895 research outputs found

    Machine learning-based metabolic imaging: A bridge between in vitro models and clinical applications

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    A multiparametric approach is necessary to understand the intricate processes driving cellular physiological and pathological states. Current developments in the field of optical microscopy offer a deeper understanding in the evaluation of minute molecular changes, together with an even greater volume of biological data. Among these developments is functional metabolic imaging, a field that integrates molecular biology and in vivo imaging and sheds light on a number of metabolic processes that are crucial to cell survival. A few inherent limitations of the frequently used methods can also be solved by using probes that modify the picture in response to chemical changes occurring in the region of interest. To decode the extensive useful biological material that is concealed in pictures, more potent image analysis techniques are needed in addition to advancements in the image cap- ture process. Many machine learning (ML)-based techniques have recently been developed to achieve this goal. After providing a brief overview of metabolic and multiparametric imaging and the ML-based approaches that we are interested in, I will present different applications that I have developed to enable a more in-depth investigation of lipid turnover and membrane phase states, which are necessary to understand the functional and structural changes occurring in the disease

    Influência de tipos de coberturas na emergência, sobrevivência e altura de mudas de canafistula.

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    Foi conduzido no viveiro do Centro de Produção e Experimentação do Canguiri, Piraquara - Paraná, pertencente à Fundação Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, um trabalho testando tipos de coberturas usualmente empregadas em canteiros de semeadura, para a produção de mudas de Peltophorum dubium. Os materiais utilizados na cobertura foram terra, acícula, acícula picada, aniagem, areia, palha de arroz, sepilho e serragem. O delineamento utilizado foi o de parcelas inteiramente casualizadas com cinco repetições. Foram feitas contagens semanais de emergência e, 60 dias após a semeadura, procedeu-se às avaliações de sobrevivência, diâmetro do colo, comprimento da parte aérea, subterrânea e total de mudas. Não houve influência dos diversos tipos de cobertura na emergência e sobrevivência das plantas. Com a utilização de sepilho, aniagem e palha de arroz, foram obtidos maiores diâmetros de colo e maiores comprimentos aéreo, subterrâneo e total das plantas

    Reconstructing normality following the diagnosis of a childhood chronic disease: does “rare” make a difference?

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    Living with a childhood chronic disease can be challenging, especially if the diagnosis involves a rare condition. This study sought to elucidate how the diagnosis of a rare disease, as compared to a common, chronic condition, may influence maternal experiences of childhood illness. We conducted face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with 26 mothers of children treated in a pediatric hospital in the province of Lecco, Italy. Half of the participants had a child diagnosed with Bartter syndrome (BS), and the rest had a child suffering from celiac disease (CD). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using an inductive thematic approach. We identified three main themes from the analysis of our data: (1) disrupted normality and the need to know, (2) reconstructing normality, and (3) acting “normal.” Although most participants experienced the disclosure of diagnosis as a relief, processes that facilitated normality reconstruction in celiac families, notably access to appropriate information, social support, and personal contact with comparison others, were found to be important stressors for mothers living with BS. Conclusion: This comparative qualitative study provides evidence on how well-known problems associated with the rarity of childhood diseases impact on families’ efforts to cope with the illness and regain a sense of normality