527 research outputs found

    Aeroponics approach for production of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) corms and cormels

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    Gladiolus is a popular commercial flower crop among top ten cut flowers of international trade. In order to improve the rate of multiplication, eleven gladiolus varieties with three nutrient regimes (N1- 96:18:108, N2-128:24:144 and N3-160:30:180 ppm of NPK) were evaluated under aeroponics system. The results revealed that different varieties and nutrient regimes had significant influence on plant growth, corm and cormel production. Among the genotypes, Arka Naveen recorded maximum plant height (109.44 cm), on par with Arka Amar (104.77 cm). The genotype Arka Amar (1.89) recorded highest number of corms per plant, on par with Arka Ranjini (1.78), Arka Aayush (1.44), Arka Naveen (1.44) and Arka Shobha (1.67). However, number of cormels were recorded highest in Arka Aayush (1.67), on par with Arka Amar (1.67) and Arka Ranjini (1.44). Among the nutrient regimes, N2 (128:24:144 ppm NPK) registered maximum plant height (85.44 cm), on par with N3 (160:30:180 ppm NPK) (77.42 cm). The number of corms (1.39) and cormels (3.56) per plant were recorded highest in N2 (128:24:144 ppm of NPK). The genotype Arka Manorama did not produce cormels under aeroponics system. Gladiolus varieties Arka Amar, Arka Aayush and Arka Naveen were found as best suited under aeroponic system for better corm multiplication under the nutrient regime of N2 (128:24:144 ppm of NPK)


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    Objective: To evaluate the potential cytotoxic and antitumor activities of secondary metabolites of selected medicinal plants of Savanadurga forest, Karnataka. Methods: The soxhlet extracted crude methanolic leaf extracts of nineteen medicinal plants were assessed for their potential cytotoxic and antitumor activities by brine shrimp lethality assay and potato tumor inhibition assay at 100μg/ml respectively. Results: Kirganelia reticulata and Cissus quadrangularis showed highest cytotoxicity while Flacourtia indica failed to show any inhibitory activity in brine shrimp lethality assay. Kirganelia reticulata exhibited 100% antitumor activity while Albizzia amara failed to show any antitumor activity as tested by crown gall tumor inhibition assay. Conclusion: Both brine shrimp lethality assay and potato tumor inhibition assay indicated that Kirganelia reticulata seems to be the best anticancer plant

    Aeroponics approach for production of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) corms and cormels

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    Gladiolus is a popular commercial flower crop among top ten cut flowers of international trade. In order to improve the rate of multiplication, eleven gladiolus varieties with three nutrient regimes (N1- 96:18:108, N2-128:24:144 and N3-160:30:180 ppm of NPK) were evaluated under aeroponics system. The results revealed that different varieties and nutrient regimes had significant influence on plant growth, corm and cormel production. Among the genotypes, Arka Naveen recorded maximum plant height (109.44 cm), on par with Arka Amar (104.77 cm). The genotype Arka Amar (1.89) recorded highest number of corms per plant, on par with Arka Ranjini (1.78), Arka Aayush (1.44), Arka Naveen (1.44) and Arka Shobha (1.67). However, number of cormels were recorded highest in Arka Aayush (1.67), on par with Arka Amar (1.67) and Arka Ranjini (1.44). Among the nutrient regimes, N2 (128:24:144 ppm NPK) registered maximum plant height (85.44 cm), on par with N3 (160:30:180 ppm NPK) (77.42 cm). The number of corms (1.39) and cormels (3.56) per plant were recorded highest in N2 (128:24:144 ppm of NPK). The genotype Arka Manorama did not produce cormels under aeroponics system. Gladiolus varieties Arka Amar, Arka Aayush and Arka Naveen were found as best suited under aeroponic system for better corm multiplication under the nutrient regime of N2 (128:24:144 ppm of NPK)

    A Cryptographic Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic and Deck of Cards

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    Sharing of information in a secured manner is extremely essential in this world of internet technology. In recent times, many people come across situations wherein their personal data are being hacked by trespassers. These stolen data are used for many malpractices including theft of money. Many researchers involve themselves in finding a better path to overcome this difficulty. Cryptography plays a major role in bringing out a solution to rectify this issue. Mathematics provides a helping hand in most of the cryptographic techniques. It helps to secure data from hackers involved in the robbery of data. Fuzzy logic find its application in many field of research. This paper proposes a cryptographic technique which make use of fuzzy logic together with the help of deck of cards and its membership functional value

    Human nasal rhinosporidiosis - A case report

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    Rhinosporidiosis is primarily an infection of the nose caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi. Other sites that can be involved areconjunctiva, urethra, palate, tongue, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi, skin, vulva, and vagina. It is endemic in certain parts ofIndia and Sri Lanka. The pathogen is difficult to grow in culture and Hematoxylin and Eosin staining helps in confirmation of theetiological agent. Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment. Here is a report aimed at documenting a 26-year-old female patientwith nasal rhinosporidiosis

    Sorghum Grain Mold Variability in Fungal Complex

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    The grain mold complex in sorghum {Sorghum bicolor) involves a number of pathogenic and saprophytic fungi that vary in their frequencies and severities under different environmental conditions (Bandyopadhyay et al. 2000). To provide genetic management for grain mold In sorghum, a clear understanding of the major pathogenic fungi and their variability under different environments is critical. Among the major pathogenic fungi, Fusarium monitiforme (F. verticiOoides) is known to produce fumonisins, a mycotoxin of concern for the use of molded sorghum grains as food and feed (Marasas 1996, Bhat et al. 1997). With the above objective we Initiated a collaborative Sorghum Grain Mold Variability Nursery (SGMVN) between ICRISAT and the All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project (AICSIP) ot the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The nursery was coordinated by ICRISAT and conducted at four locations In India during the rainy season 2002. The results of the trials are presented

    Standardization of sterilization protocol for explants and its suitability for direct organogenesis in tuberose cv. Arka Vaibhav

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    A study was carried out to standardize the sterilization protocol for different explants (terminal stem scale,immature flower bud and tepal segment) and to select the suitable explant for the direct organogenesis of tuberose cv. Arka Vaibhav. The highest survival per cent (100) and uncontaminated cultures (0.00) of terminal stem scale explant was observed in pre-treatment with overnight soaking of terminal stem scale in the solution comprising carbendazim (0.1%), chlorothalonil (0.05%) and myristyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (cetrimide) (0.05%) and subsequently surface sterilization with 70% ethanol (1 min), 4% sodium hypochlorite (10 min) followed by 0.1% HgCl2 (15 min). The explant immature flower bud recorded the highest survival per cent (100) and maximum aseptic cultures in the treatment T1 comprised of 1.0 drop Tween-20 + 70% ethanol (30 sec) and 1% sodium hypochlorite (3 min). Pre-treatment of tepal segment explant in 0.1% carbendazim (30 min) solution followed by surface sterilization with combination of 1.0 drop Tween-20 + 70% ethanol (30 sec) followed by 1% sodium hypochlorite (3 min) registered 91.66% of survival with the minimum contamination (10%) in the treatment. Among the three explants used, the terminal stem scale was found suitable for direct organogenesis with early greenness (5.72 days) and highly responsive to shoot induction (100%) in MS medium supplemented with 4 mg/L BAP + 0.1mg/L IAA. Other two explants viz., immature flower bud and tepal segment failed to respond for direct organogenesis by shoot induction instead produced profuse callus