18 research outputs found

    Drosophila TNF modulates tissue tension in the embryo to facilitate macrophage invasive migration

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    Migrating cells penetrate tissue barriers during development, inflammatory responses, and tumor metastasis. We study if migration in vivo in such three-dimensionally confined environments requires changes in the mechanical properties of the surrounding cells using embryonic Drosophila melanogaster hemocytes, also called macrophages, as a model. We find that macrophage invasion into the germband through transient separation of the apposing ectoderm and mesoderm requires cell deformations and reductions in apical tension in the ectoderm. Interestingly, the genetic pathway governing these mechanical shifts acts downstream of the only known tumor necrosis factor superfamily member in Drosophila, Eiger, and its receptor, Grindelwald. Eiger-Grindelwald signaling reduces levels of active Myosin in the germband ectodermal cortex through the localization of a Crumbs complex component, Patj (Pals-1-associated tight junction protein). We therefore elucidate a distinct molecular pathway that controls tissue tension and demonstrate the importance of such regulation for invasive migration in vivo

    A conserved major facilitator superfamily member orchestrates a subset of O-glycosylation to aid macrophage tissue invasion

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    Aberrant display of the truncated core1 O-glycan T-antigen is a common feature of human cancer cells that correlates with metastasis. Here we show that T-antigen in Drosophila melanogaster macrophages is involved in their developmentally programmed tissue invasion. Higher macrophage T-antigen levels require an atypical major facilitator superfamily (MFS) member that we named Minerva which enables macrophage dissemination and invasion. We characterize for the first time the T and Tn glycoform O-glycoproteome of the Drosophila melanogaster embryo, and determine that Minerva increases the presence of T-antigen on proteins in pathways previously linked to cancer, most strongly on the sulfhydryl oxidase Qsox1 which we show is required for macrophage tissue entry. Minerva’s vertebrate ortholog, MFSD1, rescues the minerva mutant’s migration and T-antigen glycosylation defects. We thus identify a key conserved regulator that orchestrates O-glycosylation on a protein subset to activate a program governing migration steps important for both development and cancer metastasis

    Heiric von Auxerre, Miracula sancti Germani – Buch II

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    Das Werk ist eine kritische Edition und deutsche Übersetzung des zweiten Buchs der "Miracula sancti Germani" des Heiric von Auxerre, geschrieben zwischen ca. 873 und 875 – eine bemerkenswerte Quelle für die Geschichte des Klosters Saint-Germain-d'Auxerre, aber auch für die Vorstellungsgeschichte, den Heiligenkult und die Idee der "drei Ordnungen" der Arbeiter, Kämpfer und Beter

    Incidence of Gallstone Formation and Cholecystectomy 10 Years After Bariatric Surgery.

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    PURPOSE Rapid weight loss is a risk factor for gallstone formation, and postoperative treatment options for gallstone formation are still part of scientific discussion. No prospective studies monitored the incidence for gallstone formation and subsequent cholecystectomy after bariatric surgery longer than 5 years. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of gallstone formation and cholecystectomy in bariatric patients over 10 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS One hundred nine patients were observed over 10 years after laparoscopic gastric banding or gastric bypass/gastric sleeve. The incidence of gallstone formation and cholecystectomy was correlated to longitudinal changes in anthropometric parameters. RESULTS In total, 91 female and 18 male patients were examined. Nineteen patients had postoperative gallstone formation, and 12 female patients required cholecystectomy. The number needed to harm for gallstone formation was 7.1 and 2.3 cases in the banding group and gastric bypass/gastric sleeve group, respectively. The number needed to harm for cholecystectomy was 11.6 and 2.5 cases in the banding group and the gastric bypass/gastric sleeve group, respectively. Weight loss was higher in patients requiring subsequent cholecystectomy. Mean follow-up to cholecystectomy was 21.5 months with the latest operation after 51 months. CONCLUSION Female gender and rapid weight loss were major risk factors for postoperative cholelithiasis. Ultrasound examinations within 2 to 5 years are recommended in every patient, independent of bariatric procedure. Pharmacologic treatment should be considered in high risk patients within 2 to 5 years to prevent postoperative cholelithiasis. This helps to optimize patient care and lowers postoperative morbidity

