2,583 research outputs found

    Theory of Luminescent Emission in Nanocrystal ZnS:Mn with an Extra Electron

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    We consider the effect of an extra electron injected into a doped quantum dot ZnS:Mn2+ZnS:Mn^{2+}. The Coulomb interaction and the exchange interaction between the extra electron and the states of the Mn ion will mix the wavefunctions, split the impurity energy levels, break the previous selection rules and change the transition probabilities. Using this model of an extra electron in the doped quantum dot, we calculated the energy and the wavefunctions, the luminescence probability and the transition lifetime and compare with the experiments. Our calculation shows that two orders of magnitudes of lifetime shortening can occur in the transition 4T16A1^4T_1-^6A_1 when an extra electron is present.Comment: 15 pages, 2 Figs No change in Fig

    Immunomodulatory Activity of Chlorophytum borivilianum Sant. F

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    Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & Fernandes (Liliaceae) is a very popular herb in traditional Indian medicine and constitute a group of herbs used as ‘Rasayan’ or adaptogen. Ethanolic extract of the roots and its sapogenin were evaluated for their immunomodulatory activity. Effect of azathioprine-induced myelosuppresion and administration of extracts on hematological and serological parameters was determined. Administration of extracts greatly improved survival against Candida albicans infection. An increase in delayed-type hypersensitivity response (DTH), % neutrophil adhesion and in vivo phagocytosis by carbon clearance method was observed after treatment with extracts. Immunostimulant activity of ethanolic extract was more pronounced as compared to sapogenins. The results, thus justifies the traditional use of C. borivilianum as a rasayana drug

    Mechanisms of rolling contact spalling

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    The results of a study aimed at analyzing the mechanical material interactions responsible for rolling contact spalling of the 440 C steel, high pressure oxygen turbopump bearings are presented. A coupled temperature displacement finite element analysis of the effects of friction heating under the contact is presented. The contact is modelled as a stationary, heat generating, 2 dimensional indent in an elastic perfectly plastic half-space with heat fluxes up to 8.6 x 10000 KW/m sq comparable to those generated in the bearing. Local temperatures in excess of 1000 C are treated. The calculations reveal high levels of residual tension after the contact is unloaded and cools. Efforts to promote Mode 2/Mode 3 fatigue crack growth under cyclic torsion in hardened 440 C steel are described. Spalls produced on 440 C steel by a 3 ball/rod rolling contact testing machine were studied with scanning microscopy. The shapes of the cyclic, stress strain hysteresis loops displayed by hardened 440 C steel in cyclic torsion at room temperature are defined for the plastic strain amplitudes encountered in rolling/sliding contact. Results of these analyses are discussed in detail

    Pelagic sharks by-catch in the tuna longline fishery of the Indian EEZ

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    Several species of pelagic and oceanic sharks are caught by the tuna longliners of FSI while surveying the oceanic tuna resources in the Indian EEZ. Though the sharks are not targeted species in tuna longlining, they constitute a major share of the catches. The sharks hooked could be, therefore, treated as by- catches or incidental catches of the tuna longline fisher

    Mathematical Models in Management Sciences. (1) - Consumer Behaviour as a Markov Process

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    Mathematical models based on Markov processes for consumer purchasing behavio

    Role of ABA Signaling in Regulation of Stem Sugar Metabolism and Transport under Post- Flowering Drought Stress in Sweet Sorghum

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    Sugar remobilization from vegetative to reproductive tissues is an important process that determines grain yield in crops. Sweet sorghum stems store sugar and introgression of Stay green1 (Stg 1) locus from the grain sorghum genotype B35 into the sweet sorghum genotype S35 was previously shown to bring about a 2-fold higher stem sugar accumulation in the near-isogenic line (NIL) S35SG06040. We hypothesized that remobilization of stem sugar augments grain yield on exposure to drought stress and that the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) has a role to play in this process. ABA levels were three times higher in the NIL as compared to those in S35 on drought stress exposure. Remobilization of stem sugars in the NIL was evident by the observed decrease in reducing sugar content in the stem but not in the peduncle in response to prolonged drought stress exposure. Drought-induced expression of some ABA response factors (ABFs) as well as invertase and sucrose transporter genes was seen to be higher in the NIL as compared to S35. An over-representation of ABA-responsive elements (ABREs) and sugar signaling motifs in the differentially expressed genes indicated the involvement of ABA and sugar signaling in regulation of their expression. Two ABF genes located on the Stg1 locus showed single nucleotide polymorphism, which possibly accounted for their differential regulation in S35 and the NIL. The results suggest that ABA signaling plays an important role in post-flowering drought-induced remobilization of sugars to the reproductive sinks

    Effect of irrigation on reproductive efficiency of bunch and spreading types of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Groundnuts are mostly grown during the rainy season (kharif) in India. Most of the cultivation is without irrigation. Consequently the crop experiences water deficits of different intensities and durations, depending upon the rainfall distribution. Yields are poor under such conditions. In other leguminous species irrigation at flowering usually improves yield, if the pod development period coincides with a break in rainfall or water deficit (Khanna-Chopra, Koundal & Sinha, 1980). Thus, an understanding of reproductive behaviour and reproductive efficiency could be helpful in adjusting planting to coincide with favourable agroclimatic conditions. Alternatively, this understanding could help in scheduling irrigation