80 research outputs found

    Une incursion dans les « coulisses » de la fabrication de la ville

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    Les « coulisses » de la fabrication de la ville sont l’objet d’analyse d’un certain nombre de chercheurs qui, travaillent, en équipes ou en réseaux, sur les processus et les enjeux qui sous-tendent aujourd’hui les pratiques de conception architecturale et urbaine en France et dans le monde occidental. Les évolutions en cours sont nombreuses et déterminantes. Cet article propose d’en faire un état.Much current inquiry by individuals and within research-networks has been concerned with somewhat hidden aspects of city-making: processes and stakes that underlay architectural and urban design practices of today in France and more largely, in the Western countries. The article will evoke several developments of decisive importance currently under way in these domains

    The Architecture Competition: A Beauty Contest or a Learning Opportunity?

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    The architecture competition is a high point of interaction between very diverse actors, architecture specialists or not. However, is it really an opportunity for exchange and shared learning? Based on surveys conducted in France and in several European countries on behalf of the French Ministry of Culture, this contribution aims to identify the conditions that foster the interactions inherent to competitions, the possible scope of these exchanges and the rationale behind them. When the competition is a chosen procedure, it is most often perceived as a moment of generating ideas that opens a professional debate and also addresses the general public. When it is mandatory, the competition is guided by another logic: that of ensuring the fairness and transparency of the joint choice of a project and a service provider as well as the legality of the contract concluded with the latter. Depending on the place given by decision-makers to this legal and contractual dimension, the nature and scope of the debates around the competition vary widely. If the legalistic approach dominates, it tends to limit interactions. However if the contracting authority adopts a more open approach to the competition, from programming to the dissemination and capitalisation of its results, it can make a real process of collective deliberation and favour the growth of shared competence

    L'architecte dans la chaîne de conception et la production architecturale

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    Que sait-on de ceux qui font la ville ?

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    Le développement de la procédure PPP/PFI en Grande-Bretagne

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    Que sait-on de ceux qui font la ville ?

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    Nouveaux appels à compétences et enjeux de qualification chez les professionnels de la fabrication de la ville

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    Twice since the 1980s, the professionals involved in the making of the city have been solicited by deep changes in their role and the skills expected of them. As their practices diversify, specialize, confront more and more categories of actors, the urban planners seek to define themselves as a professional group, to organize around a shared definition of professionalism, to react to increased competition on markets.This text looks back at the analyzes that have been made of the city's manufacturing trades and organizations over the last 10 to 15 years, in order to put into context the current questions about the standards (of trades, skills, teaching) and professional qualification in urban planning

    Professional Positioning among French Architects

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    La recherche sur les acteurs de la fabrication de la ville : coulisses et dévoilements

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    Au sein de la recherche urbaine, l’analyse des acteurs et processus de fabrication de la ville a une présence et une visibilité intermittentes. Après la vague de travaux d’inspiration marxiste sur la production de la ville capitaliste, circonscrite à la décennie 1970, puis la rencontre au cours des années 1990 des politiques incitatives du Plan Urbanisme Construction et Architecture et d’une recherche architecturale et urbaine en plein essor, notamment autour des questions posées par l’inflexion néo-libérale des projets architecturaux et urbains, on a pu pronostiquer la disparition de ce volet de questionnement. L’article rassemble les indices d’une récente réouverture du champ scientifique de la fabrication de la ville, largement selon les modalités de la recherche partenariale, sous le double aspect d’une commande instrumentale, - sur les questions énergétiques et environnementales, par exemple -, et d’une commande procédurale, sur les démarches participatives, notamment.In urban research, the analysis of actors and manufacturing processes in the city has an intermittent presence and visibility. After the wave of Marxist-inspired works on the production of the capitalist city, circumscribed in the 1970s, then the conjunction in the 1990s of the incentive policies of the Plan Urbanisme Construction et Architecture and of a developing world of architectural and urbanistic research, especially because of the questions raised by the neo-liberal urban policies, it was possible to predict the disappearance of this field. The article brings together the indications of a recent reopening of the scientific field of the city's manufacturing, largely based on partnership research, under the dual aspect of an instrumental command, - on energy and environmental issues, for example - and procedural control, on participatory approaches, in particular
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