal factors that have contributed to it. The effect of the ports on economic and environmental questions is studied and quantified where possible. The value added of the port cluster of Marseille-Fos is calculated and its interlinkages with other economic sectors and other regions in France delineated. The paper outlines the impact of the ports? operations, and shows how their activities spill over into other regions than the one in which the port of Marseille-Fos is located. The major policies governing the ports are assessed, along with policies governing transport and economic development, the environment and spatial planning. These include measures instituted by the port authorities, as well as by local, regional and national governments. Governance mechanisms at these different levels are described and analysed. Based on the report?s findings, recommendations are proposed with a view to improving port performance and increasing the positive effects of the port of Marseille-Fos on its territory

    <i>L'approche locale généraliste</i> du processus de gestion de crise

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    Ce mémoire de professionnalisation, réalisé après six mois de stage au sein du pôle méditerranée et du groupe « crises et réhabilitation » de l’association Cités Unies France, réseau fédérateur des collectivités territoriales françaises, vise à analyser l’approche locale généraliste progressivement développée par l’association depuis une quinzaine d’année. Cette approche réfléchit aux outils et moyens à mettre en œuvre pour permettre aux autorités locales du monde entier d’investir le secteur de la gestion des risques et des crises. La réflexion de Cités Unies France sur cette thématique prend son origine dans le constat paradoxal que les autorités locales, bien qu’étant en train d’acquérir un rôle majeur dans le fonctionnement de la société, sont marginalisées par les intervenants de l’urgence (nationaux ou internationaux) lorsqu’une crise éclate sur leur territoire. L’association est pourtant persuadée que les autorités locales ont un rôle crucial à jouer dans chaque phase du cycle de la gestion des crises, notamment au regard des liens étroits qui existent entre les problématiques d’urgence, de prévention des risques et de développement des territoires. En revanche, les difficultés structurelles importantes des gouvernements locaux dans certains pays nécessitent un soutien important de la part de tous la communauté internationale dans son ensemble et de leurs partenaires. Cités Unies France a donc créé un outil, le fonds de solidarité, permettant l’implication financière et technique des autorités locales affectés dans la gestion de la crise sur leur territoire et des collectivités territoriales françaises qui le souhaitent. L’analyse approfondie de ce levier d’action depuis sa création révèleles promesses et les défis relatifs à l’approche locale généraliste de Cités Unies France

    Pyrolysis of secondary raw material from used frying oils.

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    International audienceLimitation of oil resources leads to the development of new technologies that can more fully exploit renewable energies such as biomass and derived products, like food-grade vegetable oils (rapeseed or sunflower oils). A totally green chemistry alternative that would lead both to energy production from renewable feedstocks and to solutions of parts of ecological problems related to waste disposals would be very attractive. Pyrolysis of used frying oils seems to be one option for this attractive alternative as we propose to demonstrate in this study. Until 2002, 80% of waste edible oils were discharge in sewers and only 20% were upgraded into high value chemicals or biofuel. Since 2002, the whole production of waste edible oils (around 100 000 tons per year in France) must be collected and transformed into secondary raw material by specific companies. The general aim of the present work is to produce one of the following target sources of energy: (i) H2 for fuel cells, (ii) H2/CO in satisfactory ratios to produce biodiesel by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction, or (iii) hydrocarbon mixtures with high added value. Therefore, in this work, the conversion of a crude used frying oil, named VEGETAMIXOIL® from Ecogras Company (France), was investigated (weight composition: C 73.6%; O 9.7%; H 12.2%). In support of our knowledge related to fatty acids and methyl esters, a laboratory pilot plant was built to study the pyrolysis of used frying oils. The operating conditions of each pyrolysis experiment are characterized in terms of temperature profile, residence time, nature of diluent(s) and dilution. Liquid and gas products were analyzed by GC-MS and GC with a capillary column, whereas CO and CO2 were quantified by IR analyzer. Effects of temperature (700-800°C), residence time, addition of reaction initiator (H2O2) or inhibitor (thiophene), and diluent (water or nitrogen) were analysed with regard to the nature and amounts of pyrolysis products. Results led to the conclusion that the best operating conditions of pyrolysis are 800°C with water as diluent, leading to the production of dihydrogen (40%) and hydrocarbons from methane to propylene, essentially. CO and CO2 are also produced but with low molar fractions. Furthermore, a ratio H2/CO favourable for low temperature FT is obtained. This emergent oil and fat chemistry field could lead to new processes coming from vegetable raw material or used frying oils

    Biodiesel (combustion des esthers éthyliques d'huiles végétales comme additifs au pétrodiesel)

