17 research outputs found


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    Nano-sized objects can be transformed in many ways to alter their characteristics. Drug molecules sized in nanometer provide some unique features which can lead to improved drug localization, prolonged circulation, 5 and enhanced drug efficacy of the drug. Nanotechnology improves the performance come through a variety of dosage forms. Various pharmaceutical nanotechnology based systems which can be termed as Nanopharmaceuticals like liposomes, carbon Nanotubes, quantum dots, dendrimers, and polymeric nanoparticles. This review summarizes the most important applications of nanotechnology.The purpose of that review paper is to look into the present aspects of “Nanotechnology”. This paper gives a brief description of what Nanotechnology is? And its application in various fields like computing, medicine, food technology, Robotics, Solar cells etc. Nanotechnology also deals with the future perspectives of Nanotechnology, risks in advanced nanotechnology. Keywords: Nanotechnology, Liposomes, , Dendrimers, Carbon Nanotubes, Quantum Dots, Nanopharmaceutical

    A Review on Eight System Inspection Model

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    The FDA's Drug Manufacturing Inspection Compliance Program, which constitutes instructions to FDA personnel for conducting inspections, is a systems-based approach for inspections and is very consistent with the robust quality systems model presented in this guidance. The diagram below shows the relationship among the six systems: the quality system and the five manufacturing systems.  The quality system provides the foundation for the manufacturing systems that are linked and function within it. The quality systems model described in this guidance does not treat the five manufacturing systems as discrete entities, but instead integrates them into appropriate sections of the model. Those familiar with the six-system inspection approach will see organizational differences in this guidance; however, the inter-relationship. Generally, the term quality unit is used in this guidance.  However, quality control unit is used when directly quoting parts. United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) propose Six System Inspection Model for the audit of pharmaceutical organization for minimization of regulatory submission. Author studied this system, then added and modified this to Eight System Inspection Model to make this more useful and user friendly for the pharmaceutical organization which wants to go for USFDA or other international audits. While doing this author added two additional systems (Management/Regulatory) and four additional points (Validation, HVAC System Validation, Water and Steam System Validation and Vendor Certification)

    RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Determination of Didanosine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

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    To develop a simple, cheap, accurate, and rapid Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method and validate as per ICH guidelines for estimation of Didanosine in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The separation was conducted by using mobile phase consisting of methanol: water in the ratio (30:70). The wavelength was found at 246nm. Agilent 1220 Infinity LC with ezchrome software is used for chromatographic determination. The separation was conducted by using Zebra Eclipse XDB-C-18 (4.6×250×5µm) at the flow rate of 1.0 ml/min using variable wavelength detector. The developed method resulted in didanosine eluting at 4.650 min. The method was found to be linear over the concentration range 2-12µg/ml with coefficient regression R2-0.997. Mean recovery was found to be in the range of 99.99%, during accuracy studies. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitiation (LOQ) was found to be 5 mg/ml and 16 mg/ml respectively. A cheap, accurate, precise, linear and rapid RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for the quantitative estimation of Didanosine as per ICH guidelines. Keywords:-RP-HPLC, Didanosine, Method Validatio


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    Objective: To optimize microwave assisted solvent free synthesis of Schiff bases of aromatic aldehydes and aromatic amines (ethyl 4-aminobenzoate) by using wetting reagent ð›½-ethoxyethanol. The goal of this study was to investigate the % yields and time required for the completion of reaction for Schiff bases by microwave and conventional conditions.Methods: Schiff bases have been synthesized by condensation of substituted various aromatic aldehyde (.001 mol) with Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (.001 mol) by two different methods as by conventional method (Heating) & Microwave accelerated synthesis by using wetting reagent ð›½-ethoxyethanol. The reaction time for conventional method and microwave method is in the range of 60-240 min and 10-180s respectively. All the synthesized compounds recrystallized & characterized by IR, NMR, and Mass and element analysis.Results: The simple microwave assisted solvent-free method for the synthesis of Schiff bases using a wetting reagent (ð›½-ethoxyethanol) led to improvement in the yield of all the target compounds with reduction in their reaction byproducts & substantially reduced the overall process time as expected as compare to traditional method. Excellent isolated yields (up to 96%) were attained within short reaction times (typically, 60s) when the reaction was performed under microwaves irradiation.Conclusion: The advantages of this environmentally benign and safe protocol include a simple reaction set-up, high product yields, short reaction times as well as the elimination of side products.Â

    Nanosponges: A Novel Trend for Targeted Drug Delivery

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    Effective targeted drug delivery system has been a dream for a long time, but it has been largely frustrated by the complex chemistry that is involved in the development of new systems. Topical drug delivery system has many problems like poor permeability, skin irritation, allergic reactions etc. major problems of newly developed chemical entities is their poor solubility in water and pharmacokinetic issues. These poorly-water soluble drugs show many problems in formulating them in conventional dosage forms and the critical problems associated is its very low bioavailability. The invention of Nanosponge has become a significant step towards overcoming these problems. Nanosponge is tiny sponges with a size about a virus (250nm-1um), which can be filled with a wide variety of drugs. Nanosponge play vital role in targeting drugs delivery in a controlled manner. This sponge can circulate around the body until interact with specific target site and stick on surface and releasing drug in controlled manner both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs are  incorporated in nanosponge . Important characteristics of these sponges are their solubility in aqueous from and suitable for the drugs with poor solubility. This review is focusing on the preparation method, applications of nanosponge, factor in the field of drug delivery.            Keywords: nanosponge, poor solubility, Biodegradable polymers, synthesis, preparatio

    A review on Phytosome loaded with novel herbal drug and their formulation, standardization and applications

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    Novel Drug Delivery System is need of time, as it makes bioavailability, securityand overall therapeutics of a drug easy-going and in the bat of an eye. In the recent days, most of the regnant maladies and nutritional disorders are treated with herbal medicines because of their less after math, economical and easily accessible. The potency of any herbal medication is contingent on the delivery of the effectual level of the therapeutically active constituent. But because of high polarity and poor lipophilicity, the active contents are incompletely assimilated resulting in poor bioavailability.Herbal drugs comprises of a vast array of active contents which furnishes us with a number of applications. But due to high polarity and poor lipophilicity the active contents are poorly absorbed resulting in poor bioavailability. These problems can be overcome by formulating a suitable novel preparation of the herbal extract. Phytosomes are one of the novel drug delivery system containing hydrophilic bioactive phytoconstituents of herbs surround and bound by phospholipids.This phytophospholipid complex resembles a little cell which exhibit better pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile than the conventional herbal extract resulting in better bioavailability. This article highlights recent information, commercial preparation of phytosomes as well as the various other novel approaches for delivery of herbal constituents. Keywords: Phytosomes, Bioavailability, Phosphatidylcholine, Phytoconstituents

    Phytosomes: A Novel Drug Delivery for Herbal Extracts

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    The term “phyto” means plant while “some” means cell-like. Phytosome is novel emerging technique applied to phyto-pharmaceutical which contains phytoconstituents to herbal extract surrounds and bound by lipids. Phytosome shows better absorption, hence produces better bioavailability than the conventional herbal extracts. Because of their improved pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties. Phytosomes are herbal formulation which has enhanced the therapeutic effects of the plant extracts and herbal lead molecule by increasing bioavailability in the target site compared to conventional herbal extracts. This is improved forms of herbal formulation which contain the bioactive phytoconstituents of herb essence enclosed and bound by a lipid. Phytosomes demonstrated improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response than customary botanical extracts.  Keywords: Phytosomes; Bioavailability, Phospolipids, phytoconstituents.  &nbsp

    Biosensors: An Emerging Technology in Pharmaceutical Industry

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    The evolution of biosensors has been the center of scientist's attraction for recent decades. It is a device which is used mainly for living organism or different biological molecules, enzymes or antibodies, to find out the presence of chemicals. Biosensors can basically serve as low-cost and highly efficient devices in addition to use in other day to day applications. Biosensor is a device that consists of two main parts: A bio-receptor and a transducer were as, Bio-receptor is a biological component that recognizes the target analytes and transducer is a physicochemical detector component that converts the recognition event into a measurable signal and quantify or it transforms one signal into another one, this works in a physiochemical way like Optical piezoelectric, electrochemical etc. Biomolecules like antibodies, enzymes, organelles, receptors and microorganisms as well as animal and plant cells or tissues have been used as biological sensing elements. In this paper, we review recent development and use of biosensors as a diagnostic tool, as well as some future applications of biosensor technology. Keywords: Biosensors, Microbial biosensor, Transducer, Pathogen detection

    A Review on Finasteride: A 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors, its Mechanism, Facts and Benefits

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    This review gives the information about the Finasteride i.e. 5alpha-reductase inhibitor. Primarily finasteride isused to treat BPH i.e benign prostatic hyperplasia and male androgenetic alopecia. Five-alpha reductase inhibitors (5α-RIs) could stimulate male sexual dysfunction due to their effects on testosterone and DHT i.e. dihydrotestosterone. Some studies account insignificant or acceptable adverse effects, which decrease after a changeable period of time so that they do not require terminating finasteride administration. The 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride blocks the conversion of TT to DHT i.e. testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the androgen responsible for androgenetic alopecia i.e. male pattern hair loss. This paper presents a possible explanation of the Finasteride drug. Keywords: Finasteride, 5alpha-reductase inhibitor, BPH, DHT, alopecia

    Standardization and Quality Evaluation of Herbal Drugs

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    In recent years most, people throughout world are turning to use medicinal plant and herbal product in healthcare system. the use of herbal product as medicine by the basis of history. The identification of pure active ingredient is an important requirement for Quality and dose determination of plant related dugs. Therefore, evaluation of the parameters based upon chemical, physical, microbiological, therapeutic and toxicological studies can serve as an important tool in stability studies. Standardization of herbal drugs means confirmation of its identity, Quality and purity. The present overview covers the standardization parameters with their standards value of some herbal drugs. Keywords: Herbal medicine, Standardization, Quality control, evaluation, WHO Guidelines