74 research outputs found

    How composite bosons really interact

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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the conceptual difference which exists between the interactions of composite bosons and the interactions of elementary bosons. A special focus is made on the physical processes which are missed when composite bosons are replaced by elementary bosons. Although what is here said directly applies to excitons, it is also valid for bosons in other fields than semiconductor physics. We in particular explain how the two basic scatterings -- Coulomb and Pauli -- of our many-body theory for composite excitons can be extended to a pair of fermions which is not an Hamiltonian eigenstate -- as for example a pair of trapped electrons, of current interest in quantum information.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figure

    Density expansion of the energy of N close-to-boson excitons

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    Pauli exclusion between the carriers of NN excitons induces novel many-body effects, quite different from the ones generated by Coulomb interaction. Using our commutation technique for interacting close-to-boson particles, we here calculate the hamiltonian expectation value in the NN-ground-state-exciton state.Coulomb interaction enters this quantity at first order only by construction ; nevertheless, due to Pauli exclusion, subtle many-body effects take place, which give rise to terms in (Nax3/V)n(Na_x^3/\mathcal{V})^n with n≥2n\geq2 >. An \emph{exact} procedure to get these density dependent terms is given

    Commutation technique for interacting close-to-boson excitons

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    The correct treatment of the close-to-boson character of excitons is known to be a major problem. In a previous work, we have proposed a ``commutation technique'' to include this close-to-boson character in their interactions. We here extend this technique to excitons with spin degrees of freedom as they are of crucial importance for many physical effects. Although the exciton total angular momentum may appear rather appealing at first, we show that the electron and hole angular momenta are much more appropriate when dealing with scattering processes. As an application of this commutation technique to a specific problem, we reconsider a previous calculation of the exciton-exciton scattering rate and show that the proposed quantity is intrinsically incorrect for fundamental reasons linked to the fermionic nature of the excitons

    Commutation technique for an exciton photocreated close to a metal

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    Recently, we have derived the changes in the absorption spectrum of an exciton when this exciton is photocreated close to a metal. The resolution of this problem -- which has similarities with Fermi edge singularities -- has been made possible by the introduction of ``exciton diagrams''. The validity of this procedure relied on a dreadful calculation based on standard free electron and free hole diagrams, with the semiconductor-metal interaction included at second order only, and its intuitive extention to higher orders. Using the commutation technique we recently introduced to deal with interacting excitons, we are now able to \emph{prove} that this exciton diagram procedure is indeed valid at any order in the interaction.

    Faraday rotation in photoexcited semiconductors: an excitonic many-body effect

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    This letter assigns the Faraday rotation in photoexcited semiconductors to ``Pauli interactions'', \emph{i}. \emph{e}., carrier exchanges, between the real excitons present in the sample and the virtual excitons coupled to the σ±\sigma_{\pm} parts of a linearly polarized light. While \emph{direct Coulomb} interactions scatter bright excitons into bright excitons, whatever their spins are, \emph{Pauli} interactions do it for bright excitons \emph{with same spin only}. This makes these Pauli interactions entirely responsible for the refractive index difference, which comes from processes in which the virtual exciton which is created and the one which recombines are formed with different carriers. To write this difference in terms of photon detuning and exciton density, we use our new many-body theory for interacting excitons. Its multiarm ``Shiva'' diagrams for NN-body exchanges make transparent the physics involved in the various terms. This work also shows the interesting link which exists between Faraday rotation and the exciton optical Stark effect

    The exciton many-body theory extended to arbitrary composite bosons

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    We have recently constructed a many-body theory for composite excitons, in which the possible carrier exchanges between NN excitons can be treated exactly through a set of dimensionless ``Pauli scatterings'' between two excitons. Many-body effects with excitons turn out to be rather simple because excitons are the exact one-electron-hole-pair eigenstates of the semiconductor Hamiltonian, thus forming a complete orthogonal set for one-pair states. It can however be of interest to extend this new many-body theory to more complicated composite bosons, \emph{i. e.}, ``cobosons'', which are not necessarily the one-pair eigenstates of the system Hamiltonian, nor even orthogonal. The purpose of this paper is to derive the ``Pauli scatterings'' and the ``interaction scatterings'' of these cobosons formally, \emph{i. e.}, just in terms of their wave functions and the interaction potentials which exist between the fermions from which they are constructed. We also explain how to derive many-body effects in this very general system of composite bosons
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