7 research outputs found

    Association of dengue fever with Aedes spp. abundance and climatological effects

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    Objective. To analyze the association of dengue fever incidence with Aedes mosquito鈥檚 abundance, and the effect of climatological and geographical variables, in a region in Morelos State, Mexico. Materials and methods. Weekly data during the period 2010 to 2014 was used. Mosquito abundance was determined using ovitraps. Confirmed dengue cases were obtained from the Epidemiological Surveillance System. Climatic variables were obtained from weather monitoringstations. The correlation between climate variables and ovitraps data was estimated using a multivariate regression model. Results. A correlation of mosquito abundance with dengue fever incidence, and a yearly pattern with seasonal variations were observed. The daily mean temperature, relative humidity and rainfall parameters were associated with mosquito egg abundance. Time lags of three and four weeks between egg counts and dengue fever incidence were observed. Conclusion. Time lags between egg counts and dengue incidence could be useful for prevention and control interventions

    Descripci贸n del problema de dengue con enfoque de la determinaci贸n social de la salud en una comunidad: estudio de campo

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    Este trabajo quiere contribuir con otra perspectiva a la soluci贸n del problema del Dengue en M茅xico. El objetivo fue determinar tipos de criadero de Aedes aegypti, condiciones de la vivienda e identificar dimensiones que determinen la enfermedad con enfoque integral social en la colonia centro de Mazatepec, Morelos. El estudio es de corte transversal descriptivo, se llev贸 a cabo en temporada de sequ铆a (2015), se realiz贸 colecta entomol贸gica para identificar criaderos del vector, aplicaci贸n de 脥ndice de Condici贸n de Vivienda (ICV) y cuestionario con perspectiva de la Determinaci贸n Social de la Salud a 80 casas. Se detectaron 3,221 recipientes sin agua y 655 con agua, 25.34% tratables (tanques, tinacos), 9.46% controlables (botes y cubetas) y 4.7% diversos chicos, el ICV identific贸 14 casas positivas (57.69%-tratables), 47.5% de medio riesgo para crecimiento del vector, el 83.3% atribuy贸 el problema a condiciones de vida y posesi贸n de recursos, 40.83% responsabiliz贸 a la comunidad, falta de inter茅s y mala organizaci贸n. Las estrategias y pol铆ticas en salud deben de tomar en cuenta la perspectiva social y an谩lisis de las comunidades, mejorar las condiciones de vivienda, trabajo y organizaci贸n comunitaria para preservar la salud

    Design and efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector diseases in Latin America

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    Objective. To design and analyze the efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector-borne-diseases for specific stakeholders. Materials and methods. Multiple stakeholders and sectors of the region were consulted to identify Ecohealth group-specific competencies using an adjusted analysis matrix. Eight courses based on the competencies were implemented to train EA tutors. The effectiveness of the course was evaluated through the use of paired- t-tests by intervention group. Results. Strategic, tactical, academia and community stakeholder groups and their competencies were identified. An overall gain of 43 percentage points (p<0.001) was observed in terms of competencies score in trained tutors, which further trained 1 033 people. Conclusion. The identification of the stakeholders and their competencies proved to be useful to guide training courses to significantly improve the initial competencies and create a critical mass to further advance the EA in the regio

    Plan de mejoramiento del control de la malaria hacia su eliminaci贸n en Mesoam茅rica Plan to improve malaria control towards its elimination in Mesoamerica

