6 research outputs found

    DAG-Net: Double Attentive Graph Neural Network for Trajectory Forecasting

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    Understanding human motion behaviour is a critical task for several possible applications like self-driving cars or social robots, and in general for all those settings where an autonomous agent has to navigate inside a human-centric environment. This is non-trivial because human motion is inherently multi-modal: given a history of human motion paths, there are many plausible ways by which people could move in the future. Additionally, people activities are often driven by goals, e.g. reaching particular locations or interacting with the environment. We address the aforementioned aspects by proposing a new recurrent generative model that considers both single agents' future goals and interactions between different agents. The model exploits a double attention-based graph neural network to collect information about the mutual influences among different agents and to integrate it with data about agents' possible future objectives. Our proposal is general enough to be applied to different scenarios: the model achieves state-of-the-art results in both urban environments and also in sports applications

    Generalising via Meta-Examples for Continual Learning in the Wild

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    Learning quickly and continually is still an ambitious task for neural networks. Indeed, many real-world applications do not reflect the learning setting where neural networks shine, as data are usually few, mostly unlabelled and come as a stream. To narrow this gap, we introduce FUSION - Few-shot UnSupervIsed cONtinual learning - a novel strategy which aims to deal with neural networks that "learn in the wild", simulating a real distribution and flow of unbalanced tasks. We equip FUSION with MEML - Meta-Example Meta-Learning - a new module that simultaneously alleviates catastrophic forgetting and favours the generalisation and future learning of new tasks. To encourage features reuse during the meta-optimisation, our model exploits a single inner loop per task, taking advantage of an aggregated representation achieved through the use of a self-attention mechanism. To further enhance the generalisation capability of MEML, we extend it by adopting a technique that creates various augmented tasks and optimises over the hardest. Experimental results on few-shot learning benchmarks show that our model exceeds the other baselines in both FUSION and fully supervised case. We also explore how it behaves in standard continual learning consistently outperforming state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 13 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2009.0810

    AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction

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    Anticipating human motion in crowded scenarios is essential for developing intelligent transportation systems, social-aware robots and advanced video surveillance applications. A key component of this task is represented by the inherently multi-modal nature of human paths which makes socially acceptable multiple futures when human interactions are involved. To this end, we propose a generative architecture for multi-future trajectory predictions based on Conditional Variational Recurrent Neural Networks (C-VRNNs). Conditioning mainly relies on prior belief maps, representing most likely moving directions and forcing the model to consider past observed dynamics in generating future positions. Human interactions are modeled with a graph-based attention mechanism enabling an online attentive hidden state refinement of the recurrent estimation. To corroborate our model, we perform extensive experiments on publicly-available datasets (e.g., ETH/UCY, Stanford Drone Dataset, STATS SportVU NBA, Intersection Drone Dataset and TrajNet++) and demonstrate its effectiveness in crowded scenes compared to several state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted at Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU