87 research outputs found

    Butterfly Cartilage Tympanoplasty Long-term Results: Excellent Treatment Method in Small and Medium Sized Perforations

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the long-term results of the butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty. Short-term and long-term hearing outcomes were compared according to age and perforation location as well. Methods Ninety-three patients who were diagnosed with noncomplicated chronic otitis media and underwent microscopic transcanal butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty due to anterior, posterior, and central tympanic membrane perforation were included. Age, gender, follow-up time, pre- and postoperative pure tone audiometry thresholds (both air and bone conduction), pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps (ABGs), if any residual perforation was noted. Results At the end of the follow-up period, successful closure occurred in 88 of 93 patients and success rate is 94.6%. In all patients, including those with residual perforations, the mean preoperative bone conduction threshold was 15.9 dB (range, 5 to 50 dB) among all groups whereas mean air conduction threshold was 36.4±15.1 dB (range, 10 to 90 dB) preoperatively and 28.8±14.3 dB in 6th month follow-up and 24.9±14.1 dB 24th month follow-up. Preoperative mean ABG was 22.1±7.1 dB (range, 5 to 40 dB) whereas 13.3±5.9 dB 6 months after surgery and 11.9±5.5 dB 24 months after surgery. There was a significant difference between pre- and postoperative ABG in both 6th and 24th month follow-up (P6 mo-24 mo<0.05). Furthermore, preoperative mean air conduction differed significantly from postoperative 6th and 24th month follow-up mean air conduction thresholds (P<0.05). Conclusion We suggested that butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty can be safely performed in small, moderate, and even large perforations, as the hearing outcomes and successful closure rate are similar to those of other surgical methods. Moreover, it can be performed under local anaesthesia and it has low complication rates

    Multifrequency immitancemetry in the diagnosis of menieres disease

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    Meniere hastalıgı'nda, artmıs iç kulak basıncına baglı olusabilen stapes hareketlerindeki kısıtlılık orta kulak admittansında degisikliklere neden olabilir. Bu çalısmanın amacı, orta kulagın admittansındaki bu olası degisiklikleri degerlendirerek multifrekans immitansmetrinin Meniere hastalıgı'ndaki tanısal degerini arastırmaktır. Meniere hastalıgı tanısı almıs 30 hasta çalısma grubu olarak alındı. Meniere hastalıgı dısındaki nedenlerle iç kulak etkilenmesi olan 30 olgu ve 30 normal olgu ise kontrol gruplarını olusturdu. Standart 226-Hz immitansmetri ve multifrekans immitansmetri testleri her hastada uygulandı. Multifrekans immitansmetride, diger gruplarla kıyaslandıgında, çalısma grubundaki hastaların etkilenmis olan kulaklarında belirgin artmıs rezonans frekans degerleri saptandı. Ancak, standart 226-Hz immitansmetride elde edilen sonuçlarda gruplar arasında belirgin fark yoktu. Bu çalısmadan elde edilen bulgular, multifrekans immitansmetrinin Meniere hastalıgı'nda olusma olasılıgı bulunan orta kulak admittansındaki degisiklikleri ortaya koyabilecegini ve bu test yönteminin Meniere Hastalıgı'nın tanısında kullanılan testler arasına girebilecegini göstermektedir In Meniere's diease, restriction in the movements of the stapes footplate by the increased inner ear pressure might cause modifications in the admittance of the middle ear. The aim of this study is to assess the diagnostic value of multifrequency immitancemetry in Meniere's disease by evaluating the possible changes in the middle ear admittance. Thirty cases with Meniere's disease served as the study group. Thirty cases with cochlear pathology other than Meniere's disease and 30 normal cases were inculded in the study as control groups. Standard immitancemetry using 226-Hz probe tone and multifrequency immitancemetry were performed on each case. Multifrequency frequency immitancemetry yielded significantly higher resonance frequencies in the affected ears of the study group when compared to those of the control groups'. However, there was no significant change between the groups in the acoustic impedances evaluated by means of standard 226-Hz probe tone immitancemetry. The findings of this study suggest that multifrequency immitancemetry might reveal the possible changes of the middle ear admitance in Meniere's disease, and might be included in the diagnostic test battery of Meniere's disease

