53 research outputs found

    Cohort study of electroencephalography markers of amyloid-tau-neurodegeneration pathology

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    Electroencephalography signatures of amyloid-β, tau and neurodegenerative pathologies would aid in screening for, tracking progression of, and critically, understanding the pathogenesis of dementia. We hypothesized that slowing of the alpha peak frequency, as a signature of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated ‘pacemaker’ channel activity, would correlate with amyloid and tau pathology burden measured by amyloid (Pittsburgh Compound B) and tau (MK-6240) positron emission tomography or CSF biomarkers. We also hypothesized that EEG power would be associated with neurodegeneration (CSF neurofilament light and hippocampal volume). Wakeful high-density EEG data were collected from 53 subjects. Both amyloid-β and tau pathology were associated with slowing in the alpha peak frequency [Pittsburgh Compound B (+) vs. Pittsburgh Compound B (−) subjects, P = 0.039 and MK-6240 (+) vs. MK-6240 (−) subjects, P = 0.019]. Furthermore, slowing in the peak alpha frequency correlated with CSF Aβ42/40 ratio (r2 = 0.270; P = 0.003), phosphoTau (pTau181, r2 = 0.290; P = 0.001) and pTau181/Aβ42 (r2 = 0.343; P < 0.001). Alpha peak frequency was not associated with neurodegeneration. Higher CSF neurofilament light was associated with lower total EEG power (r2 = 0.136; P = 0.018), theta power (r2 = 0.148; P = 0.014) and beta power (r2 = 0.216; P = 0.002); the latter was also associated with normalized hippocampal volume (r2 = 0.196; P = 0.002). Amyloid-tau and neurodegenerative pathologies are associated with distinct electrophysiological signatures that may be useful as mechanistic tools and diagnostic/treatment effect biomarkers in clinical trials

    Serial position effects in the Logical Memory Test: Loss of primacy predicts amyloid positivity

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    Background Story recall is a frequently used neuropsychological test of episodic memory with clinical populations and for screening participants in drug trials for Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is unclear at this stage which underlying mechanisms confer the test its sensitivity. In this paper, we examined serial position effects, that is, better recall for items learned early and late on a list, in story recall, and their usefulness to predict early changes associated with neurodegenerative markers. Methods We analysed data from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention. First, we tested whether serial position effects were present in story recall (measured with the Wechsler Memory Scale Logical Memory Task; LMT) across individuals who were classified as cognitively unimpaired – stable, cognitively unimpaired – declining, or as having mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Results Our results showed clear serial position effects for all groups, except for delayed recall among individuals with MCI, where no primacy effect was observed. Second, we tested whether loss of primacy from immediate to delayed recall was associated with amyloid burden (as measured with PiB PET) in individuals who were cognitively unimpaired at baseline. We found that more primacy loss predicted amyloid positivity, above and beyond the LMT total score. Conclusions This report is the first to show that loss of primacy between immediate and delayed story recall is associated with amyloid burden

    Item-level story recall predictors of amyloid-beta in late middle-aged adults at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: Story recall (SR) tests have shown sensitivity to rate of cognitive decline in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers. Although SR tasks are typically scored by obtaining a sum of items recalled, item-level analyses may provide additional sensitivity to change and AD processes. Here we examined the difficulty and discrimination indices of each item from the Logical Memory (LM) SR task, and determined if these metrics differed by recall conditions, story version (A vs. B), lexical categories, serial position, and amyloid status. Methods: n=1141 participants from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention longitudinal study who had item-level data were included in these analyses, as well as a subset of n=338 who also had amyloid PET imaging. LM data were categorized into 4 lexical categories (proper names, verbs, numbers, and ‘other’), and by serial position (primacy, middle, and recency). We calculated difficulty and discriminability/memorability by item, category, and serial position and ran separate repeated measures ANOVAs for each recall condition, lexical category, and serial position. For the subset with amyloid imaging, we used a two-sample t-test to examine whether amyloid positive (A+) and amyloid negative (A-) groups differed in difficulty or discrimination for the same summary metrics. In review Results: In the larger sample, items were more difficult (less memorable) in the delayed recall condition across both story A and story B. Item discrimination was higher at delayed than immediate recall, and proper names had better discrimination than any of the other lexical categories or serial position groups. In the subsample with amyloid PET imaging, proper names were more difficult for A+ than A-; items in the verb and ‘other’ lexical categories and all serial positions from delayed recall were more discriminate for the A+ group compared to the A- group. Conclusion: This study provides empirical evidence that both LM stories are effective at discriminating ability levels and amyloid status, and that individual items vary in difficulty and discrimination by amyloid status, while total scores do not. These results can be informative for the future development of sensitive tasks or composite scores for early detection of cognitive decline

    Insulin resistance is related to cognitive decline but not change in CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in non-demented adults

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    Introduction: We investigated whether insulin resistance (IR) was associated with longitudinal age-related change in cognition and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology and neurodegeneration in middle-aged and older adults who were non-demented at baseline. Methods: IR was measured with homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR). Core AD-related cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers and cognition were assessed, respectively, on n = 212 (1 to 5 visits) and n = 1299 (1 to 6 visits). Linear mixed models tested whether HOMA2-IR moderated age-related change in CSF biomarkers and cognition. Linear regressions tested whether HOMA2-IR x apolipoprotein E ε4 allele (APOE ε4) carrier status predicted amyloid beta [Aβ] chronicity (estimated duration of amyloid positron emission tomography [PET] positivity) (n = 253). Results: Higher HOMA2-IR was associated with greater cognitive decline but not with changes in CSF biomarkers. HOMA2-IR x APOE4 was not related to Aβ chronicity but was significantly associated with CSF phosphorylated tau (P-tau)181/Aβ42 level. Discussion: In non-demented adults IR may not be directly associated with age-related change in AD biomarkers. Additional research is needed to determine mechanisms linking IR to cognitive decline

