11 research outputs found

    Is gastric ulceration different in normal and malnourished rats?

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    Protein malnutrition can adversely affect all tissues. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that protein deprivation influences gastric ulcer formation, as well as metabolism and organ growth, in rats. In the present study, there was a significant reduction in the body and organ weight of rats fed a low-protein diet (P<0.001). Malnourished rats were less susceptible to ulceration of the gastric mucosa in ethanol and indomethacin models of acute gastric ulcers when compared with rats fed a normoproteic diet (17 % protein). Mucus production and prostaglandin E-2 formation increased in malnourished rats, possibly explaining the lower number of acute ulcers in these animals. Pylorus ligature altered gastric juice composition (increased pH and gastric volume, and decreased total acid concentration) in the animal group fed a low-protein diet compared with the group fed a diet containing 17 % protein (P<0.05). The gastric mucosa was more damaged in malnourished rats than in normal rats evaluated for 14 d after acetic acid injection (P<0.001). Malnourished rats exhibited resistance to acute gastric lesions, owing to an increase in prostaglandin GE(2) release and mucus secretion, which protected their gastric mucosa. This phenomenon was not seen in subchronic gastric ulceration.o TEXTO COMPLETO DESTE ARTIGO, ESTARÁ DISPONÍVEL À PARTIR DE AGOSTO DE 2015.931475

    The administration of a high refined carbohydrate diet promoted an increase in pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress in mice exposed to cigarette smoke

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    Karina Braga Pena,1 Camila de Oliveira Ramos,1 N&iacute;cia Pedreira Soares,1 Pamela F&eacute;lix da Silva,1 Ana Carla Balthar Bandeira,2 Guilherme de Paula Costa,3 S&iacute;lvia Dantas Canguss&uacute;,1 Andr&eacute; Talvani,3 Frank Silva Bezerra1 1Laboratory of Experimental Pathophysiology (LAFEx), 2Laboratory of Metabolic Biochemistry (LBM), 3Laboratory of Immunobiology of Inflammation (LABIIN), Department of Biological Sciences (DECBI), Center of Research in Biological Sciences (NUPEB), Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a high refined carbohydrate diet and pulmonary inflammatory response in C57BL/6 mice exposed to cigarette smoke (CS). Twenty-four male mice were divided into four groups: control group (CG), which received a standard diet; cigarette smoke group (CSG), which was exposed to CS; a high refined carbohydrate diet group (RG), which received a high refined carbohydrate diet; and a high refined carbohydrates diet and cigarette smoke group (RCSG), which received a high refined carbohydrate diet and was exposed to CS. The animals were monitored for food intake and body weight gain for 12 weeks. After this period, the CSG and RCSG were exposed to CS for five consecutive days. At the end of the experimental protocol, all animals were euthanized for subsequent analyses. There was an increase of inflammatory cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of CSG compared to CG and RCSG compared to CG, CSG, and RG. In addition, in the BALF, there was an increase of tumor necrosis factor alpha in RCSG compared to CG, CSG, and RG; interferon gamma increase in RCSG compared to the CSG; and increase in interleukin-10 in RCSG compared to CG and RG. Lipid peroxidation increased in RCSG compared to CG, CSG, and RG. Furthermore, the oxidation of proteins increased in CSG compared to CG. The analysis of oxidative stress showed an increase in superoxide dismutase in RCSG compared to CG, CSG, and RG and an increase in the catalase activity in RCSG compared with CG. In addition, there was a decrease in the glutathione reduced/glutathione total ratio of CSG, RG, and RCSG compared to CG. Therefore, the administration of a high refined carbohydrate diet promoted an increase in pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress in mice exposed to CS. Keywords: obesity, cigarette smoke, oxidative stress, pulmonary inflammatio

    Desempenho de cultivares de alface em cultivo hidropônico sob dois níveis de condutividade elétrica Evaluation of two electric conductivity levels on the hidroponic cultivation of lettuce

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar cultivares de alface de folhas soltas lisas, submetidas a estresse osmótico em soluções nutritivas sob cultivo hidropônico. Foram realizados dois experimentos, cada um com uma condutividade elétrica (C.E.) de 2,0 dS m-1 e 2,5 dS m-1. Os tratamentos foram as cultivares de alface Babá de Verão, Floresta, Luisa, Manoa, Regina 579, Saia Véia e Vitória Verdinha. O delineamento experimental foi blocos casualizados, com três repetições. A colheita foi feita aos 45 dias após a semeadura. Nenhuma cultivar se destacou no conjunto das características avaliadas, embora a Manoa tenha apresentado o maior índice de queima de bordas das folhas, sem diferir estatisticamente da Saia Véia e Babá de Verão. As cultivares Regina 579 e Vitória Verdinha são as preferidas dos produtores hidropônico de Pernambuco, devido à falta de genótipos mais adaptados a essa modalidade de cultivo, e por apresentarem folhas lisas, levemente enrugadas e de textura macia.<br>The aim of this work was to compare loose-leaf lettuce cultivars submitted to osmotic stress in nutrient solutions in hydroponic culture. Two experiments were carried out, with electric conductivity of 2.0 or 2.5 dS m-1. The treatments were the cultivars Babá de Verão, Floresta, Luisa, Manoa, Regina 579, Saia Véia, and Vitória Verdinha. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications. Harvest was performed 45 days after sowing. None among the cultivars differed clearly on the characteristics evaluated. However, "Manoa" showed the highest rate of leaf-edge burning, without significant difference in comparison to "Saia Véia" and "Babá de Verão" for summer. The cultivars Regina 579 and Vitória Verdinha are preferred by the growers of hydroponic vegetables of Pernambuco, due to the lack of better genotypes for this type of cultivation and due to the presence of smooth slightly-wrinkled leaves with soft texture