9 research outputs found

    Policy analysis of water management for the Netherlands. Vol VA: Methodological appendixes to Vol V

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    This volume contains seven technical appendixes to Vol. V, [Design of Managerial Strategies]. This volume is properly regarded as part of Vol. V, rather than as a volume in its own right. Some of the appendixes in this volume also serve as appendixes for Vol. XI, [Water Distribution Model]. Topics discussed include details of the MSDM network, derivation of the balance equation for a pollutant at a node, details of water quality modeling in DM and MSDM, details of salt modeling in MSDM, details of thermal pollution modeling in MSDM, details of the representation of agriculture in MSDM, and details of shipping losses due to low water in MSDM.PAW

    Policy analysis of water management for the Netherlands. Vol V: Design of managerial strategies

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    This volume investigates what day-to-day actions will bring about the distribution of surface water most beneficial to all water users and uses. It describes the Managerial Strategy Design Model (MSDM), and the results that have been obtained with it. Given a fixed set of facilities, MSDM determines a managerial strategy that yields the lowest possible total cost to all users of water. Chapters 2 through 7 discuss the formulation of the model. The computational features and mechanics of using the model are described in Chap. 8. Chapters 9 through 11 present some results and conclusions obtained from exercising MSDM.PAW

    Protecting an estuary from floods: A policy analysis of the Oosterschelde. Vol 5: Anaerobic conditions and related ecological disturbances

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    The fifth volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from North Sea floods. Volume V describes a mathematical model that was developed for estimating the potential for anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions in the proposed Eastern Basin of the Oosterschelde when the basin is converted from a salt- to a fresh-water lake. This conversion will kill the existing flora and fauna and may temporarily deplete the water of oxygen. Using the model, this report shows that anaerobic conditions vary with the velocity of the wind and the size of the basin. The alternatives that involve a small Eastern Basin are favored.Polan

    Protecting an estuary from floods: A policy analysis of the Oosterschelde. Vol 4: Assessment of algae blooms, a potential ecological disturbance

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    The fourth volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from North Sea floods. Volume IV describes a mathematical model that was developed to estimate the risk of algae blooms and presents the results by applying the model to the present Oosterschelde and the different alternatives. When conditions are favorable to algae, the resulting bloom may deplete the water of oxygen and poison the fish and plants or clog filters in water systems. The model uses linear programming techniques to predict the maximum algae biomass that could occur, subject to various constraints on growth, such as the availability of nutrients.Polan

    Policy analysis of water management for the Netherlands. Vol VI: Design of eutrophication control strategies

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    This volume discusses the methodology and results of the special PAWN study of eutrophication control. It should be read in conjunction with Vol. III, Screening of Eutrophication Control Tactics. Volume VI estimates the effectiveness of many of the tactics discussed in Vol. III for controlling phytoplankton blooms in the particular circumstances found in Dutch lakes. Part 1 discusses CHARON, the nutrient model being developed under the WABASIM project. Among the subjects discussed are model formulation, nutrient transport and exchange processes, calibration and validation, and some results. Part 2 deals with BLOOM II, the phytoplankton model that, like CHARON, is being developed under the WABASIM project. It outlines the formulation of the model, data requirements, and calibration and validation. Part 3 treats OXYMOD, the dissolved oxygen model developed under PAWN. Subjects dealt with include formulation, data needs, calibration, and recommendations for further development. Part 4 presents results and conclusions.PAW

    Protecting an estuary from floods: A policy analysis of the Oosterschelde. Vol 3: Assessment of long-run ecological balances

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    The third volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from North Sea floods. Volume III describes how the abundances of the Oosterschelde's different species would change in the long run with variations in the alternatives and certain assumptions; the variations included different apertures for the storm-surge barrier, different sizes for the salt-water basin, and different rates for fishing and detritus import. The report also discusses in detail the ecology model that was developed using mathematical concepts new to ecology. Results of an attempt to validate the model are given, using data from the Grevelingen, an estuary adjacent to and similar to the Oosterschelde.Polan

    Protecting an estuary from floods: A policy analysis of the Oosterschelde. Vol 2: Assessment of security from flooding

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    The second volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from North Sea floods. Volume II describes the methodology developed to estimate the likelihood and severity of flood damage to people, property, and land under each of the alternatives. These are subjected to many simulated threats expressed in terms of storm water levels. The methodology's damage estimates compared favorably with the actual damage observed in a severe 1953 storm. Also assessed is the reliability of the storm-surge barrier. The report demonstrates how security varies, in both the long-run and construction periods, with changes in the alternatives and assumptions.Polan

    Protecting an estuary from floods: A policy analysis of the Oosterschelde. Vol 1: Summary report

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    The first volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from North Sea floods. Volume I describes the approach and summarizes the results of the complete analysis. The many impacts of each alternative--including financial costs, flood security, ecological changes, and selected economic and social effects--are presented and compared through the novel use of colored scorecards. The report shows how the impacts vary with changes in the design of the alternatives and in certain assumptions. This work, combined with special studies by the Rijkswaterstaat, was the foundation of the report on which the Parliament based its selection of an alternative in June 1976.Polan