10 research outputs found

    Glycotoxin and autoantibodies are additive environmentally determined predictors of type 1 diabetes: a twin and population study.

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    In type 1 diabetes, diabetes-associated autoantibodies, including islet cell antibodies (ICAs), reflect adaptive immunity, while increased serum N(ε)-carboxymethyl-lysine (CML), an advanced glycation end product, is associated with proinflammation. We assessed whether serum CML and autoantibodies predicted type 1 diabetes and to what extent they were determined by genetic or environmental factors. Of 7,287 unselected schoolchildren screened, 115 were ICA(+) and were tested for baseline CML and diabetes autoantibodies and followed (for median 7 years), whereas a random selection (n = 2,102) had CML tested. CML and diabetes autoantibodies were determined in a classic twin study of twin pairs discordant for type 1 diabetes (32 monozygotic, 32 dizygotic pairs). CML was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, autoantibodies were determined by radioimmunoprecipitation, ICA was determined by indirect immunofluorescence, and HLA class II genotyping was determined by sequence-specific oligonucleotides. CML was increased in ICA(+) and prediabetic schoolchildren and in diabetic and nondiabetic twins (all P < 0.001). Elevated levels of CML in ICA(+) children were a persistent, independent predictor of diabetes progression, in addition to autoantibodies and HLA risk. In twins model fitting, familial environment explained 75% of CML variance, and nonshared environment explained all autoantibody variance. Serum CML, a glycotoxin, emerged as an environmentally determined diabetes risk factor, in addition to autoimmunity and HLA genetic risk, and a potential therapeutic target.J.C.H. was supported by the Children’s Diabetes Foundation in Denver, the University of Colorado Denver Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (National Institutes of Health [NIH] Grant P30-DK-57516), NIH Grant R01-DK-052068, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Autoimmunity Center Consortium; B.O.B. was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG SFB 518/ GRK 1041) and State Baden-Wuerttemberg Centre of Excellence “Metabolic Disorders”; and R.D.L. was supported by grants from the British Diabetic Twin Research Trust and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International. H.Be. was in receipt of an Eli Lilly award

    Identification of Type 1 Diabetes-Associated DNA Methylation Variable Positions That Precede Disease Diagnosis

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    Monozygotic (MZ) twin pair discordance for childhood-onset Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is similar to 50%, implicating roles for genetic and non-genetic factors in the aetiology of this complex autoimmune disease. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the genetics of T1D in recent years, the non-genetic component has remained poorly defined. We hypothesized that epigenetic variation could underlie some of the non-genetic component of T1D aetiology and, thus, performed an epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) for this disease. We generated genome-wide DNA methylation profiles of purified CD14(+) monocytes (an immune effector cell type relevant to T1D pathogenesis) from 15 T1D-discordant MZ twin pairs. This identified 132 different CpG sites at which the direction of the intra-MZ pair DNA methylation difference significantly correlated with the diabetic state, i.e. T1D-associated methylation variable positions (T1D-MVPs). We confirmed these T1D-MVPs display statistically significant intra-MZ pair DNA methylation differences in the expected direction in an independent set of T1D-discordant MZ pairs (P = 0.035). Then, to establish the temporal origins of the T1D-MVPs, we generated two further genome-wide datasets and established that, when compared with controls, T1D-MVPs are enriched in singletons both before (P = 0.001) and at (P = 0.015) disease diagnosis, and also in singletons positive for diabetes-associated autoantibodies but disease-free even after 12 years follow-up (P = 0.0023). Combined, these results suggest that T1D-MVPs arise very early in the etiological process that leads to overt T1D. Our EWAS of T1D represents an important contribution toward understanding the etiological role of epigenetic variation in type 1 diabetes, and it is also the first systematic analysis of the temporal origins of disease-associated epigenetic variation for any human complex disease

    Distinct monocyte gene-expression profiles in autoimmune diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE-There is evidence that monocytes of patients with type 1 diabetes show proinflammatory activation and disturbed migration/adhesion, but the evidence is inconsistent. Our hypothesis is that monocytes are distinctly activated/disturbed in different subforms of autoimmune diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We studied patterns of inflammatory gene expression in monocytes of patients with type 1 diabetes (juvenile onset, n = 30; adult onset, n = 30) and latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult (LADA) (n = 30) (controls subjects, n = 49; type 2 diabetic patients, n = 30) using quantitative PCR. We tested 25 selected genes: 12 genes detected in a prestudy via whole-genome analyses plus an additional 13 genes identified as part of a monocyte inflammatory signature previously reported. RESULTS-We identified two distinct monocyte gene expression clusters in autoimmune diabetes. One cluster (comprising 12 proinflammatory cytokine/compound genes with a putative key gene PDE4B) was detected in 60% of LADA and 28% of adult-onset type 1 diabetic patients but in only 10% of juvenile - onset type 1 diabetic patients. A second cluster (comprising 10 chemotaxis, adhesion, motility, and metabolism genes) was detected in 43% of juvenile-onset type 1 diabetic and 33% of LADA patients but in only 9% of adult-onset type 1 diabetic patients. CONCLUSIONS-Subgroups of type 1 diabetic patients show an abnormal monocyte gene expression with two profiles, supporting a concept of heterogeneity in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes only partly overlapping with the presently known diagnostic categories

    Human aging-associated DNA hypermethylation occurs preferentially at bivalent chromatin domains

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    There is a growing realization that some aging-associated phenotypes/diseases have an epigenetic basis. Here, we report the first genome-scale study of epigenomic dynamics during normal human aging. We identify aging-associated differentially methylated regions (aDMRs) in whole blood in a discovery cohort, and then replicate these aDMRs in sorted CD4(+) T-cells and CD14(+) monocytes in an independent cohort, suggesting that aDMRs occur in precursor haematopoietic cells. Further replication of the aDMRs in buccal cells, representing a tissue that originates from a different germ layer compared with blood, demonstrates that the aDMR signature is a multitissue phenomenon. Moreover, we demonstrate that aging-associated DNA hypermethylation occurs predominantly at bivalent chromatin domain promoters. This same category of promoters, associated with key developmental genes, is frequently hypermethylated in cancers and in vitro cell culture, pointing to a novel mechanistic link between aberrant hypermethylation in cancer, aging, and cell culture