3 research outputs found

    Scaling K2 VII: Evidence for a high occurrence rate of hot sub-Neptunes at intermediate ages

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    The NASA K2 mission obtained high precision time-series photometry for four young clusters, including the near-twin 600-800 Myr-old Praesepe and Hyades clusters. Hot sub-Neptunes are highly prone to mass-loss mechanisms, given their proximity to the the host star and the weakly bound gaseous envelopes, and analyzing this population at young ages can provide strong constraints on planetary evolution models. Using our automated transit detection pipeline, we recover 15 planet candidates across the two clusters, including 10 previously confirmed planets. We find a hot sub-Neptune occurrence rate of 79-107% for GKM stars in the Praesepe cluster. This is 2.5-3.5 sigma higher than the occurrence rate of 16.54+1.00-0.98% for the same planets orbiting the ~3-9 Gyr-old GKM field stars observed by K2, even after accounting for the slightly super-solar metallicity ([Fe/H]~0.2 dex) of the Praesepe cluster. We examine the effect of adding ~100 targets from the Hyades cluster, and extending the planet parameter space under examination, and find similarly high occurrence rates in both cases. The high occurrence rate of young, hot sub-Neptunes could indicate either that these planets are undergoing atmospheric evolution as they age, or that planetary systems that formed when the Galaxy was much younger are substantially different than from today. Under the assumption of the atmospheric mass-loss scenario, a significantly higher occurrence rate of these planets at the intermediate ages of Praesepe and Hyades appears more consistent with the core-powered mass loss scenario sculpting the hot sub-Neptune population, compared to the photoevaporation scenario.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, published in A

    Scaling K2. VI. Reduced Small Planet Occurrence in High Galactic Amplitude Stars

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    In this study, we performed a homogeneous analysis of the planets around FGK dwarf stars observed by the Kepler and K2 missions, providing spectroscopic parameters for 310 K2 targets -- including 239 Scaling K2 hosts -- observed with Keck/HIRES. For orbital periods less than 40 days, we found that the distribution of planets as a function of orbital period, stellar effective temperature, and metallicity was consistent between K2 and Kepler, reflecting consistent planet formation efficiency across numerous ~1 kpc sight-lines in the local Milky Way. Additionally, we detected a 3X excess of sub-Saturns relative to warm Jupiters beyond 10 days, suggesting a closer association between sub-Saturn and sub-Neptune formation than between sub-Saturn and Jovian formation. Performing a joint analysis of Kepler and K2 demographics, we observed diminishing super-Earth, sub-Neptune, and sub-Saturn populations at higher stellar effective temperatures, implying an inverse relationship between formation and disk mass. In contrast, no apparent host-star spectral-type dependence was identified for our population of Jupiters, which indicates gas-giant formation saturates within the FGK mass regimes. We present support for stellar metallicity trends reported by previous Kepler analyses. Using GAIA DR3 proper motion and RV measurements, we discovered a galactic location trend: stars that make large vertical excursions from the plane of the Milky Way host fewer super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. While oscillation amplitude is associated with metallicity, metallicity alone cannot explain the observed trend, demonstrating that galactic influences are imprinted on the planet population. Overall, our results provide new insights into the distribution of planets around FGK dwarf stars and the factors that influence their formation and evolution.Comment: 28 Pages, 12 Figures, 3 Tables; Accepted for Publication A

    Scaling K2. VI. Reduced Small-planet Occurrence in High-galactic-amplitude Stars

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    In this study, we performed a homogeneous analysis of the planets around FGK dwarf stars observed by the Kepler and K2 missions, providing spectroscopic parameters for 310 K2 targets —including 239 Scaling K2 hosts—observed with Keck/HIRES. For orbital periods less than 40 days, we found that the distribution of planets as a function of orbital period, stellar effective temperature, and metallicity was consistent between K2 and Kepler, reflecting consistent planet formation efficiency across numerous ∼1 kpc sight-lines in the local Milky Way. Additionally, we detected a 3× excess of sub-Saturns relative to warm Jupiters beyond 10 days, suggesting a closer association between sub-Saturn and sub-Neptune formation than between sub-Saturn and Jovian formation. Performing a joint analysis of Kepler and K2 demographics, we observed diminishing super-Earth, sub-Neptune, and sub-Saturn populations at higher stellar effective temperatures, implying an inverse relationship between formation and disk mass. In contrast, no apparent host-star spectral-type dependence was identified for our population of Jupiters, which indicates gas-giant formation saturates within the FGK mass regimes. We present support for stellar metallicity trends reported by previous Kepler analyses. Using Gaia DR3 proper motion and radial velocity measurements, we discovered a galactic location trend; stars that make large vertical excursions from the plane of the Milky Way host fewer super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. While oscillation amplitude is associated with metallicity, metallicity alone cannot explain the observed trend, demonstrating that galactic influences are imprinted on the planet population. Overall, our results provide new insights into the distribution of planets around FGK dwarf stars and the factors that influence their formation and evolution