45 research outputs found

    Digital fluency for Open Educational Resources: The active role of libraries in establishing OER in Germany\u27s higher education sector

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    Free access to education, information and knowledge is a declared educational policy goal that all state universities in Germany strive to achieve. Open Educational Resources (OER) make an important contribution to this, as their use is open to all teaching staff and learners. The development, use and distribution of OER is currently focused by several government funding grants, but still has not fully arrived in the country’s educational practices. Reasons for this include the fact that dealing with OER requires sound knowledge much of which relates to copyright and licensing law. In addition, for the technical design and provision of extensive OER (e.g. courses, self-learning modules), competencies for dealing with (complex) digital systems are particularly necessary. In order to develop competencies for OER and thus promote their establishment, incentive and support measures are of particular relevance. While legal and didactic topics are focused on in a wide range of continuing education programs from established institutions, the technical design of OER (e.g., using Markdown or Git) is often not taken into account. This is where libraries come in: Since they are key actors in the field of Open Science and - as infrastructure institutions - possess a high level of technical expertise, they also play a crucial role in supporting the development of digital fluency for the technical creation of OER. The paper states the current status of the implementation of OER in the Germany higher education sector. In particular, the role of libraries as multipliers for a culture of open access to education and knowledge is taken into focus. As a practical example to support competence development for using OER - with special regard to their technical creation - a digital training concept of the TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology | University Library) in Hanover, Germany is presented and reflected upon

    Produktionsfacharbeit in der chemischen Industrie: Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung aus Expertensicht

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    Durch Digitalisierung verändern sich Arbeitsanforderungen und Tätigkeitsbereiche naturwissenschaftlich-technischer Berufe. Damit einher geht ein Wandel betrieblicher Qualifizierungsbedarfe, der Unternehmen und Beschäftigte vor neue Herausforderungen stellt. Das Working Paper liefert Erkenntnisse zu den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die chemische Industrie aus Expertenperspektive. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Veränderung von Facharbeit im Produktionsbereich, auf der Gestaltung des Lernorts Betrieb vor dem Hintergrund technologischer Innovation sowie auf den Positionen und Handlungsansätzen der Sozialpartner

    Diphone-Based Unit Selection for Catalan Text-to-Speech Synthesis

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    Lernort Betrieb 4.0: Organisation, Subjekt und Bildungskooperation in der digitalen Transformation der Chemieindustrie

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    In der chemischen Produktion haben die Selbstorganisation der Beschäftigten und deren stetiger Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch weiterhin einen hohen Stellenwert, sowohl für die Anlagensicherheit als auch für die berufliche Handlungsfähigkeit der Fachkräfte. Er ist im Hinblick auf die demografische Entwicklung und das Fehlen systematischer Konzepte des Wissenstransfers in den Betrieben jedoch nicht auf Dauer gesichert. Trotz der Kooperation zwischen Bildungsanbietern und Chemieunternehmen fehlen gemeinsame Konzepte zur Entwicklung und Implementierung von Digitalisierungs- und Qualifizierungsstrategien

    Diphone Synthesis using Unit Selection

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    This paper describes an experimental AT&T concatenative synthesis system using unit selection, for which the basic synthesis units are diphones. The synthesizer may use any of the data from a large database of utterances. Since there are in general multiple instances of each concatenative unit, the system performs dynamic unit selection. Selection among candidates is done dynamically at synthesis, in a manner that is based on and extends unit selection implemented in the CHATR synthesis system [1][4]. Selected units may be either phones or diphones, and they can be synthesized by a variety of methods, including PSOLA [5], HNM [11], and simple unit concatenation. The AT&T system, with CHATR unit selection, was implemented within the framework of the Festival Speech Synthesis System [2]. The voice database amounted to approximately one and one-half hours of speech and was constructed from read text taken from three sources. The first source was a portion of the 1989 Wall Street Journal m..