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    Desarrollar un plan de fortalecimiento del control de la mala-ria hacia su eliminaci贸n. En 2009, bajo la coordinaci贸n del Instituto Nacional de Salud P煤blica, se integr贸 un equipo t茅cnico transdisciplinario para hacer un diagn贸stico situacional de la malaria y de los programa de control y para la selecci贸n de pr谩cticas efectivas de intervenci贸n que ser铆an incorporadas al plan, en el marco de un ejercicio de teor铆a de cambio. Se establecieron criterios de estratificaci贸n de las localidades con base en sus condiciones de transmisi贸n. Se identificaron limitaciones estructurales y operativas de los programas de control. Se elabor贸 un plan de intervenciones para mejorar la cobertura de vigilancia epidemiol贸gica, intervenciones antimal谩ricas y diagn贸stico y tratamiento oportunos de casos. El plan delinea con fases progresivas de implementaci贸n: reorganizaci贸n, intensificaci贸n de intervenciones y evaluaci贸n de la factibilidad de eliminaci贸n. La adopci贸n de un plan estrat茅gico 煤nico brindar谩 lineamientos y elementos administrativos para conformar un sistema que coordine las actividades de los programas nacionales de control y facilite la eliminaci贸n de la malaria en la regi贸n.<br>To develop a plan to strengthen the control of malaria towards its elimination. In 2009, under the coordination of the National Public HealthInstitute ofMexico, atransdisciplinary equipment of technical and operative experts was conformed to carry out a situational analysis of malaria and control programs and for the selection of effective practices of intervention that would be incorporated to the plan, within the framework of an exercise in Theory of Change. Criteria for thestratificationof thelocalities, based ontheirtransmission characteristics were established. The structural and operative limitations of the control programs were identified. A plan of interventions was elaborated to improve the coverage of epidemiological surveillance, anti-malaria interventions and opportune diagnosis and treatment of cases. The plan delineates progressive phases of implementation: reorganization, intensification of interventions and evaluation of elimination feasibility. The adoption of a regional strategic plan will provide guidance and administrative elements to conform a system that coordinates the activities of the national control programs and facilitate the elimination of malaria in the region

    Seroepidemiolog铆a del paludismo en un grupo de migrantes en tr谩nsito (Chiapas, 2008)

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    OBJETIVO: Conocer la prevalencia del paludismo y los factores asociados con la infecci贸n de migrantes en la frontera sur de M茅xico, durante 2008. MATERIAL Y M脡TODOS: En 706 migrantes, se investig贸 la infecci贸n activa mediante prueba r谩pida y PCR o pasada, mediante serolog铆a y se aplic贸 un cuestionario para investigar las condiciones asociadas con la infecci贸n. RESULTADOS: 85.6% proven铆a de Centroam茅rica. Ninguno present贸 infecci贸n activa; 4.2% fue seropositivo y la mayor铆a proven铆a de los pa铆ses con mayor incidencia de paludismo en la regi贸n. La seropositividad se asoci贸 con el n煤mero de episodios previos de paludismo (RM=1.44; IC95% 1.04-2.00), a帽os de permanencia en su comunidad de origen (RM=1.03; IC95% 1.00 -1.07) y conocimiento y automedicaci贸n con antipal煤dicos (RM=3.38; IC95% 1.48-7.67). CONCLUSIONES: La exposici贸n previa de migrantes al paludismo y las dificultades para su detecci贸n indican la necesidad de nuevas estrategias para la vigilancia epidemiol贸gica para estas poblaciones.OBJECTIVE: To know the prevalence of malaria and the factors associated with the infection in migrants in the southern border of Mexico, during 2008. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 706 migrants, active malaria infection was investigated using a rapid diagnostic test and PCR and past infection using serology. A questionnaire was applied to investigate the conditions associated to infection. RESULTS: 85.6% originated from Central America, none presented an active infection, although 4.2% were seropositive, most of these came from the countries with the highest malaria incidence in the region. Seropositivity was associated with the number of previous malaria episodes (OR=1.44; IC95% 1.04-2.00), years living in their community of origin (OR=1.03; IC95% 1.00-1.07), and knowledge and self-medication with anti-malaria drugs (OR=3.38; IC95% 1.48-7.67). CONCLUSIONS:. The previous exposure of migrants and the difficulties for their detection indicate the need of new strategies for the epidemiological surveillance for these populations