71 research outputs found

    Organic poultry and egg production in the Netherlands

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    There are over 1 million organic laying hens in the Netherlands. Organic eggs are in high demand on the domestic market. Dutch organic poultry meat has a small but growing market share. To facilitate organic poultry farmers, Wageningen UR and Louis Bolk Institute carry out a variety of research aimed specifically at organic poultry meat and egg production. Hot topics are the protein content of poultry feed, organic rearing and animal health. The report contains sector facts, sector aspirations, current affairs and research projects

    Health and welfare in organic poultry in Europe: state of the art and future challenges.

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    In Europe, over 4 million laying hens and 1.8 million broilers are kept according to the organic principles. Although the regulations are the same for every country, there is a large diversity in farm sizes and farming systems. In Switzerland, 220.000 laying hens are kept on 2100 farms, while in the Netherlands 700.000 hens are kept on 130 farms. In Switzerland, mean mortality is 8%, in the Netherlands mean mortality is 11%, mainly caused by infectious diseases. Regarding animal welfare, feather pecking is seen in 70% of the Dutch and in 50% of the Swiss flocks. Feather pecking has usually started during the rearing period. The main challenges for the future are reducing the vulnerability to diseases and decreasing the amount of feather pecking. In this respect, appro-priate rearing conditions are of crucial importance. Moreover, the consequences of large farm size and the layout of the outdoor run should receive more attention. These goals can be achieved by research, education of farmers and regulation

    Farm level factors associated with feather pecking in organic laying hens

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    Farm-level factors that could be associated with feather pecking of layers kept in organic farming systems were monitored in 63 flocks from 26 farms located in different areas of The Netherlands. Data on housing and management practices were collected and plumage damage as a measure of feather pecking was scored at 50 weeks of age or older. No or little plumage damage was found in 18 (29%) flocks, moderate damage in 12 (19%) flocks and severe damage in 33 (52%) flocks. A high percentage of hens in the flock using the outdoor run, a young age at purchase and an increasing number of cockerels present in the flock were found to significantly decrease feather pecking damage at 50 weeks or older. Factors associated with increased usage of the outdoor run were smaller flock size, a young age at purchase, an increasing number of cockerels present in the flock and a higher percentage of cover in the run. Based on the results organic farmers are likely to benefit from rearing their own layers. They should keep cockerels with their layers. Other practices resulting in low feather pecking damage are stimulating the use of the outdoor run by making it attractive with vegetative or artificial cover or keeping the flock size at around 500 birds

    Bomen voor Buitenkippen

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    Deze brochure is het eindproduct van praktijknetwerk ‘Bomen voor Buitenkippen’ (2012-2015). Samen met pluimveehouders is onderzocht hoe je met beplanting de uitloop zo goed mogelijk kunt inrichten. We hebben de volgende aspecten meegenomen: beschutting voor de kippen, opbrengst in de vorm van fruit, brandstof of strooisel, verspreiding van de kippen en daarmee ook hun mest, weren van watervogels en landschappelijke waarde. Pluimveehouders hebben fruitbomen, miscanthus of wilgen aangeplant. De wilgen vanuit het project ‘Kiplekker onder de wilgen’ van Probos. De ervaringen met al deze soorten beplanting vormen de basis van deze brochure

    Biovermeerdering in de lift.

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    In Duitsland zijn er tekenen dat biologische legouderdieren aan een opmars zijn begonnen. Het eerste bedrijf is al van start

    Veren tussen het fruit

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    Wat heeft meer perspectief: fruitteelt in de kippenuitloop of kippen in de boomgaard. Het is een van de vragen die aan de orde komen in het project 'Bomen voor buitenkippen'

    In alle rust

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    Vergassen van uitgelegde leghennen in de stal in Scandinavië

    Pluimvee en boomgaard in symbiose

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    Wil Sturkenboom is biologisch-dynamisch fruitteler, docent aan de Warmonderhof en beheerder van de boomgaard aldaar. In de boomgaard lopen verschillende soorten pluimvee rond. Dat heeft interessante bevindingen opgeleverd

    Broer van de hen afmesten

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    In Nederland worden alle haantjes van legrassen op hun eerste levensdag vergast en worden gebruikt als diervoer. Een Duits initiatief streeft naar een alternatief

    Utilising intrinsic robustness in agricultural production systems: Inventions for a sustainable development of agriculture

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    This paper explores the potential of utilising robust crops and livestock for improving sustainability of agriculture. Two approaches for dealing with unwanted fluctuations that may influence agricultural production, such as diseases and pests, are discussed. The prevailing approach, which we call the ‘Control Model’, is to protect crops and livestock from disturbances as much as possible, to regain balance with monitoring and intervention and to look for add-on solutions only. There are a number of problems associated with the Control Model, including reduced animal welfare, environmental pollution and low public support. An alternative approach, which we call the ‘Adaptation Model’, is based on reducing the consequences of disturbances rather than taking disturbances ou
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