4 research outputs found

    Exports LED Growth:A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Impact of exports on economic development remain an interesting topic for the economist. International trade expresses the economic growth of any nation (Marshall, 1890). According to one more economist Nurkse world business is engine of growth (1961). Bhagwati in 1973 stated that efficiency in trade and its international expansion can be obtained through free trade of services as well as goods. Empirical studies have proven a positive and significant relationship between economic development and exports of any country. Therefore, economist pay more focus on expansion of exports in order to develop the economy of the country. In addition, for expansion of exports, it is not compulsory that country blessed with a large scale of natural resources can only obtain this. But countries with less resources may also enhance the exports through effective policy making. Bhagwati and Krueger are of the view that liberalization of exchange can be obtained by arrangement which declines the opposing force to fare inclination. Edwards in 1993 expressed that fare grants, import duties with addition of exchange bends as liberal exchange administration.  An extensive variety of the studies gives confirmation that the openness of the exchange administration has a positive companionship with GDP development (Ahmed and Anoruo (2000), Edwards (1998), Edwards (1992), Harrison (1996), Iscan (1998), Wacziarg (2001), Yanikkaya (2003). In perspective of above conflicting discoveries, it is better to reevaluate this issue in the connection of Pakistan economy. Researchers are more interested in tentative relationship between investment enlargement and exchange plainness

    Risk Management by Choosing Stock in Portfolio

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    Portfolio Management requires a process that engages the expertise of the various stake holders in the organization and a system to provide the analytical support for the process. A well-thought-out process tailored for the organization takes care of the people issues and ensures buy-in for the selected portfolio strategy. Most of the existing portfolios are not developed to handle a portfolio of assets /securities when considering risks and opportunities. This is due to the fact that the expertise required developing portfolio of assets /securities are not processed by individual. When using these single portfolio processes, it is up to the experience of the organization and foremost project managers to find links between assets/securities in portfolio. The scope of a single security investment seems insufficient, and a more holistic. Therefore, existing risk management processes are considered insufficient due to the focus on a single asset/security risk management. In this study it is tried to conclude different levels of risks and opportunities within a portfolio of assets/Securities that can be managed by identifying positive or negative relation between each other. Keywords: Portfolio, Risk, Risk Management, Stock Price

    Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer-Buying Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Pakistan

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    This research paper examines the relationship between various factors that affect the consumer behavior towards online shopping. Online shopping refers to the recent trends of being able to buy everything from home. The focus of this research is to explain the influence of five major variables that were derived from literature. These variables are trust, time, product variety, convenience and privacy, which determine how consumer-buying behavior is reflecting online shopping trends. Data was collected through the use of a specified measuring instrument. This instrument was a completely self-developed and standardized questionnaire that comprised of two sections. The statistical analysis of the data reflects that trust and convenience will have great impact on the decision to buy online or not. Trust is been considered as the most relevant factor affecting the customer’s buying behavior towards online shopping when it comes to younger generation

    Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer-Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study of Pakistan

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    This research paper examines the relationship between various factors that affect the consumer behavior towards online shopping. Online shopping refers to the recent trends of being able to buy everything from home. The focus of this research is to explain the influence of five major variables that were derived from literature. These variables are trust, time, product variety, convenience and privacy, which determine how consumer-buying behavior is reflecting online shopping trends. Data was collected through the use of a specified measuring instrument. This instrument was a completely self-developed and standardized questionnaire that comprised of two sections. The statistical analysis of the data reflects that trust and convenience will have great impact on the decision to buy online or not. Trust is been considered as the most relevant factor affecting the customer’s buying behavior towards online shopping when it comes to younger generation