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    Le biodiesel est un biocarburant, composé d'un mélange de mono-esters d'acide gras saturés et insaturés avec une longue chaîne carbonée. Ce travail de thèse présente les données de la littérature sur l'origine du biodiesel et son procédé de fabrication ; sont présentées aussi les performances et les émissions des moteurs diesel fonctionnant au biodiesel et la cinétique d'oxydation du biodiesel. Des efforts ont été faits pour mettre en évidence les principales différences entre les esters méthyliques et éthyliques tout en montrant que d'autres recherches sont encore à développer. Pour ces raisons, les délais d'auto-inflammation de cinq esters méthyliques et éthyliques ont été mesurés dans un tube à onde de choc : l'acrylate d'éthyle, l'acrylate de méthyle, le crotonate d'éthyle, le crotonate de méthyle et le butanoate d'éthyle. Les mécanismes cinétiques détaillés d'oxydation des cinq esters étudiés ont été générés automatiquement en utilisant le logiciel EXGAS. L'oxydation du butanoate d'éthyle, molécule modèle d'esters éthyliques d'huiles végétales (EEHV) a été étudiée dans un réacteur piston à pression atmosphérique pour une gamme de température allant de 500 à 1200 K. Les résultats représentent les profils de concentration des réactifs, les intermédiaires stables et les produits finaux. Le modèle cinétique a été validé de façon satisfaisante par une comparaison entre les résultats simulés et expérimentauxAn increasingly popular biofuel is biodiesel, composed of a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters, with a long aliphatic main chain. This PhD dissertation provides a literature review concerning the origin of biodiesel, its manufacturing process, performance and emissions of diesel engines fueled with biodiesel, and the kinetics of oxidation of biodiesel. Efforts were made to highlight the main differences between methyl and ethyl esters while showing where further research needs to be developed or pursued. For these reasons, the autoignition of five esters were measured behind reflected shock tube: ethyl acrylate, methyl acrylate, ethyl crotonate, methyl crotonate, and ethyl butanoate. Detailed mechanisms for the oxidation of the five studied esters were automatically generated using the version of EXGAS software. In addition, the oxidation of ethyl butanoate as a model compound for Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters (FAEE) has been investigated in tubular plug flow reactor at atmospheric pressure over wide range of temperature (500-1200 K). The results consist of concentration profiles of the reactants, stable intermediates, and final products. The model was again validated satisfactorily by comparison between computed results and the generated experimental dataNANCY-INPL-Bib. électronique (545479901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transformation par voie thermique de triglycérides et d'acides gras. Application à la valorisation chimique des déchets lipidiques

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    Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle voie de valorisation chimique des huiles de friture usagées, par conversion thermique. En effet, ces huiles possèdent un fort potentiel pour être valorisées en carburants ou en produits chimiques, car elles sont très riches en triglycérides et en acides gras libres. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient triples. Tout d abord, proposer un procédé de thermoconversion permettant de valoriser chimiquement les huiles alimentaires usagées. Ensuite, comprendre et modéliser les réactions chimiques de pyrolyse de l acide octanoïque, molécule modèle choisie pour représenter les huiles usagées qui sont des mélanges très complexes. Et enfin, valider le mécanisme de pyrolyse de l acide octanoïque par le logiciel CHEMKIN II.This thesis presents a new way of chemically upgrading of edible frying oils, by thermal conversion. Edible oils have a strong potential to be upgraded into fuels or chemicals, because they are very rich in triglycerides and free fatty acids. The objectives of this study were triple. Firstly, to propose a process of thermal conversion,that allows for the chemical upgrading of edible frying oils. Secondly, to model and understand the chemical reactions of pyrolysis on the octanoïc acid (whose molecule model was selected to represent edible frying oils which are very complex mixtures). Finally, to validate the pyrolysis mechanism on the octanoïc acid by the software CHEMKIN II.NANCY-INPL-Bib. électronique (545479901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Design of a Bench-Scale Tubular Reactor Similar to Plug Flow Reactor for Gas-Phase Kinetic Data Generation-Illustration with the Pyrolysis of Octanoic Acid

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    The material described in this article deals with waste conversion into energy vectors by pyrolysis, steam cracking, or oxidation of liquid biomass, carried out at small to medium scale. The design of a bench-scale experimental setup devoted to gas phase kinetic data generation in a tubular reactor under laminar regime close to plug flow is detailed based on a very simple approach. Validation of the designed bench-scale setup was successfully carried out within the context of octanoic acid pyrolysis by generating kinetic data with satisfactory measurement repeatability and material balances. The key to this positive result is that axial dispersion coefficient is much smaller in gas-phase than in liquid-phase, thus allowing the designed small sized tubular reactor to be close to the plug flow reactor. Such a feature of the axial dispersion coefficient is not well known by the wider public. Besides, octanoic acid was selected as surrogate for carboxylic acids because of their key role in various industrial applications (combustion of ethyl biodiesel; production of biofuel and biosourced chemicals)