20 research outputs found

    Method to obtain absolute impurity density profiles combining charge exchange and beam emission spectroscopy without absolute intensity calibration

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    Investigation of impurity transport properties in tokamak plasmas is essential and a diagnostic that can provide information on the impurity content is required. Combining charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) and beam emission spectroscopy (BES), absolute radial profiles of impurity densities can be obtained from the CXRS and BES intensities, electron density and CXRS and BES emission rates, without requiring any absolute calibration of the spectra. The technique is demonstrated here with absolute impurity density radial profiles obtained in TEXTOR plasmas, using a high efficiency charge exchange spectrometer with high etendue, that measures the CXRS and BES spectra along the same lines-of-sight, offering an additional advantage for the determination of absolute impurity densities

    Cryo-electron tomography of cells: connecting structure and function

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    Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) allows the visualization of cellular structures under close-to-life conditions and at molecular resolution. While it is inherently a static approach, yielding structural information about supramolecular organization at a certain time point, it can nevertheless provide insights into function of the structures imaged, in particular, when supplemented by other approaches. Here, we review the use of experimental methods that supplement cryo-ET imaging of whole cells. These include genetic and pharmacological manipulations, as well as correlative light microscopy and cryo-ET. While these methods have mostly been used to detect and identify structures visualized in cryo-ET or to assist the search for a feature of interest, we expect that in the future they will play a more important role in the functional interpretation of cryo-tomograms

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Conceptual studies on spectroscopy and radiation diagnostic systems for plasma control on DEMO

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    The roadmap to the realization of fusion energy describes a path towards the development of a DEMO tokamak reactor, which is expected to provide electricity into the grid by the mid of the century (Romanelli, 2013). The DEMO diagnostic and control (D&C) system must provide measurements with high reliability and accuracy, not only constrained by space restrictions in the blanket, but also by adverse effects induced by neutron, gamma radiation and particle fluxes. In view of the concept development for DEMO control, an initial selection of suitable diagnostics has been obtained (Biel a al., 2019). This initial group of diagnostic consists of 6 methods: Microwave diagnostics, thermo-current measurements, magnetic diagnostics, neutron/gamma diagnostics, IR interferometry/polarimetry, and a variety of spectroscopic and radiation measurement systems. A key aspect for the implementation, performance and lifetime assessment of these systems on DEMO, is mainly attributable to their location, that must be well protected, and meet their own set of specific requirements. With this in mind, sightline analysis, space consumption and the evaluation of optical systems are the main assessment tools to obtain a high level of integration, reliability and robustness of all this instrumentation; essential features in future commercial fusion power nuclear plants. In this paper we concentrate on spectroscopic and radiation measurement systems that require sightlines over a large range of plasma regions and inner reactor surfaces. Moreover, this paper outlines the main results and strategies adopted in this early stage of DEMO conceptual design to assess the feasibility of this initial set of diagnostic methods based on sightlines and the integration of these needed for DEMO D&C

    Preliminary study of a visible, high spatial resolution spectrometer for DEMO divertor survey

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    Developments towards DEMO Diagnostic and Control (D&C) system conceptual design are based on a subset of ITER mature diagnostic systems, whose eligibility for DEMO has been endorsed by their robustness, long lifetime expectancy and feasible remote maintenance [1]. They are devoted to ensure the machine operation in compliance with safety requirements and high availability. In particular, the evolution of divertor spectroscopic measurements on fusion experiments has demonstrated their potential as a control method for divertor protection via detachment control [2, 3] (near ultraviolet, 300-400 nm) and monitoring of the plasma-wall interaction (visible range, 400-700 nm) [4]. These characteristics make this method one of the leading candidates for DEMO detachment and radiation control power. In line with the application of a system engineering approach [5], initial assessments of design and feasibility of a VIS high spatial resolution spectrometer for the DEMO divertor survey based on early DEMO control requirements are presented and discussed. The proposed system is located at the equatorial port and it is composed of 3 oblique lines of sights (LoS), 9 toroidal mirrors, 6 plane mirrors and 6 spectrometers examining the outer, inner and X-point divertor region, optimized for the monitoring of chord-integrated NUV/VIS signals under parallel divertor plasmas observation. The wavelengths of interest, spatial resolution and main integration issues are reported

