563 research outputs found

    Saddle stresses for generic theories with a preferred acceleration scale

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    We show how scaling arguments may be used to generate templates for the tidal stresses around saddles for a vast class of MONDian theories {\it detached from their obligations as dark matter alternatives}. Such theories are to be seen simply as alternative theories of gravity with a preferred acceleration scale, and could be tested in the solar system by extending the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) mission. The constraints thus obtained may then be combined, if one wishes, with requirements arising from astrophysical and cosmological applications, but a clear separation of the issues is achieved. The central technical content of this paper is the derivation of a scaling prescription allowing complex numerical work to be bypassed in the generation of templates. We find that LPF could constrain very tightly the acceleration a0a_0 and the free parameter Îş\kappa present in these theories. As an application of our technique we also produce predictions for the moon saddle (for which a similar scaling argument is applicable) with the result that we recommend that it should be included in orbit design.Comment: Analysis of the lunar saddle added to version to appear in Physical Review

    Did Massive Primordial Stars Preenrich the Lyman Alpha Forest?

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    We examine the dynamical evolution and statistical properties of the supernova ejecta of massive primordial stars in a cosmological framework to determine whether this first population of stars could have enriched the universe to the levels and dispersions seen by the most recent observations of the Lyman-Alpha forest. We evolve a lambda CDM model in a 1 Mpc^3 volume to a redshift of z = 15 and add ``bubbles'' of metal corresponding to the supernova ejecta of the first generation of massive stars in all dark matter halos with masses greater than 5 times 10^5 solar masses. These initial conditions are then evolved to z = 3 and the distribution and levels of metals are compared to observations. In the absence of further star formation the primordial metal is initially contained in halos and filaments. Photoevaporation of metal-enriched gas due to the metagalactic ultraviolet background radiation at the epoch of reionization (z ~ 6) causes a sharp increase of the metal volume filling factor. At z = 3, ~ 2.5% of the simulation volume (approx. 20% of the total gas mass) is filled with gas enriched above a metallicity of 10^-4 Z_solar, and less than 0.6% of the volume is enriched above a metallicity of 10^-3 Z_solar. This suggests that, even with the most optimistic prescription for placement of primordial supernova and the amount of metals produced by each supernova, this population of stars cannot entirely be responsible for the enrichment of the Lyman-α\alpha forest to the levels and dispersions seen by current observations unless we have severely underestimated the duration of the Pop III epoch. However, comparison to observations show that Pop III supernovae can be significant contributors to the very low overdensity Lyman-Alpha forest.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (color). Accepted to ApJ Letters. Replaced version has some correction

    The Fate of the First Galaxies. I. Self-Consistent Cosmological Simulations with Radiative Transfer

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    In cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, low-mass objects play an important role in the evolution of the universe. Not only are they the first luminous objects to shed light in a previously dark universe, but, if their formation is not inhibited by their own feedback, they dominate the galaxy mass function until redshift z \sim 5. In this paper we present and discuss the implementation of a 3D cosmological code that includes most of the needed physics to simulate the formation and evolution of the first galaxies with a self-consistent treatment of radiative feedback. The simulation includes continuum radiative transfer using the ``Optically Thin Variable Eddington Tensor'' (OTVET) approximation and line-radiative transfer in the H_2 Lyman-Werner bands of the background radiation. We include detailed chemistry for H_2 formation/destruction, molecular and atomic cooling/heating processes, ionization by secondary electrons, and heating by Ly\alpha resonant scattering. We find that the first galaxies ("small-halos") are characterized by a bursting star formation, self-regulated by a feedback process that acts on cosmological scales. Their formation is not suppressed by feedback processes; therefore, their impact on cosmic evolution cannot be neglected. The main focus of this paper is on the methodology of the simulations, and we only briefly introduce some of the results. An extensive discussion of the results and the nature of the feedback mechanism are the focus of a companion paper.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ, 33 pages, including 14 figures and 2 tables. Movies and a higher quality version of the paper (figures) are available at: http://casa.colorado.edu/~ricotti/MOVIES.htm

    Structure Formation With a Long-Range Scalar Dark Matter Interaction

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    Numerical simulations show that a long-range scalar interaction in a single species of massive dark matter particles causes voids between the concentrations of large galaxies to be more nearly empty, suppresses accretion of intergalactic matter onto galaxies at low redshift, and produces an early generation of dense dark matter halos. These three effects, in moderation, seem to be improvements over the Lambda CDM model predictions for cosmic structure formation. Because the scalar interaction in this model has negligible effect on laboratory physics and the classical cosmological tests, it offers an observationally attractive example of cosmology with complicated physics in the dark sector, notably a large violation of the weak equivalence principle.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, revtex4. v2: minor improvements, refs added, version to appear in PR

