18 research outputs found
Modern digital still cameras are equipped with just a single CCD for color image acquisition. Since only one spectral band can be recorded in each pixel, a mosaic of red, green and blue color filters is placed in front of the chip. The process of subsequently calculating a full color image from the partial sampling is referred to as demosaicking. Simple linear interpolation leads to blurring and noticeable color artifacts in the reconstructed image. This thesis discusses the application of methods from spatial supervised learning to the demosaicking problem. A statistical model based on conditional Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs) is derived and suitable features are selected. The conditional GMRF is then trained on a set of natural images. The experimental evaluation shows competitive results to existing methods with respect to numerical error measures as well as by visual assessment
A Four Level Architecture for Hypermedia Database Management Systems DISSERTATION Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
iii iv Danksagung An dieser Stelle m"ochte ich mich bei all jenen bedanken, die zum Gelingen dieser Arbeit beigetragen haben
zur Erlangung des Grades einer
Analysis of systematic and genetic effects on weight and body measurements and their relationships with canine hip dysplasia in German shepherd dogs INAUGURAL-DISSERTATIO
aus Thai Binh – Vietnam
Development of a new mouse model to study long term actions of estradiol and genistein in the heart: Roles of estrogen receptor subtypes. INAUGURAL – DISSERTATION zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Veterinärmedizin Doctor medicinae veterinariae (Dr. med. vet.) vorgelegt von NGUYEN Ba Tie