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Sphingomyelins in Alzheimer's Disease, Neurodegeneration, and Neuroinflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Sphingomyelin (SM) levels have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the association direction has been inconsistent and research on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) SMs has been limited by sample size, breadth of SMs examined, and diversity of biomarkers available. OBJECTIVE: Here, we seek to build on our understanding of the role of SM metabolites in AD by studying a broad range of CSF SMs and biomarkers of AD, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation. METHODS: Leveraging two longitudinal AD cohorts with metabolome-wide CSF metabolomics data (n = 502), we analyzed the relationship between the levels of 12 CSF SMs, and AD diagnosis and biomarkers of pathology, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation using logistic, linear, and linear mixed effects models. RESULTS: No SMs were significantly associated with AD diagnosis, mild cognitive impairment, or amyloid biomarkers. Phosphorylated tau, neurofilament light, α-synuclein, neurogranin, soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2, and chitinase-3-like-protein 1 were each significantly, positively associated with at least 5 of the SMs. CONCLUSION: The associations between SMs and biomarkers of neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation, but not biomarkers of amyloid or diagnosis of AD, point to SMs as potential biomarkers for neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation that may not be AD-specific

    Measuring longitudinal cognition: Individual tests versus composites

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    INTRODUCTION: Longitudinal cohort studies of cognitive aging must confront several sources of within-person variability in scores. In this article, we compare several neuropsychological measures in terms of longitudinal error variance and relationships with biomarker-assessed brain amyloidosis (Aβ). METHODS: Analyses used data from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention. We quantified within-person longitudinal variability and age-related trajectories for several global and domain-specific composites and their constituent scores. For a subset with cerebrospinal fluid or amyloid positron emission tomography measures, we examined how Aβ modified cognitive trajectories. RESULTS: Global and theoretically derived composites exhibited lower intraindividual variability and stronger age × Aβ interactions than did empirically derived composites or raw scores from single tests. For example, the theoretical executive function outperformed other executive function scores on both metrics. DISCUSSION: These results reinforce the need for careful selection of cognitive outcomes in study design, and support the emerging consensus favoring composites over single-test measures

    Tissue engineering, stem cells, cloning, and parthenogenesis: new paradigms for therapy

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    Patients suffering from diseased and injured organs may be treated with transplanted organs. However, there is a severe shortage of donor organs which is worsening yearly due to the aging population. Scientists in the field of tissue engineering apply the principles of cell transplantation, materials science, and bioengineering to construct biological substitutes that will restore and maintain normal function in diseased and injured tissues. Both therapeutic cloning (nucleus from a donor cell is transferred into an enucleated oocyte), and parthenogenesis (oocyte is activated and stimulated to divide), permit extraction of pluripotent embryonic stem cells, and offer a potentially limitless source of cells for tissue engineering applications. The stem cell field is also advancing rapidly, opening new options for therapy. The present article reviews recent progress in tissue engineering and describes applications of these new technologies that may offer novel therapies for patients with end-stage organ failure

    Development of Transgenic Cloned Pig Models of Skin Inflammation by DNA Transposon-Directed Ectopic Expression of Human β1 and α2 Integrin

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    Integrins constitute a superfamily of transmembrane signaling receptors that play pivotal roles in cutaneous homeostasis by modulating cell growth and differentiation as well as inflammatory responses in the skin. Subrabasal expression of integrins α2 and/or β1 entails hyperproliferation and aberrant differentiation of keratinocytes and leads to dermal and epidermal influx of activated T-cells. The anatomical and physiological similarities between porcine and human skin make the pig a suitable model for human skin diseases. In efforts to generate a porcine model of cutaneous inflammation, we employed the Sleeping Beauty DNA transposon system for production of transgenic cloned Göttingen minipigs expressing human β1 or α2 integrin under the control of a promoter specific for subrabasal keratinocytes. Using pools of transgenic donor fibroblasts, cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer was utilized to produce reconstructed embryos that were subsequently transferred to surrogate sows. The resulting pigs were all transgenic and harbored from one to six transgene integrants. Molecular analyses on skin biopsies and cultured keratinocytes showed ectopic expression of the human integrins and localization within the keratinocyte plasma membrane. Markers of perturbed skin homeostasis, including activation of the MAPK pathway, increased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1α, and enhanced expression of the transcription factor c-Fos, were identified in keratinocytes from β1 and α2 integrin-transgenic minipigs, suggesting the induction of a chronic inflammatory phenotype in the skin. Notably, cellular dysregulation obtained by overexpression of either β1 or α2 integrin occurred through different cellular signaling pathways. Our findings mark the creation of the first cloned pig models with molecular markers of skin inflammation. Despite the absence of an overt psoriatic phenotype, these animals may possess increased susceptibility to severe skin damage-induced inflammation and should be of great potential in studies aiming at the development and refinement of topical therapies for cutaneous inflammation including psoriasis
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