1 research outputs found

    GIS tool to demonstrate freeway evolution in San Diego

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 33)The modern freeway system is a result of meticulous planning and strategic foresight from 1947. The motivation behind this thesis is to design an informative tool on the evolution of the freeway system in San Diego. The implementation of this project is two-fold. An interactive GIS tool is developed in Java using Map Objects distributed by ESRI, and a website with detailed information about all the freeways in San Diego County is designed using Drupal. The essence of this tool is to organize the freeway data obtained from SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) and present it in a manner that is easier to comprehend. The user gets to select any freeway from the tool and it navigates to the corresponding web link. The tool also comprises of a timeline mechanism that shows freeway construction in chronological order