172 research outputs found

    Symmetric Spaces and Star representations II : Causal Symmetric Spaces

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    We construct and identify star representations canonically associated with holonomy reducible simple symplectic symmetric spaces. This leads the a non-commutative geometric realization of the correspondence between causal symmetric spaces of Cayley type and Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type.Comment: 13 page

    Strict Deformation Quantization for Actions of a Class of Symplectic Lie Groups

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    We present explicit universal strict deformation quantization formulae for actions of Iwasawa subgroups AN of SU(1,n). This answers a question raised by Rieffel.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, reference added, minor corrections in the Introductio

    Non-formal deformation quantizations of solvable Ricci-type symplectic symmetric spaces

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    Ricci-type symplectic manifolds have been introduced and extensively studied by M. Cahen et al.. In this note, we describe their deformation quantizations in the split solvable symmetric case. In particular, we introduce the notion of non-formal tempered deformation quantization on such a space. We show that the set of tempered deformation quantizations is in one-to-one correspondence with the space of Schwartz operator multipliers on the real line. Moreover we prove that every invariant formal star product on a split Ricci-type solvable symmetric space is an asymptotic expansion of a tempered non-formal quantization. This note illustrates and partially reviews through an example a problematic studied by the author regarding non-formal quantization in presence of large groups of symmetries

    Homotopes of Symmetric Spaces I. Construction by Algebras with Two Involutions

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    We investigate a special kind of contraction of symmetric spaces (respectively, of Lie triple systems), called homotopy. In this first part of a series of two papers we construct such contractions for classical symmetric spaces in an elementary way by using associative algebras with several involutions. This construction shows a remarkable duality between the underlying "space" and the "deformation parameter".Comment: V2: minor correction

    Affine connections and symmetry jets

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    We establish a bijective correspondence between affine connections and a class of semi-holonomic jets of local diffeomorphisms of the underlying manifold called symmetry jets in the text. The symmetry jet corresponding to a torsion free connection consists in the family of 22-jets of the geodesic symmetries. Conversely, any connection is described in terms of the geodesic symmetries by a simple formula involving only the Lie bracket of vector fields. We then formulate, in terms of the symmetry jet, several aspects of the theory of affine connections and obtain geometric and intrinsic descriptions of various related objects involving the gauge groupoid of the frame bundle. In particular, the property of uniqueness of affine extension admits an equivalent formulation as the property of existence and uniqueness of a certain groupoid morphism. Moreover, affine extension may be carried out at all orders and this allows for a description of the tensors associated to an affine connections, namely the torsion, the curvature and their covariant derivatives of all orders, as obstructions for the affine extension to be holonomic. In addition this framework provides a nice interpretation for the absence of other tensors.Comment: 94 pages, 15 figure

    Homotopes of Symmetric Spaces II. Structure Variety and Classification

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    We classify homotopes of classical symmetric spaces (studied in Part I of this work). Our classification uses the fibered structure of homotopes: they are fibered as symmetric spaces, with flat fibers, over a non-degenerate base; the base spaces correspond to inner ideals in Jordan pairs. Using that inner ideals in classical Jordan pairs are always complemented (in the sense defined by O. Loos and E. Neher), the classification of homotopes is obtained by combining the classification of inner ideals with the one of isotopes of a given inner ideal.Comment: V2: minor corrections and modification

    Bargmann-Fock realization of the noncommutative torus

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    We give an interpretation of the Bargman transform as a correspondence between state spaces that is analogous to commonly considered intertwiners in representation theory of finite groups. We observe that the non-commutative torus is nothing else that the range of the star-exponential for the Heisenberg group within the Kirillov's orbit method context. We deduce from this a realization of the non-commutative torus as acting on a Fock space of entire functions
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