181 research outputs found

    Numerical Studies on Time Resolution of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors

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    The Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors offer excellent spatial and temporal resolution in harsh radiation environments of high-luminosity colliders. In this work, an attempt has been made to establish an algorithm for estimating the time resolution of different MPGDs. It has been estimated numerically on the basis of two aspects, statistics and distribution of primary electrons and their diffusion in gas medium, while ignoring their multiplication. The effect of detector design parameters, field configuration and the composition of gas mixture on the resolution have also been investigated. Finally, a modification in the numerical approach considering the threshold limit of detecting the signal has been done and tested for the RPC detector for its future implementation in case of MPGDs

    Performance Studies of Bulk Micromegas of Different Design Parameters

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    The present work involves the comparison of various bulk Micromegas detectors having different design parameters. Six detectors with amplification gaps of 64, 128, 192, 220 μm64,~128,~192,~220 ~\mu\mathrm{m} and mesh hole pitch of 63, 78 μm63,~78 ~\mu\mathrm{m} were tested at room temperature and normal gas pressure. Two setups were built to evaluate the effect of the variation of the amplification gap and mesh hole pitch on different detector characteristics. The gain, energy resolution and electron transmission of these Micromegas detectors were measured in Argon-Isobutane (90:10) gas mixture while the measurements of the ion backflow were carried out in P10 gas. These measured characteristics have been compared in detail to the numerical simulations using the Garfield framework that combines packages such as neBEM, Magboltz and Heed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1605.0289

    Experimental and numerical simulation of a TPC like set up for the measurement of ion backflow

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    Ion backflow is one of the effects limiting the operation of a gaseous detector at high flux, by giving rise to space charge which perturbs the electric field. The natural ability of bulk Micromegas to suppress ion feedback is very effective and can help the TPC drift volume to remain relatively free of space charge build-up. An efficient and precise measurement of the backflow fraction is necessary to cope up with the track distortion due to the space charge effect. In a subtle but significant modification of the usual approach, we have made use of two drift meshes in order to measure the ion backflow fraction for bulk Micromegas detector. This helps to truly represent the backflow fraction for a TPC. Moreover, attempt is taken to optimize the field configuration between the drift meshes. In conjunction with the experimental measurement, Garfield simulation framework has been used to simulate the related physics processes numerically

    On the localization properties of an RPWELL gas-avalanche detector

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    A study of the localization properties of a single-element Resistive Plate WELL (RPWELL) detector is presented. The detector comprises of a single-sided THick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (THGEM) coupled to a segmented readout anode through a doped silicate-glass plate of 1010^{10} Ω⋅\Omega\cdotcm bulk resistivity. Operated in ambient Ne/(5%\%CH4_4) gas, the detector has been investigated with 150 GeV muons at CERN-SPS. Signals induced through the resistive plate on anode readout strips were recorded with APV25/SRS electronics. The experimental results are compared with that of Monte Carlo simulations. The effects of various physics phenomena on the position resolution are discussed. The measured position resolution in the present configuration is 0.28 mm RMS - compatible with the holes-pattern of the multiplier. Possible ways for improving the detector position resolution are suggested

    3D Simulation of Electron and Ion Transmission of GEM-based Detectors

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    Time Projection Chamber (TPC) has been chosen as the main tracking system in several high-flux and high repetition rate experiments. These include on-going experiments such as ALICE and future experiments such as PANDA at FAIR and ILC. Different R&D\mathrm{R}\&\mathrm{D} activities were carried out on the adoption of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) as the gas amplification stage of the ALICE-TPC upgrade version. The requirement of low ion feedback has been established through these activities. Low ion feedback minimizes distortions due to space charge and maintains the necessary values of detector gain and energy resolution. In the present work, Garfield simulation framework has been used to study the related physical processes occurring within single, triple and quadruple GEM detectors. Ion backflow and electron transmission of quadruple GEMs, made up of foils with different hole pitch under different electromagnetic field configurations (the projected solutions for the ALICE TPC) have been studied. Finally a new triple GEM detector configuration with low ion backflow fraction and good electron transmission properties has been proposed as a simpler GEM-based alternative suitable for TPCs for future collider experiments

    Investigation of heat-acid induced coagulation behaviour of whole milk systems employing front-face fluorescence spectroscopy

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    The heat-acid-induced coagulation behaviour of whole milk system (buffalo, cow and mixed milk) was studied by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy exploiting tryptophan as a marker molecule. The varied molecular environment of tryptophan residues in the raw milk systems exerted different fluorescence properties. During the coagulation process, cow milk exhibited significant quenching and bathochromic shift in the emission spectra which was attributed to the low buffering ability and high hydration capacity of cow milk caseins. The results indicated that tryptophan residues of cow milk experienced more dynamic environment throughout the reaction as compared to buffalo milk
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