531 research outputs found
(Non)renormalizability of the D-deformed Wess-Zumino model
We continue the analysis of the -deformed Wess-Zumino model which was
started in the previous paper. The model is defined by a deformation which is
non-hermitian and given in terms of the covariant derivatives . We
calculate one-loop divergences in the two-point, three-point and four-point
Green functions. We find that the divergences in the four-point function cannot
be absorbed and thus our model is not renormalizable. We discuss possibilities
to render the model renormalizable.Comment: 19 pages; version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D; new section
with the detailed discussion on renormalizabilty added and a special choice
of coupling constants which renders the model renormalizable analyze
Attractive Systems for Bioenergy Feedstock Production in Sustainably Managed Landscapes– Contributions to the Call
Task 43 launched an initiative to identify attractive examples of landscape management and design for bioenergy and the bioeconomy. The aim of this initiative to catalogue and highlight world-wide examples of biomass production systems, throughout all stages of production, that can contribute positively to biodiversity and the generation of other ecosystem services. Information about biomass production systems and their impacts, as well as information about governance and policy initiatives that encourage adoptions of solutions leading to positive outcomes are welcomed. The goal of this initiative is to compile innovative examples as a means of showcasing how the production of biomass for bioenergy can generate positive impacts in agriculture and forestry landscapes. These examples are also meant to serve as sources of inspiration that other biomass producers can use to enhance the sustainability of their own activities.All contributions that are within scope and meet the set quality requirement are included in this Report. Selected contributions will be invited to submit a manuscript for a Special Collection in the peer review journal WIREs Energy and Environment, published by Wiley
А hybrid system for flow control in high-speed wind tunnels
Аеротунели су основни алат на који се ослањају истраживачи у области експерименталне аеродинамике. Настанак, употреба и развој аеротунела су били, а и даље јесу, мотивисани заинтересованошћу за широк спектар проблема у аеродинамици, као и чињеницом да теоријске и нумеричке методе не могу да понуде све резултате потребне за доношење одлука о детаљном пројектовању у многим практичним проблемима. Најуспешнији приступ у решавању скоро сваког аеродинамичког проблема базиран је на примени резултата добијених теоријским, експерименталним и нумеричким методама, комбинованих на одговарајући начин и допуњених искуством.
Већина светских аеротунела изграђена је пре 50 до 70 година. Слична ситуација је и у аеродинамичкој лабораторији Војнотехничког института у Београду, у оквиру које је најновији аеротунел почео са радом пре неких 30 година. У многим инсталацијама су током радног века увођена извесна технолошка унапређења праћена новим експерименталним техникама, што је омогућавало да се аеротунели увек прилагоде актуелним потребама, упркос томе што су нова решења увођена на појединачној бази, без неке систематске методологије. Међутим, убрзани технолошки развој последњих година је подстакао размишљања о импликацијама на истраживања у будућности, као и о инвестицијама и променама које би требало да се покрену данас у оквиру припрема за неизбежне промене до којих ће доћи у наредних неколико деценија. Резултати студија утицаја технолошког развоја на ангажованост аеротунела, после благог пада почетком 21. века, крајем прве деценије 21. века показују тренд поновног раста, који се делом приписује традиционално високим захтевима војне и ваздухопловне индустрије, а делом неким новим изазовима у области аеродинамичког пројектовања. Резултат тога је да се тренутно у више земаља широм света планира или је у току изградња нових аеротунела. На бази предвиђања индустрије и академске заједнице да ће већина аеротунелских капацитета на различитим нивоима употребе бити потребна током 21. века, у дисертацији су идентификоване кључне области стратегије развоја аеротунела у којима су потребне смернице за испуњавање захтева које доноси будућност. Једна од тих области је управљање, а мотивација за истраживање обављено у оквиру дисертације била је давање смерница за даљи развој у области управљања струјањем у аеротунелима великих брзина.
У дисертацији је традиционално разматрање аеротунела као инсталација за обављање стандардних типова аеродинамичких експеримената замењено сагледавањем аеротунела као система за управљање струјањем. Идеја је била да се комбиновањем метода из две области истраживања – аеродинамике и теорије управљања – које се независно развијају већ дуги низ година, стекне бољи увид у физички процес са једне стране, а са друге стране да се идентификује методологија управљања струјањем која би била универзално применљива у аеротунелима великих брзина, а која би донела побољшање тачности експеримената и њихове ефикасности...Wind tunnels are basic ground testing tools used by researchers in the field of experimental aerodynamics. The invention, the use and the development of wind tunnels have been and still are motivated by a wide range of issues in aerodynamics, as well as by the fact that theoretical and numerical methods cannot provide all the results required for making detailed design decisions in many practical cases. The most successful approach to solving almost any problem in aerodynamics is based on using results obtained theoretically, by experimentation and by numerical methods, appropriately combined and complemented by experience.
Globally, most ground testing facilities were built 50 to 70 years ago. The situation is similar also in the aerodynamics laboratory of the Military Technical Institute (Belgrade, Serbia), where the latest wind tunnel started operations some 30 years ago. Many facilities have been technologically upgraded during their lifetime, introducing new experimental techniques, which enabled the wind tunnels to adapt to the current needs despite the fact that these innovations were introduced individually, without any systematic methodology. However, accelerated technical developments in recent years have triggered thinking about implications for future research, as well as about the investments which should be initiated today within the framework of preparing to cope with the inevitable changes in the coming decades. Studies of effects of technological development on the ground testing facilities operations have indicated that, after a moderate slowdown at the turn of the century, there was again a growing trend by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, which was partially attributed to the traditionally high demands of the military and aeronautical industries, and partially to emerging new challenges in aerodynamic design. The result of this is that presently development of new wind tunnels is planned or is actually ongoing in a number of countries worldwide. Based on industrial and academic forecasts indicating that most of the existing ground testing facilities, at different levels of usage, will be needed during the 21st century, the dissertation identifies key areas of the development strategy for wind tunnels for which a roadmap is needed for complying with future requirements. One such area is control, and the motivation for the research performed in the dissertation was to define directions for further development in the domain of flow control in high speed wind tunnels.
In this dissertation, the traditional consideration of the wind tunnel as a facility for performing standard types of aerodynamic experiments has been replaced with the view of the wind tunnel as a flow control system. The idea was to gain an improved insight into the physical process on one hand and to identify a universally applicable flow control methodology for high speed wind tunnels on the other hand, with the aim of improving experiment accuracy and cost of operations by combining methods in two areas of research – aerodynamics and control theory – areas which have been developing independently for many years now..
Changes in toxin production of environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates exposed to sub-inhibitory concentrations of three common antibiotics
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an environmental pathogen that can cause severe infections in immunocompromised patients. P. aeruginosa infections are typically treated with multiple antibiotics including tobramycin, ciprofloxacin, and meropenem. However, antibiotics do not always entirely clear the bacteria from the infection site, where they may remain virulent. This is because the effective antibiotic concentration and diffusion in vitro may differ from the in vivo environment in patients. Therefore, it is important to understand the effect of non-lethal sub-inhibitory antibiotic concentrations on bacterial phenotype. Here, we investigate if sub-inhibitory antimicrobial concentrations cause alterations in bacterial virulence factor production using pyocyanin as a model toxin. We tested this using the aforementioned antibiotics on 10 environmental P. aeruginosa strains. Using on-the-spot electrochemical screening, we were able to directly quantify changes in production of pyocyanin in a measurement time of 17 seconds. Upon selecting 3 representative strains to further test the effects of sub-minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs), we found that pyocyanin production changed significantly when the bacteria were exposed to 10-fold MIC of the 3 antibiotics tested, and this was strain specific. A series of biologically relevant measured pyocyanin concentrations were also used to assess the effects of increased virulence on a culture of epithelial cells. We found a decreased viability of the epithelial cells when incubated with biologically relevant pyocyanin concentrations. This suggests that the antibiotic-induced virulence also is a value worth being enclosed in regular testing of pathogens
The red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most essential vegetable crops due to multiple ways it can be processed, as well as for the content of the nutritional phytochemicals, such as carotenoids, which are important for human health. Carotenoids are responsible for the pepper’s colour, as natural antioxidants. They are present in relatively high amounts in the ripe fruit and they play a positive role to ensure the colour stability of the final product.This research examined the carotenoids composition of the red pepper varieties: kurtovska kapija, palanechko chudo and horgosh. For each of the varieties, the following preservation technologies have been applied: pasteurization, freezing, and drying. The extraction method of carotenoids was performed by using methanol-dichloroethan and anhydrous Na2SO4. The changes in the carotenoid pigments of examined varieties during processing have been investigated quantitatively by usage of HPLC technique. The HPLC method was performed on stationary phase Nucleosil 100-3 C18, 250 x 4,6 mm, with a flow rate: 0,7 mL/min, and the gradient program with following eluents: methanol, distilled water and a mixture of isopropanol, acetonitrile and methanol. Carotenoids have been detected between 200 and 700 nm. In all of the analyzed samples, 47 peaks of carotenoids were detected, of which 5 were unknown, one was mixed, and 41 carotenoids were identified. The red pepper variety horgosh was found to contain the highest content of total carotenoids in fresh pepper fruits (690,15 µg/g), frozen pepper (587,88 µg/g), pasteurized pepper (575,76 µg/g) and dried pepper (493,94 µg/g)
Bioactivity of essential oils from cultivated winter savory, sage and hyssop
Species of the Lamiaceae family have enjoyed a rich tradition of use for flavoring, food preservation, and medicinal purposes, due to their curative and preventive properties. Cultivated winter savory (Satureja montana L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) are produced for seed, herb, and essential oil. Dominant compounds in S. montana essential oil were carvacrol (43.2%) and thymol (28.4%), while CIS-thujone (27.1%) and camphor (19.3%), followed by trans-thujone and 1,8-cineole were the major compounds in S. officinalis essential oil. As for H. officinalis essential oil, CIS-and trans-pinocamphone (41.1% and 20.5%, respectively) were the most abundant compounds, followed by b-pinene. S. montana essential oil exhibit the highest antimicrobial properties, as well as antioxidant capacity, compared to other tested essential oils. Furthermore, H. officinalis essential oils showed higher antioxidant activity than that of S. officinalis. The aim of this investigation was to determine the composition and bioactivity of essential oils of mentioned varieties. Presented results show that S. montana essential oil could be proposed as a valuable source of natural preservatives
A New Metaculus Species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) on Diplotaxis tenuifolia (Brassicaceae) From Serbia: A Combined Description Using Morphology and DNA Barcode Data
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Metaculus diplotaxi n. sp. inhabiting Diplotaxis tenuifolia ( L.) DC., is described from Serbia. To investigate interspecific variability between Metaculus spp. on three different Brassicaceae host plants ( viz. D. tenuifolia, Lepidium latifolium ( L.), Isatis tinctoria ( L.)), we analyzed phenotypic variability of morphological traits and molecular sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I ( MT- CO1). Discriminant analysis identified seven traits that significantly differentiate three Metaculus spp: M. lepidifolii, M. rapistri, and M. diplotaxi n. sp. Analysis of MT- CO1 sequences supported the results obtained from the analysis of morphometric features
Twisted SUSY: twisted symmetry versus renormalizability
We discuss a deformation of superspace based on a hermitian twist. The twist
implies a -product that is noncommutative, hermitian and finite when
expanded in power series of the deformation parameter. The Leibniz rule for the
twisted SUSY transformations is deformed. A minimal deformation of the
Wess-Zumino action is proposed and its renormalizability properties are
discussed. There is no tadpole contribution, but the two-point function
diverges. We speculate that the deformed Leibniz rule, or more generally the
twisted symmetry, interferes with renormalizability properties of the model. We
discuss different possibilities to render a renormalizable model.Comment: 20 pages, no figure
Emulating opportunistic networks with KauNet Triggers
In opportunistic networks the availability of an end-to-end path is no longer required. Instead opportunistic networks may take advantage of temporary connectivity opportunities.
Opportunistic networks present a demanding environment for network emulation as the traditional emulation setup, where application/transport endpoints only send and receive packets from the network following a black box approach,
is no longer applicable. Opportunistic networking protocols
and applications additionally need to react to the dynamics of the underlying network beyond what is conveyed through the exchange of packets.
In order to support IP-level emulation evaluations of applications and protocols that react to lower layer events, we have proposed the use of emulation triggers. Emulation triggers can emulate arbitrary cross-layer feedback and can be synchronized with other emulation effects. After introducing the design and implementation of
triggers in the KauNet emulator, we describe the integration of triggers with the DTN2 reference implementation and illustrate how the functionality can be used to emulate a classical DTN data-mule scenario
PZT-NZF/CF ferrite flexible thick films: Structural, dielectric, ferroelectric, and magnetic characterization
The preparation and properties of thick flexible three-phase composite films based on lead zirconium titanate (PZT) and various ferrites (nickel zinc ferrite (NZF) and cobalt ferrite (CF)) were reported in this study. Properties of three-phase composite films were compared with pure polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and PZT-PVDF films. X-ray diffraction data indicated the formation of well crystallized structure of PZT and NZF/CF phases, without the presence of undesirable phases. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the ceramic particles were dispersed homogeneously in the PVDF matrix and atomic force microscopy confirmed that the size of the particles is around 30 nm. Non-saturated hysteresis loops were evident in all samples due to the presence of highly conductive ferrite phases. Under magnetic field of 10 kOe, composite films exhibited a typical ferromagnetic response. Dielectric properties were investigated in the temperature range from -128 to 250 degrees C and frequency range of 400 Hz-1 MHz. The results showed that the value of dielectric constant of the PVDF/PZT/ferrite composites increased about 25% above the one obtained for pure PVDF
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