6 research outputs found

    Peaceful Assembly Act 2012: A comparison with Suhakam's recommendations

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    In Malaysia, a provision on peaceful assembly is stipulated under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which combines the freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association.However, these freedoms have restrictions which are usually justified under the broad stroke of maintaining racial harmony and public order.Prior to 23 April 2012, section 27 of the Police Act was implemented to govern a public assembly, and the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA 2012), then, gives some light to the right of assemble peacefully.The objective of this article is to examine by comparing SUHAKAM‟s recommendations with the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. To achieve the objective, the doctrinal legal research has been used, specifically the analytical and comparative methods

    SUHAKAM's Recommendation & Its Application in the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012

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    Prior to the enactment of Peacefucul Assembly Act 2012, SUHAKAM did make some recommendations to improve the quality of individual rights pertaining to peaceful assembly. In Malaysia, a provision on peaceful assembly is stipulated under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which combines the freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association. However, these freedoms have restrictions which are usually justified under the broad stroke of maintaining racial harmony and public order. Prior to 23 April 2012, section 27 of the Police Act was implemented to govern a public assembly, and the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA 2012), then, gives some light to the right of assemble peacefully. The objective of this article is to examine the SUHAKAM’s recommendations on peaceful assembly which later on lead to the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. To achieve the objective, the doctrinal legal research has been used, specifically the analytical metho

    Proposing A Conceptual Framework of Domestic Tourists' Preferences of Holiday Destination to Maintain Sustainability of Travel-Related Business During Covid-19 Endemic

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    The prevalence of the COVID-19 outbreak has caused significant challenges to all industries around the globe, particularly in the tourism sector. The spread of the Covid- 19 hinders to achieve 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nation. Following the recovery from the COVID-19, the governments have set various initiative to assist the country's development. The present study emphasizes on the tourism sector whereby the new model has been proposed in order to revitalize the tourism sector particularly in Malaysia. A new model consisting of affordability, health and safety compliance as well as access to facilities and amenities have been integrated in one model in order to test on their effects toward tourist preference of holiday destination. This model is important because the travel trends have changed during the post Covid- 19. Hence, by knowing the factors that affect tourist preference of holiday destination, it will guarantee the continuity of the tourists (particularly domestic tourists) to travel from time to time without hesitation. Hence, it will generate continuous income to the travel­related businesses (tour guide, event management, hoteliers and more) from the visiting tourists. This will provide more job opportunities to the local people. Eventually, it will help to achieve several goals set by United Nation such as no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth as well as reduced in equalities

    Social support, pay satisfaction, work ability, and intention to stay: a case of return to work program participants

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the influence of social support and pay satisfaction on intention to stay among employees who have undergone return to work (RTW) program. Work ability is also assessed as the mediating variable to explain the indirect link between the independent and dependent variables. A survey was conducted among employees across various sectors in the Klang Valley. A total of 187 responses were gathered and data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Partial Least Square (PLS) 2.0. Based on the statistical analyses, it was found that pay satisfaction was significantly related to work ability of RTW participants but social support did not pose any substantial impact on this outcome. Work ability was also reported to have exerted a significant impact on RTW participants’ intention to stay. Furthermore, the result indicated that work ability provided a significant mediating effect on the link between pay satisfaction and intention to stay. Drawing on the findings, discussions highlighted on the plausible reasons why pay satisfaction is crucial in enhancing work ability and in ensuring that RTW participants continue to retain their present employment. Finally, this study also provides important theoretical and practical ramifications for practitioners in developing measures to elevate the intention to stay among RTW participants

    Suhakam's recommendations and its application in the peaceful assembly act 2012

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    Prior to the enactment of Peacefucul Assembly Act 2012, SUHAKAM did make some recommendations to improve the quality of individual rights pertaining to peaceful assembly. In Malaysia, a provision on peaceful assembly is stipulated under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which combines the freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association. However, these freedoms have restrictions which are usually justified under the broad stroke of maintaining racial harmony and public order. Prior to 23 April 2012, section 27 of the Police Act was implemented to govern a public assembly, and the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA 2012), then, gives some light to the right of assemble peacefully. The objective of this article is to examine the SUHAKAM’s recommendations on peaceful assembly which later on lead to the enactment of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. To achieve the objective, the doctrinal legal research has been used, specifically the analytical method

    Prinsip undang-undang di bawah Akta Syarikat 2016

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    Akta Syarikat 2016 diperkenalkan hasil cadangan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia dan Jawatankuasa Semakan Semula Undang-undang Korporat untuk mewujudkan satu akta yang bersifat maju ke hadapan dan membantu komuniti perniagaan terutamanya industri kecil dan sederhana untuk lebih berdaya saing tanpa berkompromi dengan keperluan tadbir urus korporat yang teguh dan tulus.Oleh sebab Akta Syarikat 2016 baru diterima pakai, maka buku-buku rujukan tidak banyak di pasaran.Justeru, buku ini ditulis bagi membantu ahli akademik, para pelajar dan juga profesional untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan dengan Akta Syarikat 2016.Buku ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan perubahanperubahan yang diketengahkan oleh Akta Syarikat 2016 dalam membincangkan beberapa aspek penting dalam undang-undang syarikat, pensyarikatan dan pengurusan perniagaan. Aspek-aspek penting yang dibincangkan ialah sejarah perundangan, undang-undang perkongsian dan juga klasifikasi syarikat. Tumpuan juga diberikan kepada aspek pemerbadanan syarikat, konsep modal syer, pinjaman, keahlian dan mesyuarat syarikat.Selain daripada itu perbincangan juga difokuskan kepada kuasa pengarah dan pegawai syarikat dan yang terakhir bagaimana proses sesuatu syarikat digulung.Perbincangan mengenai kedudukan Undang-undang syarikat di Malaysia dilakukan berdasarkan sumber undangundang yang utama Akta Syarikat 2016. Selain daripada itu Akta Kontrak 1950, Akta Perkongsian 1961, Akta Perkongsian Liabiliti Terhad 2012 dan juga garis panduan terpakai bagi Akta Syarikat 2016 juga dirujuk.Buku ini akan menjadi satu teks yang tidak ternilai bagi rujukan ahli akademik, pelajar dan juga profesional untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan dengan Akta Syarikat 2016