6 research outputs found

    An assurance of learning success model: toward closing the feedback loop

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    This paper provides a systemic approach to building and sustaining a solid assurance of learning program using the framework of Kotter’s (1995) Strategic Model for Transforming Organizations. A comprehensive model for launching and sustaining a systemic approach to program review that ‘‘closes the loop’’ is shared step by step. Particular attention is paid to the organizational behaviors and processes that accompany each step, and to sharing important lessons that were learned. A review of the assessment literature in higher education and recent Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) contributions to this body of knowledge identifies a critical gap regarding models that ‘‘close the loop’’ and make a compelling case for the Simmons College model

    Annotated Bibliography on Women Business Owners: A Diversity Lens

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    When we take the lens of race, ethnicity, gender, and class to the collected academic work on women business owners, what does it reveal? What do we really know? Are there differing definitions of success across segments of the women businessowner demographics? Do the challenges faced by African American women entrepreneurs differ from those confronting white female entrepreneurs? Do immigrant female women businessowners face more significant institutional barriers than their counterparts who have been U.S. citizens for at least two generations? Are there similar reasons for starting their businesses

    Video Case: Jet-A-Way Inc. – Focusing On Diversity and Entrepreneurial Leadership

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    This session explores the uses of a new video case as an interactive and experiential learning tool for diversity and entrepreneurial leadership. The video case, Jet-A-Way, Inc.: A Family Business features Darlene Jeter, President and CEO of a recycling and disposal firm, juxtaposed with her son, Jesse Jeter, the heir apparent. Four different perspectives are provided in the video: culture and context, leadership styles and decisions, succession, and future outlook. The film is presented along with two to three different methods to create an interactive learning centered class

    Creating an Authentic Cultural Lens Using Case Dialogue

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    This proposed session will present an experiential exercise designed to teach the application of a multicultural lens through the use of case dialogue. A working model that compares a unilateral lens with a multidimensional lens across five factors will be shared as a foundation for interpreting selected dialogue from a case currently being written by the presenters. This case features a Korean born woman entrepreneur and CEO, Kija Kim, of a GIS firm with offices in Cambridge MA and Washington D.C. (See Appendix 1 for a more complete case description). Participants will be asked to analyze case excerpts that describe Kija Kim’s leadership perspective, style, values, and motivation before and after the introduction of the model, Korean cultural context and suggestions for creating an authentic cultural lens. (See Appendix 2 for case excerpts and identification of cultural context). Ensuing discussion will focus on how to use this perspective and approach with case analysis and other teaching methods for an integrated and multidimensional understanding of business leaders and their behavior