    Active beam spectroscopy for ITER

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    Since the first feasibility studies of active beam spectroscopy on ITER in 1995 the proposed diagnostic has developed into a well advanced and mature system. Substantial progress has been achieved on the physics side including comprehensive performance studies based on an advanced predictive code, which simulates active and passive features of the expected spectral ranges. The simulation has enabled detailed specifications for an optimized instrumentation and has helped to specify suitable diagnostic neutral beam parameters.Four ITER partners share presently the task of developing a suite of ITER active beam diagnostics. which make use of the two 0.5 MeV/amu 18 MW heating neutral beams and a dedicated 0.1 MeV/amu, 3.6 MW diagnostic neutral beam. The IN ITER team is responsible for the DNB development and also for beam physics related aspects of the diagnostic. The RF will be responsible for edge CXRS system covering the outer region of the plasma (1 > r/a > 0.4) using an equatorial observation port, and the EU will develop the core CXRS system for the very core (0 < r/a < 0.7) using a top observation port. Thus optimum radial resolution is ensured for each system with better than a/30 resolution. Finally, the US will develop a dedicated MSE system making use of the HNBs and two equatorial ports. With appropriate modification, these systems could also potentially provide information on alpha particle slowing-down features..On the engineering side, comprehensive preparations were made involving the development of an observation periscope, a neutron labyrinth optical system and design studies for remote maintenance including the exchange of the first mirror assembly, a critical issue for the operation of the CXRS diagnostic in the harsh ITER environment.Additionally, an essential change of the orientation of the DNB injection angle and specification of suitable blanket aperture has been made to avoid trapped particle damage to the first wall. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Status of the R&amp;D activities to the design of an ITER core CXRS diagnostic system

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    The CXRS (Charge-eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy) diagnostic for the core plasma of ITER will be designed to provide observation of the dedicated diagnostic beam (DNB) over a wide radial range, roughly from a normalised radius r/a = 0.7 to close to the plasma axis. The collected light will be transported through the Upper Port Plug #3 (UPP3) to a bundle of fibres and ultimately to a set of remote spectrometers. The design is particularly challenging in view of the ITER environment of particle, heat and neutron fluxes, temperature cycles, electromagnetic loads, vibrations, expected material degradation and fatigue, constraints against tritium penetration, integration in the plug and limited opportunities for maintenance. Moreover, a high performance (étendue × transmission, dynamic range) is expected for the port plug system since the beam attenuation is large and the background light omnipresent, especially in terms of bremsstrahlung, line radiation and reflections. The present contribution will give an overview of the current status and activities which deal with the core CXRS system, summarising the investigations which have taken place before entering the actual development and design phase

    Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation

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    \u3cp\u3eThe optimized superconducting stellarator device Wendelstein 7-X (with major radius R = 5.5 m, minor radius a = 0.5 m, and 30 m3 plasma volume) restarted operation after the assembly of a graphite heat shield and 10 inertially cooled island divertor modules. This paper reports on the results from the first high-performance plasma operation. Glow discharge conditioning and ECRH conditioning discharges in helium turned out to be important for density and edge radiation control. Plasma densities of 1-4.5 × 10\u3csup\u3e19\u3c/sup\u3e m\u3csup\u3e-3\u3c/sup\u3e with central electron temperatures 5-10 keV were routinely achieved with hydrogen gas fueling, frequently terminated by a radiative collapse. In a first stage, plasma densities up to 1.4 × 10\u3csup\u3e20\u3c/sup\u3e m\u3csup\u3e-3\u3c/sup\u3e were reached with hydrogen pellet injection and helium gas fueling. Here, the ions are indirectly heated, and at a central density of 8 · 10\u3csup\u3e19\u3c/sup\u3e m\u3csup\u3e-3\u3c/sup\u3e a temperature of 3.4 keV with Te/Ti = 1 was transiently accomplished, which corresponds to nTi(0)TE = 6.4 × 10\u3csup\u3e19\u3c/sup\u3e keV s m\u3csup\u3e-3\u3c/sup\u3e with a peak diamagnetic energy of 1.1 MJ and volume-averaged normalized plasma pressure {B}= 1.2%. The routine access to high plasma densities was opened with boronization of the first wall. After boronization, the oxygen impurity content was reduced by a factor of 10, the carbon impurity content by a factor of 5. The reduced (edge) plasma radiation level gives routinely access to higher densities without radiation collapse, e.g. well above 1 × 1020 m\u3csup\u3e-2\u3c/sup\u3e line integrated density and Te = Ti = 2 keV central temperatures at moderate ECRH power. Both X2 and O2 mode ECRH schemes were successfully applied. Core turbulence was measured with a phase contrast imaging diagnostic and suppression of turbulence during pellet injection was observed.\u3c/p\u3