25 research outputs found


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    Objective: The main objective of this experiment was to prepare and optimized celecoxib nanoemulgel. This formulation can be used for acuterheumatoid arthritis patients.Methods: Celecoxib is a poorly water soluble drug. We prepared celecoxib nanoemulgel to improve intrinsic solubility of celecoxib and enhancedeeper permeation throughout the skin. After several screening, the combination of acetonitrile, triacetin, campul 908P was considered for oil phase;acconon MC8-2EP as surfactant, and capmul MCM C-10 as a co-surfactant accordingly. As per Box-Behnken surface design model, optimization wasdone for all the 13 formulations.Results: Based on pseudo ternary plot, it was found that 4:1 Smix ratio was optimum and possessed maximum drug solubility. Further, screeningshown, 0.25-0.75% carbopol-940 can be a stable candidate for hydrogel preparation. Prepared nanoemulsions and hydrogels were admixed to preparenanoemulgel. Based on overlay plot, EG14* formulation was consider as optimum one, and various evaluation parameters were performed along withother formulations. Using Franz diffusion cell, in-vitro diffusion studies was performed. Almost all the formulations produces good qualitative drugrelease profile. The EG14* shown 95.50% drug release after 12th hrs with standard Higuchi plot (R2 value 0.9989). The optimum viscosity was foundto be 521±0.81 mPas at 100 rpm. The appearance of the formulations was milky, yellowish white with expectable pH ranged from 5.8 to 6.7. Theoptimized formulation has good spreadability coefficient, good ex-vivo diffusion enhancement factor (3.03) as compare to marketed gel. Mostly, ourformulations have less skin irritation and higher anti-inflammatory activity (92.56% of inhibition of paw edema for EG14*).Conclusion: From the thermodynamic studies, it was confirmed that EG14* maintained excellent stability profile in various heating-cooling cycle,centrifugation, and freeze-thaw cycle condition. Hence, it can be conclude that, our formulation, can be consider for pilot scale up


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    In many countries across the world, cancer is a leading cause of death. Cancer is the biggest cause of death worldwide, with approximately 10 million fatalities expected in 2020, accounting for nearly one in every six deaths. Mutations in ~300 human genes can unleash cell division, potentially leading to cancer. The effectiveness of existing conventional therapies for a number of cancers is, however, inefficient in terms of safety and efficacy. Medication systems based on lipid can be configured to treat tumors passively with increasing safety by reducing toxicity and increasing efficacy by target drug delivery. Lipid-based drug dosage form is the new identified technological design to overcome problems such as water-soluble solubility and bioavailability. A wide range of product specifications determined by indication of disease, route of administration, price evaluation, safety, toxicity, and efficiency could be customized to lipid formulations. This analysis explores the current state of lipid drug delivery studies, including the production of cancer liposomes, different cancer-focused strategies, and liposomal formulation of numerous anti-cancer drugs

    In vitro evaluation of marketed antimalarial chloroquine phosphate tablets

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    Background & objectives: The aim of the present study is to investigate the physicochemicalequivalence of seven brands of tablets containing chloroquine phosphate, an antimalarial purchasedfrom different retail pharmacy outlets.Methods: The quality and physicochemical equivalence of seven different brands of chloroquinephosphate tablets were assessed. The assessment included the evaluation of uniformity of weight,friability, crushing strength, disintegration and dissolution tests as well as chemical assay of thetablets.Results: All the seven brands of the tablets passed the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) standards foruniformity of weight, disintegration and crushing strength. One of seven brands failed the friabilitytest. One of the brands did not comply with the standard assay of content of active ingredients.Dissolution test passes the pharmacopoeial standards for chloroquine phosphate tablets. There wereno significant differences in the amounts of chloroquine phosphate released from the different brands.Interpretation & conclusion: Out of the seven brands of anti-malarial chloroquine phosphate tabletsonly one brand fails to meet BP quality specifications which shows constant market monitoring ofnew products to ascertain their equivalency to pharmacopoeial standards

    Priprava i karakterizacija mukoadhezivnih flastera za bukalnu primjenu propranolol hidroklorida s kitozanom

