8 research outputs found

    Trauma in the elderly caused by traffic accident: integrative review

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the scientific knowledge produced about trauma in the elderly caused by traffic accidents in healthcare area studies. METHODS Integrative review of studies from 2003 to 2013 searched in LILACS, SciELO, PubMed and CINHAL databases. We used combination of the descriptors injuries, wounds and accidents, in English, Portuguese and Spanish languages. RESULTS 32 studies were selected. In the thematic analysis, three categories emerged: epidemiological data from traffic accidents involving elderly; traffic accidents with elderly pedestrians; and trauma care in the elderly. We observed increased incidence of trauma in most countries and pedestrians represented a large part of the victims. Among these, the elderly are the most vulnerable group. CONCLUSION Studies showed that trauma care in the elderly need protocols and professionals with training in gerontology specialized in trauma care services

    Acidentes de trânsito no Brasil de 1998 a 2010: muitas mudanças e poucos resultados

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    The paper describes the situation of road traffic accidents in Brazil since 1998, when a new Brazilian traffic law was approved, up to the year 2010. A review of both academic and non-academic literature was carried out, including journals (both indexed and non-indexed), technical reports, author searches, searches in paper reference lists and direct contact with researchers. The main problems related to road traffic accidents in Brazil identified were the increase in the absolute number of deaths and in the mortality rates, a rapid increase in the number of motorcycles, and drink & driving. Influent authors in the field and centers of expertise were identified. Some potential solutions are presented by the authors, who suggest that the public offices related to traffic regulation and control are not taking suitable measures for control and reduction of road traffic accidents.O artigo descreve a situação dos acidentes de trânsito no Brasil, desde a implementação do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro de 1998 até o ano de 2010. Foi realizada análise dos principais trabalhos científicos e publicações não acadêmicas nacionais. A revisão de literatura incluiu periódicos indexados, não indexados, relatórios técnicos, busca específica por autores, referências bibliográficas de artigos e contato com pesquisadores. Os principais problemas do trânsito brasileiro identificados foram aumento do número absoluto de mortos e das taxas de mortalidade, ampliação da frota de motocicletas e o uso de álcool. Foram identificados autores influentes e ilhas de produção de conhecimento nas áreas pesquisadas. Os autores apresentam algumas possíveis soluções e sugerem que o poder público não tem assumido a responsabilidade que lhe cabe no controle e redução dos acidentes de trânsito.El articulo describe la situación de los accidentes de tránsito en Brasil, desde la implementación del Código de Transito Brasileño de 1998 hasta el año de 2010. Se realizó análisis de los principales trabajos científicos y publicaciones no académicas nacionales. La revisión de literatura incluyó periódicos indexados, no indexados, informes técnicos, búsqueda especifica por autores, referencias bibliográficas de artículos y contacto con investigadores. Los principales problemas de tránsito brasileño identificados fueron aumento del número absoluto de muertos y de las tasas de mortalidad, ampliación de la flota de motocicletas y el uso de alcohol. Se identificaron autores influyentes e islas de producción de conocimiento en las áreas investigadas. Los autores presentaban algunas posibles soluciones y sugieren que el poder público no ha asumido la responsabilidad que le cabe en el control y reducción de los accidentes de tránsito

    The profile of spinal injuries in the elderly population

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    This retrospective cross-sectional study sought to: describe the profile of the elderly population who suffered spinal injury (SI) between 2005 and 2010 in Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil; compare the trauma mechanism and type of SI prevalence in both sexes; and compare the trauma mechanism in the sample's age groups. To this end, medical records were reviewed for the following data: age, sex, main mechanisms of injury and spinal levels affected. Out of 1.320 records analyzed, 370 belonged to elderly subjects, 58.6% women (73.07±8.52 years) and 41.4% men (69.4±7.5 years). The most prevalent SI mechanisms were falls from own height (37.7%), height (24.3%) and unspecified (20.1%). The most affected vertebral levels were L1 (30.0%), T12 (16.2%) and L2 (11.9%). Only 26 (7%) individuals who had SI suffered a spinal cord lesion, with a higher prevalence of incomplete lesion (82.6%). No significant association was detected between the occurrence of SI and its type or sex. In the time and region investigated, the SI profile in the elderly can be described as: women over 70, who suffered a fall from their own height, injuring mainly the lumbar region. Elderly men and women were equally affected by SI without spinal cord lesion. Falls from height predominated in those aged 60-69, whereas falls from own height were commonest among those aged 70 and over