    Scientific Reports / Microbial Cryptotopes are Prominent Targets of B-cell Immunity

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    B-cell recognition of microbial antigens may be limited by masking of epitopes within three-dimensional structures (cryptotopes). Here we report that unmasking of cryptotopes by unfolding whole cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigen preparations with the chaotropic reagent Urea and probing with immune sera from healthy individuals (n=109) increased ELISA signals by 36% in comparison to folded CMV antigens (P<0.001). ELISA signals increased also significantly upon unfolding of S. aureus or E. coli antigens, whereas unfolded influenza H1N1 or respiratory syncitial virus antigens yielded reduced or unchanged reactivity in comparison to folded ones, respectively. Blocking of CMV cryptotope-specific Abs by incubation of an immunoglobuline preparation and three sera with unfolded CMV antigens enhanced clearly the neutralizing capacity of this immunoglobuline preparation against CMV infection. Thus, B-cell immunity frequently targets cryptotopes on CMV but these Abs are non-neutralizing, may reduce the neutralizing effectiveness of pathogen-specific Abs and increase during immune maturation following primary CMV infection. The observation of functional consequences of Abs specific for cryptotopes may open whole new avenues to a better understanding of the humoral immune response to CMV and development of more effective vaccines and immunoglobuline preparations.(VLID)468851

    Jet delivery system for Raman scattering on bio-inorganic compounds

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    We present a micro-jet sample delivery system for Raman measurements. Compared to cuvette measurements, the observed Raman signal is enhanced by more than one order of magnitude and does not contain signal distortions from the liquid-glass interface. Furthermore, the signal stability of repeated measurements is enhanced due to reduced sample damage effects by constantly replenishing the sample. This allows the study of sensitive samples that can only be produced in low concentrations. Our setup consists of a controlled sample environment that can be either under vacuum or an exchange gas, which allows the study of samples that are unstable in air. Finally, by matching the effective source point of the Raman instrument with the diameter of the jet, controlled experiments using laser beams of different wavelengths are possible. We see future applications of our setup for resonance Raman and time-resolved Raman measurements of bioinorganic samples

    Expression of MICA in Zero Hour Biopsies Predicts Graft Survival After Liver Transplantation

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    In search for novel biomarkers to assess graft quality, we investigated whether defined candidate genes are predictive for outcome after liver transplantation (LT). Zero-hour liver biopsies were obtained from 88 livers. Gene expression of selected candidate markers was analyzed and correlated with clinical parameters as well as short and long-term outcomes post LT. Whereas both, the calculated Eurotransplant Donor-Risk-Index and the donor body mass index, had either a poor or no predictive value concerning serum levels indicative for liver function (ALT, AST, GGT, bilirubin) after 6 months, chronological donor age was weakly predictive for serum bilirubin (AUC=0.67). In contrast, the major histcompatibility complex class I related chain A (MICA) mRNA expression demonstrated a high predictive value for serum liver function parameters revealing an inverse correlation (e.g. for ALT: 3 months p=0.0332; 6 months p=0.007, 12 months 0.0256, 24 months p=0.0098, 36 months, p=0.0153) and proved significant also in a multivariate regression model. Importantly, high expression of MICA mRNA revealed to be associated with prolonged graft survival (p=0.024; log rank test) after 10 years of observation, whereas low expression was associated with the occurrence of death in patients with transplant related mortality (p=0.031). Given the observed correlation with short and long-term graft function, we suggest MICA as a biomarker for pre-transplant graft evaluation

    Multicenter Experience in Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy - a Comparison of Hybrid and Totally Robot-Assisted Techniques

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    Background Oncological esophageal surgery has evolved significantly in the last decades. From open esophagectomy over (hybrid) minimally invasive surgery, nowadays, robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE) approaches are applied. Current techniques require an analysis of possible advantages and disadvantages indicating the direction towards a novel gold standard. Methods Robot-assisted Ivor Lewis esophagectomies, performed in the period from April 2017 to June 2019 in five German centers (Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Kiel, Mainz), were included in this study. Pre-, intra-, and postoperative parameters were assessed. Cases were grouped for hybrid (H-RAMIE) versus totally robot-assisted (T-RAMIE) approaches. Postoperative parameters and complications were compared using risk ratios. Results A total of 175 operations were performed as T-RAMIE and 67 as H-RAMIE. Patient age (median age 62 years) and sex (83.1% male) were similarly distributed in both groups. Median duration of esophagectomy was significantly lower in the T-RAMIE group (385 versus 427 min, p < 0.001). The risks of overall morbidity (32.0 versus 47.8%; risk ratio [RR], 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5, 1.1-2.1; p = 0.026), anastomotic leak (10.3 versus 22.4%; RR, CI: 2.2, 1.2-4.1; p = 0.020), and respiratory failure (1.1 versus 7.5%; RR, CI: 6.5, 1.3-32.9; p = 0.019) were significantly higher in case of H-RAMIE. Conclusions In the five participating German centers, T-RAMIE was the preferred procedure (72.3% of operations). In comparison to H-RAMIE, T-RAMIE was associated with a significantly reduced risk of postoperative morbidity, anastomotic leak, and respiratory failure as well as a significantly reduced time necessary for esophagectomy

    Perioperative Perfusion of Allografts with Anti-Human T-lymphocyte Globulin Does Not Improve Outcome Post Liver Transplantation—A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Due to the lack of suitable organs transplant surgeons have to accept unfavorable extended criteria donor (ECD) organs. Recently, we demonstrated that the perfusion of kidney organs with anti-human T-lymphocyte globulin (ATLG) prior to transplantation ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Here, we report on the results of perioperative ATLG perfusion in a randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled, feasibility trial (RCT) involving 30 liver recipients (LTx). Organs were randomly assigned for perfusion with ATLG/Grafalon (AP) (n = 16) or saline only (control perfusion = CP) (n = 14) prior to implantation. The primary endpoint was defined as graft function reflected by aspartate transaminase (AST) values at day 7 post-transplantation (post-tx). With respect to the primary endpoint, no significant differences in AST levels were shown in the intervention group at day 7 (AP: 53.0 ± 21.3 mg/dL, CP: 59.7 ± 59.2 mg/dL, p = 0.686). Similarly, exploratory analysis of secondary clinical outcomes (e.g., patient survival) and treatment-specific adverse events revealed no differences between the study groups. Among liver transplant recipients, pre-operative organ perfusion with ATLG did not improve short-term outcomes, compared to those who received placebo perfusion. However, ATLG perfusion of liver grafts was proven to be a safe procedure without the occurrence of relevant adverse events

    Graft Pre-conditioning by Peri-Operative Perfusion of Kidney Allografts With Rabbit Anti-human T-lymphocyte Globulin Results in Improved Kidney Graft Function in the Early Post-transplantation Period—a Prospective, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Although prone to a higher degree of ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI), the use of extended criteria donor (ECD) organs has become reality in transplantation. We therefore postulated that peri-operative perfusion of renal transplants with anti-human T-lymphocyte globulin (ATLG) ameliorates IRI and results in improved graft function.Methods: We performed a randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled trial involving 50 kidneys (KTx). Prior to implantation organs were perfused and incubated with ATLG (AP) (n = 24 kidney). Control organs (CP) were perfused with saline only (n = 26 kidney). Primary endpoint was defined as graft function reflected by serum creatinine at day 7 post transplantation (post-tx).Results: AP-KTx recipients illustrated significantly better graft function at day 7 post-tx as reflected by lower creatinine levels, whereas no treatment effect was observed after 12 months surveillance. During the early hospitalization phase, 16 of the 26 CP-KTx patients required dialysis during the first 7 days post-tx, whereas only 10 of the 24 AP-KTx patients underwent dialysis. No treatment-specific differences were detected for various lymphocytes subsets in the peripheral blood of patients. Additionally, mRNA analysis of 0-h biopsies post incubation with ATLG revealed no changes of intragraft inflammatory expression patterns between AP and CP organs.Conclusion: We here present the first clinical study on peri-operative organ perfusion with ATLG illustrating improved graft function in the early period post kidney transplantation.Clinical Trial Registration:www.ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT0337728