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    Mucoadhesive buccal patches containing propranolol hydrochloride were prepared using the solvent casting method. Chitosan was used as bioadhesive polymer and different ratios of chitosan to PVP K-30 were used. The patches were evaluated for their physical characteristics like mass variation, drug content uniformity, folding endurance, ex vivo mucoadhesion strength, ex vivo mucoadhesion time, surface pH, in vitro drug release, and in vitro buccal permeation study. Patches exhibited controlled release for a period of 7 h. The mechanism of drug release was found to be non-Fickian diffusion and followed the first-order kinetics. Incorporation of PVP K-30 generally enhanced the release rate. Swelling index was proportional to the concentration of PVP K-30. Optimized patches (F4) showed satisfactory bioadhesive strength of 9.6 ± 2.0 g, and ex vivo mucoadhesion time of 272 minutes. The surface pH of all patches was between 5.7 and 6.3 and hence patches should not cause irritation in the buccal cavity. Patches containing 10 mg of drug had higher bioadhesive strength with sustained drug release as compared to patches containing 20 mg of drug. Good correlation was observed between the in vitro drug release and in vitro drug permeation with a correlation coefficient of 0.9364. Stability study of optimized patches was done in human saliva and it was found that both drug and buccal patches were stable.Mukoadhezivni flasteri za bukalnu primjenu s propranolol hidrokloridom pripravljeni su koristeću metodu isparavanja otapala. Kao mukoadhezivni polimer upotrebljen je kitozan u različitim omjerima u odnosu na PVP K-30. Određivana su sljedeća svojstva flastera: masa, ujednačenost količine lijeka, savitljivost, ex vivo mukooadhezivnost, ex vivo vrijeme mukoadhezije, pH na površini, in vitro oslobađanje ljekovite tvari i in vitro permeacija. Iz flastera se ljekovita tvar kontrolirano oslobađala prema kinetici prvog reda tijekom 7 h i nije slijedila Fickov zakon difuzije. Upotreba PVP K-30 produljila je vrijeme oslobađanja. Indeks bubrenja bio je proporcionalan koncentraciji PVP K-30. Snaga bioadhezije optimiranih flastera (F4) bila je 9,6 ± 2,0 g, a ex vivo vrijeme mukoadhezije 272 minute. pH na površini svih flastera bio je između 5,7 i 6,3 pa ne bi trebali iritirati bukalnu šupljinu. Flasteri sa 10 mg propranolola imali su veću bioadhezivnost, a lijek se iz njih polaganije oslobađao nego iz flastera sa 20 mg ljekovite tvari. Dobivena je dobra korelacija između in vitro oslobađanja i in vitro permeacije lijeka (koeficijent korelacije 0,9364). Ispitivanja stabilnosti pokazala su da su i propranolol i flasteri za bukalnu primjenu stabilni u ljudskoj slini

    Recent Pharmaceutical Developments in the Treatment of Cancer Using Nanosponges

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    Nanosponges are a class of nanoparticles characterized by their sponge-like surface that ensures high loading capacity. Cancer causes high mortality and requires precise treatment without harming the body. Hence, nanoparticles are required to target medications to tumor. Nanosponges may be synthesized from various polymers and metals, giving them distinct properties. The majority of polymer synthesis entails crosslinking, while metal synthesis entails the isolation of metal nanoparticles accompanied by their assembly into sponges. Nanosponges must be functionalized to precisely attack tumors. There are several patents on nanosponges synthesis and their use. Future trends in the usage of nanosponges include simultaneous distribution of several molecules and expanding the spectrum of use from medicinal delivery to substance encapsulation for a multitude of applications. As their usage in the pharmaceutical industry grows, more emphasis should be put on toxicity-related aspects induced by the near association of cell membrane and nanosponge resulting in intracellular dissolution or reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, which in turn damages various cellular components. Many techniques have been created to reduce toxicity, including functionalization with various materials such as antioxidants, polymers and altering nanosponges composition. As the application of nanosponges increases in many industries, the phenomenon related to toxicity must be further explored through research

