6 research outputs found

    The applicability of Process Mining to determine and align process model descriptions

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    Within the HU University of Applied Sciences (HU) the department HU Services (HUS) has not got enough insight in their IT Service Management processes to align them to the new Information System that is implemented to support the service management function. The problem that rises from this is that it is not clear for the HU how the actual Incident Management process as facilitated by the application is actually executed. Subsequently it is not clear what adjustments have to be made to the process descriptions to have it resemble the process in the IT Service Management tool. To determine the actual process the HU wants to use Process Mining. Therefore the research question for this study is: ‘How is Process Mining applicable to determine the actual Incident Management process and align this to the existing process model descriptions?’ For this research a case study is performed using Process Mining to check if the actual process resembles like the predefined process. The findings show that it is not possible to mine the process within the scope of the predefined process. The event data are too limited in granularity. From this we conclude that adjustment of the granularity of the given process model to the granularity of the used event data or vice versa is important

    Business Customer eXperience Alignment Framework: Improving Customer Satisfaction

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    Globalization and technological innovation has led to an increasing competition between telecommunication service providers and has eroded traditional product- and service-based differentiation. One way to gain a competitive advantage is to create distinctiveness by improving customer experience in such a manner that it leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. One of the drivers to improve the customer experience is the service interface. To improve this service interface, organizations must get insight into their customer interaction process. The amount of data about customers and the service provider processes is increasing and becoming more readily available for analysis. Process mining is a technique to provide insight into these processes. In this paper, a framework is presented to improve the customer satisfaction by alignment of the business service delivery process and the customer experience by applying process mining

    Software Architecture Patterns for System Administration Support

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    Many quality aspects of software systems are addressed in the existing literature on software architecture patterns. But the aspect of system administration seems to be a bit overlooked, even though it is an important aspect too. In this work we present three software architecture patterns that, when applied by software architects, support the work of system administrators: PROVIDE AN ADMINISTRATION API, SINGLE FILE LOCATION, and CENTRALIZED SYSTEM LOGGING. PROVIDE AN ADMINISTRATION API should solve problems encountered when trying to automate administration tasks. The SINGLE FILE LOCATION pattern should help system administrators to find the files of an application in one (hierarchical) place. CENTRALIZED SYSTEM LOGGING is useful to prevent coming up with several logging formats and locations. Abstract provided by the authors. Published in PLoP '13: Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs ACM

    NAF Insight: Proces en Text Mining

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    Uit de aankondiging: "Steeds meer systemen loggen gegevens over hoe het bedrijfsproces verloopt, maar loopt het proces wel zoals het bedoeld was? Wat zijn de knelpunten? Text mining is vaak lastig doordat er tijdstippen ontbreken, process mining kan niet werken zonder tijdstippen, de combinatie van die twee technieken kan elkaar versterken. Bij sentiment mining weet je wel wat iemands zijn gevoelens zijn, maar niet zijn drijfveren, terwijl drijfveren juist een betere verklaring voor iemands gedrag vormen. De combinatie van deze technieken biedt mogelijkheden om nieuwe inzichten te verwerven rond customer journeys, zodat de klant uiteindelijk beter geholpen wordt." http://www.naf.nl/events/proces-text-mining

    Weaving in patterns into it infrastructure models: industry case and exemplary approaches

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    Author supplied, from ACM website: Architectural patterns are a helpful means for designing IT architectures, as they facilitate re-using proven knowledge (good practices) from previous exercises. Furthermore referencing a pattern in an architecture model helps improving the understandability of the model, as it directs to a comprehensive description of the pattern, but does not require to include the full description into the model. In this paper we describe how patterns can be woven into architecture models, focusing on deployment views of the IT infrastructure. Two different modeling approaches, Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) and ArchiMate, are compared based on a real-world case concerning the infrastructure architecture of a large data center. This paper provides practical insights for IT architects from the industry by discussing the practical case and comparing both modeling approaches. Furthermore, it is supposed to intensify the exchange between industry experts and scientific researchers and it should motivate pursuing further research concerning patterns and IT infrastructure models

    An Agile Framework for Trustworthy AI

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    From the article: The ethics guidelines put forward by the AI High Level Expert Group (AI-HLEG) present a list of seven key requirements that Human-centered, trustworthy AI systems should meet. These guidelines are useful for the evaluation of AI systems, but can be complemented by applied methods and tools for the development of trustworthy AI systems in practice. In this position paper we propose a framework for translating the AI-HLEG ethics guidelines into the specific context within which an AI system operates. This approach aligns well with a set of Agile principles commonly employed in software engineering. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2659