2 research outputs found

    Existence and exact asymptotic behaviour of positive solutions for fractional boundary value problem with P-Laplacian operator

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    This paper deals with existence, uniqueness and global behaviour of a positive solution for the fractional boundary value problem Dβ(ψ(x)Φp(Dαu))=a(x)uσ D^{\beta }(\psi (x)\Phi _{p}(D^{\alpha }u))=a(x)u^{\sigma } in (0,1) (0,1) with the condition limx0Dβ1(ψ(x)Φp(Dαu(x)))=limx1ψ(x)Φp(Dαu(x))=0andlimx0Dα1u(x)=u(1)=0,\begin{equation*} \underset{x\rightarrow 0}\lim D^{\beta-1}(\psi(x)\Phi_{p}(D^{\alpha}u(x) ))=\underset{x\rightarrow 1}\lim \psi(x)\Phi_{p}(D^{\alpha}u(x))=0 \quad {\rm and} \quad \underset{x\rightarrow 0}\lim D^{\alpha-1}u(x)= u(1)=0, \end{equation*} where β,α(1,2] \beta ,\alpha \in (1,2] , Φp(t)=ttp2 \Phi _{p}(t)=t|t|^{p-2} , p>1, σ(1p,p1) \sigma \in (1-p,p-1) , the differential operator is taken in the Riemann–Liouville sense and ψ,a :(0,1)R \psi , a\ : (0,1)\longrightarrow \mathbb {R} are non-negative and continuous functions that may are singular at x=0 or x=1 and satisfies some appropriate conditions