44 research outputs found

    Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz Feststellung und messtechnische Ueberwachung der Exposition. Berichtsband

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    TIB Hannover: FR 4080 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Maschinen- und Geraetesicherheit Beitraege

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    The tenth round of discussions on 'Machine and equipment safety' was held on 10 and 11 October 1995 at the Institute for Occupational Safety of the Accident Insurance Institutions (BIA) in Sankt Augustin. Representatives from nearly all industrial Berufsgenossenschaften and specialist committees took part. Speakers from the Berufsgenossenschaften and the BIA itself presented a total of twenty papers which described and discussed various topics from the general area of machine safety. These included current issues relating to European standardisation, safe control system, safety equipment and sensors in safety technology, components and equipment relevant to safety and also protective measures against hazards possed by machinery and electromagnetic fields. This report is a collection of all the various papers. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1997,4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Umgang mit komplexen kohlenwasserstoffhaltigen Gemischen

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    Hydrocarbon compounds of very different composition are employed throughout the various manufacturing sectors of industry and skilled trades. In order to provide a better overview and allow these compounds to be more easily categorised according to hazard profile, the compounds are divided into a number of groups according to two criteria: The characteristics or composition of the substance and its technical application. Cooling lubricants and solvents constitute the two main groups, whilst the compounds used for internal combustion engines make up another important group. A further group brings together a large number of compounds of widely varying significance in practice. The assessment concept was put forward, the limit values already established were presented and their application in practice discussed. A description was given for the possible composition of substances, exposure investigations already carried out and ideas for appropriate protection measures. (orig./SR)In den verschiedenen Fertigungsbereichen von Industrie und Handwerk werden sehr unterschiedlich zusammengesetzte kohlenwasserstoffhaltige Gemische eingesetzt. Zur besseren Uebersicht und Handhabung bei der Einstufung nach Gefaehrlichkeitsmerkmalen werden diese Gemische in Gruppen eingeteilt, und zwar zum einen nach Stoffeigenschaften bzw. Stoffzusammensetzungen und zum anderen nach der technischen Anwendung. Die wichtigsten Hauptgruppen bilden die Kuehlschmierstoffe und die Loesemittel. Eine weitere Hauptgruppe bilden die Gemische fuer Verbrennungsmotoren. Darueber hinaus gibt es in einer weiteren Gruppe zusammengefasst eine Vielzahl von Gemischen, die in der Praxis eine recht unterschiedliche Bedeutung haben. Das Beurteilungskonzept wurde vorgestellt, wie die bisher erarbeiteten Grenzwerte und deren Anwendung in der Praxis diskutiert. Die moeglichen Stoffzusammensetzungen, die bisherigen Expositionsermittlungen und Ueberlegungen zu Schutzmassnahmen werden beschrieben. (orig./SR)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1997,8) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Alterung von Kunststoffen unter dem Aspekt der Arbeitssicherheit Eine Literaturuebersicht

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    SIGLETIB: RN 8492 (1986,2) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Laermbelastung an Baustellenarbeitsplaetzen. T. 3 Einwirkung auf Kanalbauer, Maschinenputzer und Trockenbauer

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    TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1989,1) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman


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    The present report contains the lectures held at the expert meeting on 'Ozone' and further relevant contributions on the ozone problem. The concluding contribution on 'Ozone and industrial safety' summarises the main points of the individual lectures with due consideration to aspects mentioned in the discussion and presents concepts for possible industrial safety regulations that were elaborated in the course of the meeting. (orig./MG)Bei dem vom BIA in Abstimmung mit dem Bundesministerium fuer Arbeit und Sozialordnung (BMA) und dem Ausschuss fuer Gefahrstoffe durchgefuehrten Fachgespraech 'Ozon' wurde die Ozonproblematik von allen Seiten dargestellt und mit ausgewiesenen Fachleuten eroertert. Der vorliegende Report enthaelt die beim Fachgespraech 'Ozon' gehaltenen Vortraege sowie weitere relevante Beitraege zur Ozonproblematik. In dem abschliessenden Beitrag 'Ozon und Arbeitsschutz' werden die Kernaussagen der einzelnen Vortraege unter Beruecksichtigung der in der Diskussion angesprochenen Aspekte zusammengefasst und die waehrend des Fachgespraechs erarbeiteten Konzepte fuer moegliche Arbeitsschutzregelungen dargestellt. (orig./MG)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1996,10) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Lufttechnik in Industriehallen Zusammenfassung der Vortraege

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    The aim of air treatment is to help prevent exposure to foreign substances in the air at the workplace. Measures include, on the one hand, the capture of substances at the point at which they occur or are emitted and, on the other, ventilation through removal or dilution of foreign substances in the air in work areas. These measures are complemented by the treatment of air intake (heating, refrigeration, humidifying, dehumidifying, filtering) and the purification of air expelled as well as the recovery or re-use of the heat. The most significant basis for calculating requirements for air treatment equipment and equipment components are the currents of air that are required for the capture of substances (capture air current) and for ventilation (air intake currents). The height of the air currents is dependent on a number of factors and must, as a rule, be calculated in each case. VDI guidelines 3929 and 2262 sheet 3 contain directions on calculating capture air currents. The most vital factor to be considered if ventilation is to be effective is the air conduction, in other words it must be determined how air intake is to be distributed throughout the room, taking into account the conditions prevailing within the room and technical factors relating to production. If thermals occur in a factory building or a work-shop, the air intake must be introduced near floor level so as not to interfere with these. There have been and still are many cases of air intake being introduced through the ceiling of the building. This type of air conduction is not, in general, suitable for ventilating factory buildings. A seminar was held with the aim of informing participants how air conduction systems should be selected or determined on the basis of current findings. A number of experts working in the field delivered papers presenting the state of the art. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1996,8) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Laermarbeitsplaetze in und auf Fahrzeugen im oeffentlichen Strassenverkehr: Der Einfluss von Gehoerschuetzern auf die Hoerbarkeit von Verkehrssignalen

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    The present paper investigates the effect of hearing protection on the audibility of acoustic traffic signals to people with normal hearing. Using tried and tested procedures, criteria are drawn up for the use of hearing protection on noisy work sites in the public road transport sector. This enables a targeted preliminary selection of hearing protection to be made, based on the form of protection that will still allow signals to be heard and hence ensure traffic safety is maintained. The criteria were applied, by way of example, to a selection of representative work sites. As far as implementing the results is concerned, a procedure is outlined in ZH1/563, which, based on the list of suitable hearing protection - as calculated by the Berufsgenossenschaft Institute for Occupational Safety (BIA) - and a hearing test conducted at the work place under unfavourable conditions, can be used to examine and document the suitability of a particular form of hearing protection. Such a procedure was demanded of the respective Berufsgenossenschaften by the expert committee for road transport of the federation and the Laender and by the traffic police. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1997,5) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Impuls-Laermbelastung in Bauberufen Abschaetzung eines schaedigungsaequivalenten Dauerschallpegels aus Hoerverlust-Messungen

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    TIB Hannover: RN 8492(1985,4) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman