13 research outputs found

    Laser Scheme for Doppler Cooling of the Hydroxyl Cation (OH+^+)

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    We report on a cycling scheme for Doppler cooling of trapped OH+^+ ions using transitions between the electronic ground state X3Σ−X^3\Sigma^- and the first excited triplet state A3ΠA^3\Pi. We have identified relevant transitions for photon cycling and repumping, have found that coupling into other electronic states is strongly suppressed, and have calculated the number of photon scatterings required to cool OH+^+ to a temperature where Raman sideband cooling can take over. In contrast to the standard approach, where molecular ions are sympathetically cooled, our scheme does not require co-trapping of another species and opens the door to the creation of pure samples of cold molecular ions with potential applications in quantum information, quantum chemistry, and astrochemistry. The laser cooling scheme identified for OH+^+ is efficient despite the absence of near-diagonal Franck-Condon factors, suggesting that broader classes of molecules and molecular ions are amenable to laser cooling than commonly assumed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Automated detection of laser cooling schemes for ultracold molecules

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    One of the demanding frontiers in ultracold science is identifying laser cooling schemes for complex atoms and molecules, out of their vast spectra of internal states. Motivated by a need to expand the set of available ultracold molecules for applications in fundamental physics, chemistry, astrochemistry, and quantum simulation, we propose and demonstrate an automated graph-based search approach for viable laser cooling schemes. The method is time efficient and the outcomes greatly surpass the results of manual searches used so far. We discover new laser cooling schemes for C2_2, OH+^+, CN, YO, and CO2_2 that can be viewed as surprising or counterintuitive compared to previously identified laser cooling schemes. In addition, a central insight of this work is that the reinterpretation of quantum states and transitions between them as a graph can dramatically enhance our ability to identify new quantum control schemes for complex quantum systems. As such, this approach will also be applicable to complex atoms and, in fact, any complex many-body quantum system with a discrete spectrum of internal states.Comment: 10 pages and 5 figures in the main text + 11 pages and 7 figures in appendices. Comments and feedback are very welcome. Code is available at https://github.com/Shmoo137/Detection-Of-Laser-Cooled-Molecule

    Collisionally Stable Gas of Bosonic Dipolar Ground State Molecules

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    Stable ultracold ensembles of dipolar molecules hold great promise for many-body quantum physics, but high inelastic loss rates have been a long-standing challenge. Recently, it was shown that gases of fermionic molecules can be effectively stabilized through external fields. However, many quantum applications will benefit from molecular ensembles with bosonic statistics. Here, we stabilize a bosonic gas of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules against inelastic losses via microwave shielding, decreasing losses by more than a factor of 200 and reaching lifetimes on the scale of 1 second. We also measure high elastic scattering rates, a result of strong dipolar interactions, and observe the anisotropic nature of dipolar collisions. Finally, we demonstrate evaporative cooling of a bosonic molecular gas to a temperature of 36(5) nK, increasing its phase-space density by a factor of 20. This work is a critical step towards the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Ultracold Gas of Dipolar NaCs Ground State Molecules

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    We report on the creation of bosonic NaCs molecules in their absolute rovibrational ground state via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We create ultracold gases with up to 22,000 dipolar NaCs molecules at a temperature of 300(50) nK and a peak density of 1.0(4)×10121.0(4) \times 10^{12} cm−3^{-3}. We demonstrate comprehensive quantum state control by preparing the molecules in a specific electronic, vibrational, rotational, and hyperfine state. Employing the tunability and strength of the permanent electric dipole moment of NaCs, we induce dipole moments of up to 2.6 D. Dipolar systems of NaCs molecules are uniquely suited to explore strongly interacting phases in dipolar quantum matter.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Efficient Pathway to NaCs Ground State Molecules

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    We present a study of two-photon pathways for the transfer of NaCs molecules to their rovibrational ground state. Starting from NaCs Feshbach molecules, we perform bound-bound excited state spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 900~nm to 940~nm, covering more than 30 vibrational states of the c \, ^3\Sigma^+, b \, ^3\Pi, and B \, ^1\Pi electronic states. Analyzing the rotational substructure, we identify the highly mixed c \, ^3\Sigma^+_1 \, |v=22 \rangle \sim b \, ^3\Pi_1 \, | v=54\rangle state as an efficient bridge for stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP). We demonstrate transfer into the NaCs ground state with an efficiency of up to 88(4)\%. Highly efficient transfer is critical for the realization of many-body quantum phases of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules and high fidelity detection of single molecules, for example, in spin physics experiments in optical lattices and quantum information experiments in optical tweezer arrays.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    A High Phase-Space Density Gas of NaCs Feshbach Molecules

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    We report on the creation of ultracold gases of bosonic Feshbach molecules of NaCs. The molecules are associated from overlapping gases of Na and Cs using a Feshbach resonance at 864.12(5) G. We characterize the Feshbach resonance using bound state spectroscopy, in conjunction with a coupled-channel calculation. By varying the temperature and atom numbers of the initial atomic mixtures, we demonstrate the association of NaCs gases over a wide dynamic range of molecule numbers and temperatures, reaching 70 nK for our coldest systems and a phase-space density (PSD) near 0.1. This is an important stepping-stone for the creation of degenerate gases of strongly dipolar NaCs molecules in their absolute ground state.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, supplemental materia

    Laser Cooling Scheme for the Carbon Dimer (12^{12}C2_2)

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    We report on a scheme for laser cooling of 12^{12}C2_2. We have calculated the branching ratios for cycling and repumping transitions and calculated the number of photon scatterings required to achieve deflection and laser cooling of a beam of C2C_2 molecules under realistic experimental conditions. Our results demonstrate that C2_2 cooling using the Swan (d3Πg↔a3Πud^3\Pi_\text{g} \leftrightarrow a^3\Pi_\text{u}) and Duck (d3Πg↔c3Σu+d^3\Pi_\text{g} \leftrightarrow c^3\Sigma_\text{u}^+) bands is achievable via techniques similar to state-of-the-art molecular cooling experiments. The Phillips (A1Πu↔X1Σg+A^1\Pi_\text{u} \leftrightarrow X^1\Sigma_\text{g}^+) and Ballik-Ramsay (b3Σg−↔a3Πub^3\Sigma_\text{g}^- \leftrightarrow a^3\Pi_\text{u}) bands offer the potential for narrow-line cooling. This work opens up a path to cooling of molecules with carbon-carbon bonds and may pave the way toward quantum control of organic molecules.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure