12 research outputs found

    Trigeminal nerve schwannoma

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    Trigeminal schwannomas are uncommon slow growing encapsulated tumours composed of schwann cells. Trigeminal schwannomas are the second most common type of schwannoma, after the far more common acoustic schwannoma. In this case definite diagnosis could not be made after 1 CT (computerized tomography) scan and 3 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) (outside hospital) but finally after proper clinical examination and discussion with radiologist about the best diagnostic imaging in this case we reached to a diagnosis of trigeminal nerve schwannoma after MRI brain with contrast

    Thyroid dysfunctions in patients with chronic renal failure

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    Background: Chronic renal failure (CRF), or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is a progressive, irreversible deterioration in renal function in which the body’s ability to maintain metabolic and fluid and electrolyte balance fails, resulting in the development of clinical symptoms like uraemia or azotemia. Thyroid hormones have an important role in regulating metabolism, development of the kidney, maintenance of water and electrolyte homeostasis, protein synthesis and influencing other hormone function. Tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) are the two main hormones produced by the thyroid. The patients with chronic renal failure often exhibit clinical features and laboratory findings which are indicative of thyroid dysfunction, since, kidney is involved in the metabolism and elimination of TH.Methods: This was a cross sectional single centre descriptive study, including 50 patients of either gender between the age of 45-70 years.Results: Present study found a significant positive correlation between the TSH levels and Zulewski score in patients with CRF.Conclusions: Since there was found to be a correlation between the TSH levels and Zulewski score, the evaluation of symptoms and signs with Zulewski score in addition to thyroid function testing in patients with thyroid dysfunction is essential, since it can be a marker for CRF

    A rare case of mixed connective tissue disease presenting with central nervous system glioma, vasculitis and polymyositis

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    Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) was first recognized by Sharp and Colleagues in 1972 among a group of patients with overlapping clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), scleroderma and myositis, with the presence of distinctive antibodies against, what now is known to be U1-ribonucleoprotein (RNP). We report an unusual case of a 23-year old female with MCTD characterized by the coexistence of signs, symptoms and immunological features of 3 defined autoimmune diseases SLE, systemic sclerosis (SSc), polymyositis (PM) and an unusual presence of central nervous system (CNS) Glioma

    Mixed connective tissue disease presenting with isolated pulmonary hypertension, and limited cutaneous sclerosis

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    Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) was first recognized by Sharp and Colleagues in 1972 among a group of patients with overlapping clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), scleroderma and myositis, with the presence of distinctive antibodies against, what now is known to be U1ribonucleoprotein (RNP). We report an unusual case of a 29-year old female with MCTD characterized by the coexistence of signs, symptoms and immunological features of 3 defined autoimmune diseases isolated PHT, cutaneous sclerosis (SSc), hypothyroidism

    Melanosis secondary to Addison disease: a case report

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    Addison disease is a rare but potentially fatal disorder of the adrenal glands. Its manifestations are often confused with many common disorders, and a high index of suspicion is required for the diagnosis. In this case we observed that initially the manifestation were confused with melanosis secondary to consumption of Ayurvedic medication and pangastritis, but a high level of suspicion helped to reach the diagnosis of Addison disease

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to viral pneumonitis in case of varicella zoster in adult: case report

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    Chickenpox, is a highly contagious disease caused by infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). The disease is often more severe in adults than children.  Here we present a case of adult male suffering from chicken pox who presented with complication of acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS] due to viral pneumonitis. Due to his late presentation, despite of giving antivirals, patient had a fatal outcome. So this case highlights the necessity & importance of early administration of antivirals, especially in adult pox, to tackle the complications of disease and get a favourable outcome

    Scleroderma: a case report

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    Scleroderma is systemic multi organ autoimmune disorder characterized by hardening of skin. Also known as systemic sclerosis. Estimated annual incidences of approximately 19 cases per million persons. The limited skin disease has a 10-year survival rate of 71%, whereas those with diffuse skin disease have a 10-year survival rate of just 21%. Risk is higher in women than men and peak in individuals aged 30-50 years. It has no definitive treatment. It may be limited or diffuse depending upon manifestations of symptoms or signs affecting internal organs especially lungs, heart, or kidney. We report a case of scleroderma with pulmonary hypertension and interstitial lung disease in our hospital who presented with tightening of skin, joint pain, dysphagia, and breathlessness. On examination skin appeared dark, shiny, and tight, with loss of hair, paraesthesia and digital ulceration. Patient also has history of Raynaud's phenomenon. On investigation, Scl-70 and ANA (antinuclear antibodies) by enzyme immunoassay came positive. HRCT thorax was suggestive of interstitial fibrosis and PFT revealed moderate restriction. On 2D echocardiography, mild pulmonary hypertension was present while barium swallow showed motility disorder involving oesophagus. On view of extensive systemic involvement like skin, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system and heart, we would like to present this rare disorder

    Trigeminal nerve schwannoma

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    Trigeminal schwannomas are uncommon slow growing encapsulated tumours composed of schwann cells. Trigeminal schwannomas are the second most common type of schwannoma, after the far more common acoustic schwannoma. In this case definite diagnosis could not be made after 1 CT (computerized tomography) scan and 3 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) (outside hospital) but finally after proper clinical examination and discussion with radiologist about the best diagnostic imaging in this case we reached to a diagnosis of trigeminal nerve schwannoma after MRI brain with contrast

    Mixed connective tissue disease presenting with isolated pulmonary hypertension, and limited cutaneous sclerosis

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    Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) was first recognized by Sharp and Colleagues in 1972 among a group of patients with overlapping clinical features of systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), scleroderma and myositis, with the presence of distinctive antibodies against, what now is known to be U1ribonucleoprotein (RNP). We report an unusual case of a 29-year old female with MCTD characterized by the coexistence of signs, symptoms and immunological features of 3 defined autoimmune diseases isolated PHT, cutaneous sclerosis (SSc), hypothyroidism