7 research outputs found

    Leptoquark-assisted Singlet-mediated Di-Higgs Production at the LHC

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    At the LHC, the gluon-initiated processes are considered to be the primary source of di-Higgs production. However, in the presence of a new resonance, the light-quark initiated processes can also contribute significantly. In this paper, we look at the di-Higgs production mediated by a new singlet scalar. The singlet is produced in both quark-antiquark and gluon fusion processes through loops involving a scalar leptoquark and right-handed neutrinos. With benchmark parameters inspired from the recent resonant di-Higgs searches by the ATLAS collaboration, we examine the prospects of such a resonance in the TeV-range at the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the bbˉτ+τ−b\bar{b} \tau^{+}\tau^{-} mode with a multivariate analysis. We obtain the 5σ5\sigma and 2σ2\sigma contours and find that a significant part of the parameter space is within the reach of the HL-LHC.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Published versio

    Direct production of SM-singlet scalars at the muon collider

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    The present work proposes a minimal extension of the Standard Model (SM) where a gauge-singlet scalar (ϕ) can be directly produced at the muon colliders without relying on its mixing with any other doublet state present in the theory. The New Physics (NP) interactions include a TeV-scale scalar leptoquark of electromagnetic charge 1/3 arising naturally in a grand unifying gauge formulation. Within the proposed framework, the SM-singlet scalar can effectively couple to various SM fields at the one-loop level, out of which the μ¯μϕ and γγϕ couplings are crucial to produce it at the future muon colliders. Assuming O(1) NP couplings, the decay widths and production cross-section of the singlet scalar have been discussed in detail over the considered parameter space. Depending on the resonance scale, di-lepton and/or di-gluon channels can be significant to test/falsify the model

    Revisiting the scalar leptoquark (S1)(S_1) ( S 1 ) model with the updated leptonic constraints

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    Abstract The Standard Model, if extended to the energy scale of O(1){\mathscr {O}}(1) O ( 1 )  TeV, the known particle spectrum could be augmented with a scalar leptoquark. Within this minimally extended framework, explaining the anomalous magnetic moment and electric dipole moment simultaneously for the three lepton generations over a parameter space consistent with all the lepton flavor violating bounds is possible. Such a model can be tested or falsified through the collider search experiments and/or by probing the low-energy lepton phenomena. This work studies the current prospects of the model in the presence of recent experimental updates for the leptonic observables

    Enhancing Scalar Productions with Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    The Standard Model (SM), when extended with a leptoquark (LQ) and right-handed neutrinos, can have interesting new implications for Higgs physics. We show that sterile neutrinos can induce a boost to the down-type quark Yukawa interactions through a diagonal coupling associated with the quarks and a scalar LQ of electromagnetic charge 1/31/3. The relative change is moderately larger in the case of the first two generations of quarks, as they have vanishingly small Yukawa couplings in the SM. The enhancement in the couplings would also lead to a non-negligible contribution from the quark fusion process to the production of the 125 GeV Higgs scalar in the SM, though the gluon fusion always dominates. However, this may not be true for a general scalar. As an example, we consider a scenario with a SM-gauge-singlet scalar ϕ\phi where an O(1)\mathcal O(1) coupling between ϕ\phi and the LQ is allowed. The ϕqqˉ\phi q \bar{q} Yukawa couplings can be generated radiatively only through a loop of LQ and sterile neutrinos. Here, the quark fusion process can have a significant cross section, especially for a light ϕ\phi. It can even supersede the normally dominant gluon fusion process for a moderate to large value of the LQ mass. This model can be tested/constrained at the high luminosity run of the LHC through a potentially large branching fraction of the scalar to two jets.The Standard Model (SM), when extended with a leptoquark (LQ) and right-handed neutrinos, can have interesting new implications for Higgs physics. We show that sterile neutrinos can induce a boost to the down-type quark Yukawa interactions through a diagonal coupling associated with the quarks and a scalar LQ of electromagnetic charge 1/3. The relative change is moderately larger in the case of the first two generations of quarks, as they have vanishingly small Yukawa couplings in the SM. The enhancement in the couplings would also lead to a non-negligible contribution from the quark fusion process to the production of the 125 GeV Higgs scalar in the SM, though the gluon fusion always dominates. However, this may not be true for a general scalar. As an example, we consider a scenario with a SM-gauge-singlet scalar ϕ where an O(1) coupling between ϕ and the LQ is allowed. The ϕqq¯ Yukawa couplings can be generated radiatively only through a loop of LQ and sterile neutrinos. Here, the quark fusion process can have a significant cross section, especially for a light ϕ. It can even supersede the normally dominant gluon fusion process for a moderate to large value of the LQ mass. This model can be tested/constrained at the high luminosity run of the LHC through a potentially large branching fraction of the scalar to two jets