3 research outputs found

    Kinesin light chain-1 serine-460 phosphorylation is altered in Alzheimer's disease and regulates axonal transport and processing of the amyloid precursor protein

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    Damage to axonal transport is an early pathogenic event in Alzheimer's disease. The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a key axonal transport cargo since disruption to APP transport promotes amyloidogenic processing of APP. Moreover, altered APP processing itself disrupts axonal transport. The mechanisms that regulate axonal transport of APP are therefore directly relevant to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. APP is transported anterogradely through axons on kinesin-1 motors and one route for this transport involves calsyntenin-1, a type-1 membrane spanning protein that acts as a direct ligand for kinesin-1 light chains (KLCs). Thus, loss of calsyntenin-1 disrupts APP axonal transport and promotes amyloidogenic processing of APP. Phosphorylation of KLC1 on serine-460 has been shown to reduce anterograde axonal transport of calsyntenin-1 by inhibiting the KLC1-calsyntenin-1 interaction. Here we demonstrate that in Alzheimer's disease frontal cortex, KLC1 levels are reduced and the relative levels of KLC1 serine-460 phosphorylation are increased; these changes occur relatively early in the disease process. We also show that a KLC1 serine-460 phosphomimetic mutant inhibits axonal transport of APP in both mammalian neurons in culture and in Drosophila neurons in vivo. Finally, we demonstrate that expression of the KLC1 serine-460 phosphomimetic mutant promotes amyloidogenic processing of APP. Together, these results suggest that increased KLC1 serine-460 phosphorylation contributes to Alzheimer's disease

    Familial ALS-associated SFPQ variants promote the formation of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates in primary neurons

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    Splicing factor proline- and glutamine-rich (SFPQ) is a nuclear RNA-binding protein that is involved in a wide range of physiological processes including neuronal development and homeostasis. However, the mislocalization and cytoplasmic aggregation of SFPQ are associated with the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We have previously reported that zinc mediates SFPQ polymerization and promotes the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates in neurons. Here we characterize two familial ALS (fALS)-associated SFPQ variants, which cause amino acid substitutions in the proximity of the SFPQ zinc-coordinating centre (N533H and L534I). Both mutants display increased zinc-binding affinities, which can be explained by the presence of a second zinc-binding site revealed by the 1.83 Ã… crystal structure of the human SFPQ L534I mutant. Overexpression of these fALS-associated mutants significantly increases the number of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates in primary neurons. Although they do not affect the density of dendritic spines, the presence of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates causes a marked reduction in the levels of the GluA1, but not the GluA2 subunit of AMPA-type glutamate receptors on the neuronal surface. Taken together, our data demonstrate that fALS-associated mutations enhance the propensity of SFPQ to bind zinc and form aggregates, leading to the dysregulation of AMPA receptor subunit composition, which may contribute to neuronal dysfunction in ALS

    Supplementary material from Familial ALS-associated <i>SFPQ</i> variants promote the formation of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates in primary neurons

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    Splicing factor proline- and glutamine (SFPQ) is a nuclear RNA-binding protein that is involved in a wide range of physiological processes including neuronal development and homeostasis. However, the mislocalization and cytoplasmic aggregation of SFPQ are associated with the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We have previously reported that zinc mediates SFPQ polymerization and promotes the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates in neurons. Here we characterize two familial ALS (fALS)-associated SFPQ variants, which cause amino acid substitutions in the proximity of the SFPQ zinc-coordinating centre (N533H and L534I). Both mutants display increased zinc-binding affinities, which can be explained by the presence of a second zinc-binding site revealed by the 1.83 Å crystal structure of the human SFPQ L534I mutant. Overexpression of these fALS-associated mutants significantly increases the number of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates in primary neurons. Although they do not affect the density of dendritic spines, the presence of SFPQ cytoplasmic aggregates causes a marked reduction in the levels of the GluA1, but not the GluA2 subunit of AMPA-type glutamate receptors on the neuronal surface. Taken together, our data demonstrate that fALS-associated mutations enhance the propensity of SFPQ to bind zinc and form aggregates, leading to the dysregulation of AMPA receptor subunit composition, which may contribute to neuronal dysfunction in ALS