3 research outputs found

    Utilization of passive sonic telemetry as indicators of movement and nesting of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin)

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    Numerous anthropogenic factors pose serious threats to estuarine ecosystems and the organisms inhabiting them. Bulkheading (i.e., construction of shoreline walls), dredging, boating, shoreline development, over-harvesting, and pollution are some of the major human impacts to estuaries in North America. The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is an ideal species for determining the effects of human impacts to estuarine wildlife, because their habitat use and behavior uniquely utilize both land and aquatic habitats that comprise estuaries. The objective of this study is to determine the home range and nest site selection of diamondback terrapins in relation to anthropogenic impacts in Barnegat Bay Estuary, New Jersey. We will use passive sonic telemetry technology and multiple Submersible Underwater Receivers (SURs) to remotely track free-ranging terrapins throughout the Bay. We will position SURs in arrays throughout areas of the Bay where we have marked terrapins over the last three years to monitor the movements of individual terrapins. Fifteen terrapins will be outfitted with sonic transmitters per site, which will send signals to the SUR when terrapins are within range. Frequency, date, and time of signal reception will be logged remotely by each SUR. From these data we will determine the individual terrapin whose signal was received, and movements of individuals throughout the monitored areas. Gravid (i.e., egg-bearing) females will be closely monitored to determine the nest site(s) used. Reproductive success of nests will be determined for each monitored female. Wherever possible we will determine the cause(s) of nest failure. Our study will be critical in determining the direct and indirect effects of anthropogenic impacts to terrapins in areas of known high terrapin densities. These findings will aid in management decisions regarding both aquatic (e.g., boat) and land (e.g., beach) uses in relation to ensuring the viability of wildlife resources within the Barnegat Bay Estuary