    Burun ucu elevasyonu manevrasının anterior elektrorinomanometri ile incelenmesi

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    Objectives: The nasal valve region, which is the narrowest part of the nasal cavity, is the flow-limiting segment of the upper airway. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of tiplifting maneuver on nasal airway. Patients and Methods: Fifteen patients (6 females, 9 males; mean age 33.4 years; range 26-41 years), with nasal valve narrowing, were evaluated by electrorhinomanometry before and after nasal tip elevation. inspiratory and expiratory resistance's, the ratio of inspiratory resistance to the expiratory resistance (Ri/Re) were calculated and the angle of the nasal valve was measured. Results: Significant decreases were found in inspiratory and expiratory resistances and the Ri/Re ratio after the maneuver (p;lt;0.001). The angle of the nasal valve became significantly wider after the maneuver (p;lt;0.001). Conclusion: Tip-lifting maneuver not only results in a functional decrease in nasal airway resistance, but also an anatomical increase in the nasal valve angle.Amaç: Nazal kavitenin en dar bölümü olan nazal valv bölgesi, nazal hava akımı direncinin belirlenmesinde en önemli role sahiptir. Bu çalışmada burun ucu elevasyonunun nazal valv açısı ve nazal hava akımı üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Burun tıkanıklığı yakınması olan ve nazal valv açısında darlık saptanan 15 hastada (6 kadın, 9 erkek; ört. yaş 33.4; dağılım 26-41) burun ucu elevasyonu manevrası uygulandı. Manevra öncesi ve sonrasında elektrorinomanometri ile inspiratuar ve ekspiratuar dirençler, inspiratuar direncin ekspiratuar dirence oranı (Di/De) ve nazal valv açıları ölçüldü. Bulgular: İnspiratuar ve ekspiratuar dirençler ve Di/De oranında manevra sonrasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düşüş; nazal valv açısında ise artış saptandı (p0.001). Sonuç: Burun ucunun elevasyonu, fonksiyonel olarak nazal hava akımı dirençlerinde belirgin ra-hatlama sağlarken, alar kollapsı azaltmakta ve anatomik olarak nazal valv açısını genişletmektedi

    Badanie czasu osadzania elektrorozpylanych chemikaliów tekstylnych

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    Deposition time should be considered as an important parameter in the assessment of the electrospraying process as an application alternative because it would determine the treatment time and cost of the application. In this study, commercially available textile softeners and liquid repellents on electrosprayed on a collecting ground to statistically investigate the effect of the intrinsic properties of the chemicals and set-up parameters of electrospraying on the deposition time and to find out the mathematical relation between the deposition time and selected parameters. The results showed that the processhad ahigher deposition time when the chemicals were poured in diluted emulsions. Also the chemical type and electric field intensity had a strong contribution.Czas osadzania jest traktowany jako ważny parametr w ocenie procesu elektrorozpylania jako alternatywa dla aplikacji, ponieważ określa czas obróbki i koszt aplikacji. W pracy poddano elektrorozpyleniu dostępne na rynku środki do zmiękczania tkanin i środki odbarwiające. Środki chemiczne rozpylono na podłożu zbierającym w celu statystycznego zbadania wpływu swoistych właściwości chemikaliów i parametrów ustawiania elektrorozpylania na czas osadzania i w celu znalezienia matematycznego równania określającego zależność między czasem osadzania a wybranymi parametrami. Wyniki wykazały, że proces miał dłuższy czas osadzania, gdy chemikalia były wlewane w rozcieńczone emulsje. Również duży wpływ miały typ chemiczny i intensywność pola elektrycznego

    Middle ear impedance measurements in large vestibular aqueduct syndrome

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    WOS: 000266083700002PubMed ID: 18774248Objective: To assess the effect of inner ear pressure on middle ear impedance in patients with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS). Methods: Data from admittance tympanometry and multifrequency tympanometry on 8 LVAS patients and control subjects were studied. Results: Static acoustic compliance (SAC) values for the ears with stable sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) were within the limits of the mean values of control groups except for two ears. The resonance frequency (RF) values of the ears with stable SNHL were lower than the mean values of control groups except for three ears. SAC values for the two ears with fluctuating SNHL were lower and the RF values were higher than the mean values of control groups. Conclusion: Decreased SAC values and increased RF values found in the ears with fluctuating SNHL might be an indirect indicator of increased inner ear pressure, while low RF values in the ears with stable SNHL might reflect the decreased inner ear impedance. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved