42 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry generated one-way invisible PT-symmetric optical crystals

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    We use supersymmetry transformations to design transparent and one-way reflectionless (thus unidirectionally invisible) complex crystals with balanced gain and loss profiles. The scattering coefficients are investigated using the transfer matrix approach. It is shown that the amount of reflection from the left can be made arbitrarily close to zero whereas the reflection from the right is enhanced arbitrarily (or vice versa).Comment: Final versio

    Analytical stable Gaussian soliton supported by a parity-time-symmetric potential with power-law nonlinearity

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    We address the existence and stability of spatial localized modes supported by a parity-time-symmetric complex potential in the presence of power-law nonlinearity. The analytical expressions of the localized modes, which are Gaussian in nature, are obtained in both (1+1) and (2+1) dimensions. A linear stability analysis corroborated by the direct numerical simulations reveals that these analytical localized modes can propagate stably for a wide range of the potential parameters and for various order nonlinearities. Some dynamical characteristics of these solutions, such as the power and the transverse power-flow density, are also examined.Comment: Nonlinear Dynamics (2014

    Topological directed amplification

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    A phenomenon of topological directed amplification of certain initial perturbations is revealed theoretically to emerge in a class of asymptotically stable skin-effect lattices described by nonnormal Toeplitz operators HgH_g with positive ``numerical ordinate" ω(Hg)>0\omega(H_g)>0. Nonnormal temporal evolution, even in the presence of global dissipation, is shown to manifest a counterintuitive transient phase of edge-state amplification -- a behavior, drastically different from the asymptote, that spectral analysis of HgH_g fails to directly reveal. A consistent description of the effect is provided by the general tool of ``pseudospectrum", and a quantitative estimation of the maximum power amplification is provided by the {\it Kreiss constant}. A recipe to determine an optimal initial condition that will attain maximum amplification power is given by singular value decomposition of the propagator e−iHgte^{-i H_g t}. It is further predicted that the interplay between nonnormality and nonlinearity in a skin-effect laser array can facilitate narrow-emission spectra with scalable stable-output power

    Modes and exceptional points in waveguides with impedance boundary conditions

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    A planar waveguide with impedance boundary, composed of non-perfect metallic plates, and with passive or active dielectric filling is considered. We show the possibility of selective mode guiding and amplification when homogeneous pump is added to the dielectric, and analyze differences in TE and TM mode propagation. Such a non-conservative system is also shown to feature exceptional points, for specific and experimentally tunable parameters, which are described for a particular case of transparent dielectric.Comment: Optics Letters (2016

    Dirac electron in graphene under supersymmetry generated magnetic fields

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    We use supersymmetry transformations to obtain new one parameter family of inhomogeneous magnetic fields B=B~(x,λ)e^z\mathbf{B} = \widetilde{\mathcal{B}}(x,\lambda) \hat{e}_z for which the massless Dirac electron possesses exact solution. The inhomogeneity appearing in B~(x,λ)\widetilde{\mathcal{B}}(x,\lambda) can be controlled by the parameter λ\lambda. The obtained magnetic fields are interpreted as deformed variants of some physically attainable well known magnetic fields. A particular example, when a constant magnetic field is deformed, is considered to show that equidistant Landau levels exist even in the presence of an infinite number of specially designed inhomogeneous magnetic fields

    Waveguides with Absorbing Boundaries: Nonlinearity Controlled by an Exceptional Point and Solitons

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    We reveal the existence of continuous families of guided single-mode solitons in planar waveguides with weakly nonlinear active core and absorbing boundaries. Stable propagation of TE and TM-polarized solitons is accompanied by attenuation of all other modes, i.e. the waveguide features properties of conservative and dissipative systems. If the linear spectrum of the waveguide possesses exceptional points, which occurs in the case of TM-polarization, an originally focusing (defocusing) material nonlinearity may become effectively defocusing (focusing). This occurs due to the geometric phase of the carried eigenmode when the surface impedance encircles the exceptional point. In its turn the change of the effective nonlinearity ensures the existence of dark (bright) solitons in spite of focusing (defocusing) Kerr nonlinearity of the core. The existence of an exceptional point can also result in anomalous enhancement of the effective nonlinearity. In terms of practical applications the nonlinearity of the reported waveguide can be manipulated by controlling the properties of the absorbing cladding.Comment: Published versio