    The recent development of topical nanoparticles for annihilating skin cancer

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    Nanoparticles open up new possibilities for treating skin problems. For the treatment of numerous skin problems, the topical route of administration has many advantages. This method avoids the hepatic first-pass impact, and many medications’ systemic availability is limited to skin cells like hair follicles, reducing undesired side effects and increasing localised therapeutic benefit. The skin's barrier function makes it difficult for nanoparticles to penetrate the tissue, even if the barrier is partially impaired in cases of damage or inflammation, such as in skin cancer. This could make nanoparticle penetration easier. Although a lot of work has gone into producing nanoparticles for topical distribution, there has been very little success in getting them to the clinic to treat skin malignancies. We review the various forms of skin malignancies and current clinical care strategies. Clinical therapy and management are also illustrated, explaining various skin cancer treatment options. In a brief manner, this study also emphasises the various nanoformulations that are being explored and reported, as well as the various types of nanoparticle systems. Hghlights Skin cancer is one of the widely occurring disease worldwide with varying mortality rates. Clinical supervision of skin cancer is crucial as it may lead to some serious consequences. Nanoparticle/nanovesicle systems would aid in better treatment and reduced adverse effects. Different nano systems are currently under development for the topical treatment of skin cancer. Penetration analysis of NPs is also important to develop a topical novel nanoformulation. Abbreviations: NMSC, non-melanoma skin cancer; MSC, melanoma skin cancer; BCC, basal cell carcinoma; cSCC, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma; SC, stratum corneum; BCS, biopharmaceutics classification system; UV, ultraviolet; WHO, World Health Organization; AK, actnic keratosis; PDT, photo dynamic therapy; 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil; nm, nanometre; mV, millivolts; FDA, Food and drug administration; API, active pharmaceutical ingredient; NPs, nanoparticles; SLNs, solid-lipid nanoaparticles; NLCs, nanostructured lipid carriers; AuNPs, gold nanoparticles; QDs, quantumn dots; CNTs, carbon nanotube


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    ABSTRACT Piroxicam is a Non-steroidal anti inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic drug which is widely used in Musculo-skeletal disorder like osteoarthritis. Piroxicam has bad taste, half life of 30 hrs and poor water solubility. In the present work to develop taste masked orally disintegrating tablets of piroxicam, preformulation parameters like solubility, particle size, tapped density, bulk density,Hausner ratio, Carr's compressibility index, angle of repose, and Differential scanning calorimetry study were performed. Out of twelve formulations (F-1 to F-12), F-11 formulation containing crospovidone XL 10 %, drug: polymer 1:0.35 , aspartame 6% and sodium lauryl sulphate 0.5%, showed optimum characteristics of orodispersible tablet (ODT) of piroxicam with sufficient crushing strength (5.5 to 6.5 kp), friability (0.18%), wetting time (28 sec) and disintegration time (22 sec). In-vitro dissolution profile studies revealed that 82.3% drug was released within 5 min. The study concluded that crospovidone XL and Eudragit EPO can successfully be used as superdisintegrant and taste masking excipient respectively

    Effects of Fermented Food Consumption on Non-Communicable Diseases

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    The gastrointestinal flora consists of several microbial strains in variable combinations in both healthy and sick humans. To prevent the risk of the onset of disease and perform normal metabolic and physiological functions with improved immunity, a balance between the host and gastrointestinal flora must be maintained. Disruption of the gut microbiota triggered by various factors causes several health problems, which promote the progression of diseases. Probiotics and fermented foods act as carriers of live environmental microbes and play a vital role in maintaining good health. These foods have a positive effect on the consumer by promoting gastrointestinal flora. Recent research suggests that the intestinal microbiome is important in reducing the risk of the onset of various chronic diseases, including cardiac disease, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, several cancers, and type 2 diabetes. The review provides an updated knowledge base about the scientific literature addressing how fermented foods influence the consumer microbiome and promote good health with prevention of non-communicable diseases. In addition, the review proves that the consumption of fermented foods affects gastrointestinal flora in the short and long term and can be considered an important part of the diet

    Effects of Fermented Food Consumption on Non-Communicable Diseases

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    The gastrointestinal flora consists of several microbial strains in variable combinations in both healthy and sick humans. To prevent the risk of the onset of disease and perform normal metabolic and physiological functions with improved immunity, a balance between the host and gastrointestinal flora must be maintained. Disruption of the gut microbiota triggered by various factors causes several health problems, which promote the progression of diseases. Probiotics and fermented foods act as carriers of live environmental microbes and play a vital role in maintaining good health. These foods have a positive effect on the consumer by promoting gastrointestinal flora. Recent research suggests that the intestinal microbiome is important in reducing the risk of the onset of various chronic diseases, including cardiac disease, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, several cancers, and type 2 diabetes. The review provides an updated knowledge base about the scientific literature addressing how fermented foods influence the consumer microbiome and promote good health with prevention of non-communicable diseases. In addition, the review proves that the consumption of fermented foods affects gastrointestinal flora in the short and long term and can be considered an important part of the diet