171 research outputs found

    Vitrine tecnológica de agroecologia (vital), há 15 anos semeando a agroecologia no berço do agronegócio paranaense.

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    Resumo: Relatório apresentado pelos alunos do Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável 2018 na disciplina de Meio Ambiente e Agroecologia a partir de visita técnica a Vitrine Tecnológica de Agroecologia (VITAL), exposta no Show Rural Coopavel que acontece anualmente em Cascavel - PR. Abstract: Report presented by the students of the Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development 2018 in the discipline of Environment and Agroecology from a technical visit to the Vitrine Tecnológica de Agroecologia (VITAL), exhibited at the Show Rural Coopavel held annually in Cascavel - PR.Titulo em inglês: Vitrine tecnológica de agroecologia (vital), to 15 years sowing agroecology in the cradle of the paranaense agribusiness

    Increasing Dominance - the Role of Advertising, Pricing and Product Design

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    Despite the empirical relevance of advertising strategies in concentrated markets, the economics literature is largely silent on the effect of persuasive advertising strategies on pricing, market structure and increasing (or decreasing) dominance. In a simple model of persuasive advertising and pricing with differentiated goods, we analyze the interdependencies between ex-ante asymmetries in consumer appeal, advertising and prices. Products with larger initial appeal to consumers will be advertised more heavily but priced at a higher level - that is, advertising and price discounts are strategic substitutes for products with asymmetric initial appeal. We find that the escalating effect of advertising dominates the moderating effect of pricing so that post-competition market shares are more asymmetric than pre-competition differences in consumer appeal. We further find that collusive advertising (but competitive pricing) generates the same market outcomes, and that network effects lead to even more extreme market outcomes, both directly and via the effect on advertising

    Intellectual property and optimal copyright protection

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    This paper develops a simple model that allows to analyze the rationale for the protection of intellectual property and to derive the conditions that an optimal form of protection has to meet. It is shown that not only a reason for the limitation of intellectual property rights does exist, but that efficient copyright protection must also be above a minimum level of protection. Furthermore, it is argued that even optimum copyright protection will not produce a first best solution, such that there is room for a comparative institutional analysis of different institutional arrangements that address the basic problem of providing incentives for the production of information goods.In diesem Beitrag wird anhand eines einfachen Modells gezeigt, warum der Schutz geistigen Eigentums notwendig ist, und welchen Bedingungen ein optimaler Urheberrechtsschutz zu genügen hat. Dabei zeigt sich, daß es nicht nur Gründe für eine Beschränkung des Schutzniveaus gibt, sonder auch für einen "Mindestschutz". Zudem wird deutlich, daß mit einem Urheberrechtsregime niemals eine first-best Lösung erzielt werden kann. Daraus ergibt sich, daß eine Beurteilung der Vor- und Nachteile eines urheberrechtlichen Schutzes zur Förderung der Produktion von Informationsgütern einen Vergleich mit anderen institutionellen Arrangements erfordert

    Perspectives of Patients with Insulin-Treated Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes on Hypoglycemia: Results of the HAT Observational Study in Central and Eastern European Countries

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the level of awareness of hypoglycemia, the level of fear for hypoglycemia, and the response to hypoglycemic events among insulin-treated diabetes patients from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The impact of hypoglycemia on the use of healthcare resources and patient productivity was also assessed. METHODS: This was a multicenter, non-interventional, two-part, patient self-reported questionnaire study that comprised both a retrospective cross-sectional evaluation and a prospective observational evaluation. Study participants were insulin-treated adult patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) from CEE. RESULTS: Most patients (85.4% T1DM and 83.6% T2DM) reported normal hypoglycemia awareness. The median hypoglycemia fear score was 5 out of 10 for T1DM and 4 out of 10 for T2DM patients. Patients increased glucose monitoring, consulted a doctor/nurse, and/or reduced the insulin dose in response to hypoglycemia. As a consequence of hypoglycemia, patients took leave from work/studies or arrived late and/or left early. Hospitalization was required for 31 (1.2%) patients with T1DM and 66 (2.1%) patients with T2DM. CONCLUSION: Hypoglycemia impacts patients' personal and social functioning, reduces productivity, and results in additional costs, both direct (related to increased use of healthcare resources) and indirect (related to absenteeism. FUNDING: Novo Nordisk

    Cooperativas de catadores de materiais recicláveis como alternativa à exclusão social e sua relação com a população de rua

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    A informalidade no trabalho, que marca a realidade da maioria das relações de trabalho brasileiras, somada às características encontradas na população de rua, constituem o pano de fundo social propenso à geração de formas alternativas de organização do trabalho. A informalidade no trabalho, assim como a população de rua, tem composição e origem acentuadamente heterogênea; assim, torna-se fundamental que qualquer política pública destinada a estes aspectos considere suas especificidades. Neste contexto, surgem as cooperativas de catadores de resíduos sólidos, formadas por antigos catadores de lixo e ex-moradores de rua, como alternativa à informalidade no trabalho e busca pela cidadania, dentro da perspectiva da autogestão. Por meio de uma análise atual e de uma caracterização histórica sobre experiências de cooperativas de catadores brasileiras, buscou-se mostrar a capacidade inclusiva do modelo cooperativista e da relevância das parcerias destas com o poder público e com outros atores sociais. Neste escopo, é fundamental a abordagem de experiências bem sucedidas de catadores que, unidos sob a égide do cooperativismo, com a participação do poder público e/ou independentemente dele – puderam lograr a inclusão social. A autogestão desponta, assim, como alternativa real de trabalho àqueles que se encontram marginalizados pelo sistema formal de trabalho

    Communications Biophysics

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on thirteen research projects split into four section.National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 RO1 NS10737-01)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 ROI NS10916-01)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS11000-02)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 RO1 NS11153-01)Harvard M.I.T. Rehabilitation Engineering CenterU. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Grant 23-P-55854National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 RO1 NS11680-01)Norlin Music, Inc.Clarence J. LeBel FundNational Institutes of Health (Grant 1 RO1 NS11080-01A1)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 TO1 GM01555-08)M.I.T. Health Sciences FundBoston City Hospital Purchase Order 1176-05-21335-C