167 research outputs found

    Stereo image matching using wavelet scale-space representation

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    A multi-resolution technique for matching a stereo pair of images based on translation invariant discrete multi-wavelet transform is presented. The technique uses the well known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform modulus are used as matching features, where modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features (multiscale edges) with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps. Illuminative variation that can exist between the perspective views of the same scene is controlled using scale normalization at each decomposition level by dividing the details space coefficients with approximation space and then using normalized correlation. The problem of ambiguity, explicitly, and occlusion, implicitly, is addressed by using a geometric topological refinement procedure and symbolic tagging.<br /

    A multi-wavelet based technique for calculating dense 2D disparity maps from stereo

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    A vision based approach for calculating accurate 3D models of the objects is presented. Generally industrial visual inspection systems capable of accurate 3D depth estimation rely on extra hardware tools like laser scanners or light pattern projectors. These tools improve the accuracy of depth estimation but also make the vision system costly and cumbersome. In the proposed algorithm, depth and dimensional accuracy of the produced 3D depth model depends on the existing reference model instead of the information from extra hardware tools. The proposed algorithm is a simple and cost effective software based approach to achieve accurate 3D depth estimation with minimal hardware involvement. The matching process uses the well-known coarse to fine strategy, involving the calculation of matching points at the coarsest level with consequent refinement up to the finest level. Vector coefficients of the wavelet transform-modulus are used as matching features, where wavelet transform-modulus maxima defines the shift invariant high-level features with phase pointing to the normal of the feature surface. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding 2D disparity maps leading to the creation of accurate depth perception model. <br /

    3D sparse feature model using short baseline stereo and multiple view registration

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    This paper outlines a methodology to generate a distinctive object representation offline, using short-baseline stereo fundamentals to triangulate highly descriptive object features in multiple pairs of stereo images. A group of sparse 2.5D perspective views are built and the multiple views are then fused into a single sparse 3D model using a common 3D shape registration technique. Having prior knowledge, such as the proposed sparse feature model, is useful when detecting an object and estimating its pose for real-time systems like augmented reality

    Computer-simulated environment for training : challenge of efficacy evaluation

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    Computer-assisted instruction has been around for decades. There has been much speculation about the benefits of computer-mediated learning. Numerous applications have been developed in different domains incorporated with emerging technologies. In recently years, advanced technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), have received much attention in their potential of creating interactive learning experience for the users. However, related literature and empirical studies indicated that learning effects in computer-simulated environments or Virtual Environments (VEs) are not systematically tested. Furthermore, the performance and learning in computer-simulated learning environment need to be evaluated through more rigorous methods. This paper suggests that 1) the efficacy of VEs is subject to a close examination, not only in terms of how VE-based training systems are easy of use, but also in terms of how effective learning is; 2) evaluation of learning in computer simulated learning environments is required to be reconsidered in terms of theoretical basis and evaluation methodologies that are relevant to the measurement of training effectiveness in computer-simulated virtual learning environment. This paper explains on how learning can be assessed in VEs through the lens of training evaluation.<br /

    Design and evaluation of a haptically enable virtual environmentfor object assembly training

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    Disparity estimation using TI multi-wavelet transform

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    A multi-resolution image matching technique based on translation invariant discrete multi-wavelet transform followed by a coarse to fine matching strategy is presented. The technique addresses the estimation of optimal corresponding points and the corresponding disparity maps in the presence of occlusion, ambiguity and illuminative variations in the two perspective views taken by two different cameras or at different lighting conditions. The problem of occlusion and ambiguity is addressed explicitly by a geometric optimization approach along with the uniqueness constraint whereas the illuminative variation is dealt with by using windowed normalized correlation on the discrete multi-wavelet coefficients.<br /
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