13 research outputs found

    Large-k Limit of Multi-Point Propagators in the RG Formalism

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    Renormalized versions of cosmological perturbation theory have been very successful in recent years in describing the evolution of structure formation in the weakly non-linear regime. The concept of multi-point propagators has been introduced as a tool to quantify the relation between the initial matter distribution and the final one and to push the validity of the approaches to smaller scales. We generalize the n-point propagators that have been considered until now to include a new class of multi-point propagators that are relevant in the framework of the renormalization group formalism. The large-k results obtained for this general class of multi-point propagators match the results obtained earlier both in the case of Gaussian and non-Gaussian initial conditions. We discuss how the large-k results can be used to improve on the accuracy of the calculations of the power spectrum and bispectrum in the presence of initial non-Gaussianities.Comment: 30 page

    Unbound Particles in Dark Matter Halos

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    We investigate unbound dark matter particles in halos by tracing particle trajectories in a simulation run to the far future (a = 100). We find that the traditional sum of kinetic and potential energies is a very poor predictor of which dark matter particles will eventually become unbound from halos. We also study the mass fraction of unbound particles, which increases strongly towards the edges of halos, and decreases significantly at higher redshifts. We discuss implications for dark matter detection experiments, precision calibrations of the halo mass function, the use of baryon fractions to constrain dark energy, and searches for intergalactic supernovae.Comment: Significant improvements following referee suggestion

    Coarse-grained cosmological perturbation theory

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    Semi-analytical methods, based on Eulerian perturbation theory, are a promising tool to follow the time evolution of cosmological perturbations at small redshifts and at mildly nonlinear scales. All these schemes are based on two approximations: the existence of a smoothing scale and the single-stream approximation, where velocity dispersion of the dark matter fluid, as well as higher moments of the particle distributions, are neglected. Despite being widely recognized, these two assumptions are, in principle, incompatible, since any finite smoothing scale gives rise to velocity dispersion and higher moments at larger scales. We describe a new approach to perturbation theory, where the Vlasov and fluid equations are derived in presence of a finite coarse-graining scale: this allows a clear separation between long and short distance modes and leads to a hybrid approach where the former are treated perturbatively and the effect of the latter is encoded in external source terms for velocity, velocity dispersion, and all the higher order moments, which can be computed from N-body simulations. We apply the coarse-grained perturbation theory to the computation of the power spectrum and the cross-spectrum between density and velocity dispersion, and compare the results with N-body simulations, finding good agreement. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA