4 research outputs found
Why are Government Bureaucracies Inefficient? A Prospective Approach
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
The Horizontal Social Clause of Art. 9 TFEU and Its Potential to Push the EU towards Social Europe
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
The Legal Basis for an Optional Instrument on European Contract Law
- Author
- . . . Bibliography
- . . . Conclusions
- A Dashwood
- B Lurger
- Barnard
- C Bibliography
- C Bobbert
- C Schmid
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- C- Case
- D Staudenmayer
- D Staudenmayer
- D Staudenmayer
- Ecr I-
- Ecr I-
- Ecr I-10155
- European Contract Law
- G Davies
- H
- H Cullen
- H Heiss
- H J Drobnig
- H Muir Watt
- H Muir Watt
- H Schulte-N�lke
- Ibid
- Ibid
- J Basedow
- J Basedow
- J Basedow
- J Fetsch
- J Snell
- J W Rutgers
- J W Rutgers
- J W Rutgers
- Jacobien W. Rutgers
- Kapteyn Verloren Van Themaat
- L A Kapteyn
- M
- M Bogdan
- M W Hesselink
- M W Hesselink
- Martijn W. Hesselink
- Muir Watt
- O Remien
- P Craig
- P Eiselt
- P Oliver
- Rutgers
- S
- S
- S
- S
- S Grundmann
- S Grundmann
- S See
- S Vogenauer
- S Vogenauer
- Timothy Q. de Booys
- V Randazzo
- V Zeno-Zencovich
- W Hummer
- W Van Gerven
- W Van Gerven
- W Van Gerven
- W.-H Roth
- W.-H Roth
- Weatherill
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
The Open Method of Co-ordination: A Supranational form of Governance?
- Author
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ? Commission
- ? European
- ? European Governance
- ? The
- A Barrau
- A Barrau
- A Barrau
- A Bosco
- A Bosco
- Brussels Etui
- C
- C Aubin
- C Aubin
- C Barnard
- C De La Porte
- C De La Porte
- C Degryse
- C Degryse
- C Degryse
- C Pierson
- C Pierson
- C Turner
- D Barnard
- D Bibliography Ashiagbor
- D Foden
- D Foden
- D Foden
- D Henderson
- D Henderson
- D M Trubek
- D M Trubek
- D Meuders
- D Meuders
- De Soucy
- E Szyszcak
- E Szyszczak
- E Szyszczak
- European Council
- European Council
- European Council
- European Parliament
- F Lefresne
- F Lefresne
- F Snyder
- G Majone
- G Majone
- H Coenen
- Ibid
- J
- J E Dolvick
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Goetschy
- J Kenner
- J Kenner
- J Kenner
- J L�nnroth
- J Mosher
- J Mosher
- J.-C Barbier
- J.-C Barbier
- J.-L Sauron
- K C Wellens
- L Cram
- Lisbon Extraordinary European Council
- M
- M
- M Biagi
- M Biagi
- M Biagi
- M C Durf
- M C Durf
- M Weiss
- Magnusson
- P Pochet
- P Teague
- P Teague
- Porte De La
- R Toulemon
- R Toulemon
- S Lemi�re
- S Lemi�re
- S Sciarra
- S Sciarra
- S Sciarra
- S Sciarra
- S Sciarra
- Sabrina Regent
- T Treu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study