    Cosmological Reionization by Stellar Sources

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    I use cosmological simulations that incorporate a physically motivated approximation to three-dimensional radiative transfer that recovers correct asymptotic ionization front propagation speeds for some cosmologically relevant density distributions transfer to investigate the process of the reionization of the universe by ionizing radiation from proto-galaxies. Reionization proceeds in three stages and occupies a large redshift range from z~15 until z~5. During the first, ``pre-overlap'' stage, HII regions gradually expand into the low density IGM, leaving behind neutral high density protrusions. During the second, ``overlap'' stage, that occurs in about 10% of the Hubble time, HII regions merge and the ionizing background rises by a large factor. During the third, ``post-overlap'' stage, remaining high density regions are being gradually ionized as the required ionizing photons are being produced. Residual fluctuations in the ionizing background reach significant (more than 10%) levels for the Lyman-alpha forest absorption systems with column densities above 10^14 - 10^15 cm^-2 at z=3 to 4.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in ApJ. Color versions of Fig. 3a-h in GIF format, full (unbinned) versions of Fig. 5, 6, and 13, as well as MPEG animations are available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~gnedin/GALLERY/rei_p.htm

    One Gravitational Potential or Two? Forecasts and Tests

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    The metric of a perturbed Robertson-Walker spacetime is characterized by three functions: a scale-factor giving the expansion history and two potentials which generalize the single potential of Newtonian gravity. The Newtonian potential induces peculiar velocities and, from these, the growth of matter fluctuations. Massless particles respond equally to the Newtonian potential and to a curvature potential. The difference of the two potentials, called the gravitational slip, is predicted to be very small in general relativity but can be substantial in modified gravity theories. The two potentials can be measured, and gravity tested on cosmological scales, by combining weak gravitational lensing or the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect with galaxy peculiar velocities or clustering.Comment: 15 pages, invited research article for Theo Murphy Meeting "Testing general relativity with cosmology

    Reheating of the Universe and Population III

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    We note that current observational evidence strongly favors a conventional recombination of ionized matter subsequent to redshift z=1200, followed by reionization prior to redshift z=5 and compute how this would have occurred in a standard scenario for the growth of structure. Extending prior semi-analytic work, we show by direct, high-resolution numerical simulations (of a COBE normalized CDM+Lambda model) that reheating, will occur in the interval 15>z>7, followed by reionization and accompanied by a significant increase in the Jeans mass. However, the evolution of the Jeans mass does not significantly affect star formation in dense, self-shielded clumps of gas, which are detached from the thermal evolution of the rest of the universe. On average, the growth of the Jeans mass tracks the growth of the nonlinear mass scale, a result we suspect is due to nonlinear feedback effects. Cooling on molecular hydrogen leads to a burst of star formation prior to reheating which produces Population III stars with Omega_* reaching 10^{-5.5} and Z/Z_sun reaching 10^{-3.7} by z=14. Star formation subsequently slows down as molecular hydrogen is depleted by photo-destruction and the rise of the temperature. At later times, z<10, when the characteristic virial temperature of gas clumps reach 10,000 degrees, star formation increases again as hydrogen line cooling become efficient. Objects containing Pop III stars accrete mass with time and, as soon as they reach 10,000 K virial temperature, they engage in renewed star formation and turn into normal Pop II objects having an old Pop III metal poor component.Comment: six postscript figures included, submitted to ApJ

    Dependence of the Inner DM Profile on the Halo Mass

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    I compare the density profile of dark matter (DM) halos in cold dark matter (CDM) N-body simulations with 1 Mpc, 32 Mpc, 256 Mpc and 1024 Mpc box sizes. In dimensionless units the simulations differ only for the initial power spectrum of density perturbations. I compare the profiles when the most massive halos are composed of about 10^5 DM particles. The DM density profiles of the halos in the 1 Mpc box show systematically shallower cores with respect to the corresponding halos in the 32 Mpc simulation that have masses, M_{dm}, typical of the Milky Way and are fitted by a NFW profile. The DM density profiles of the halos in the 256 Mpc box are consistent with having steeper cores than the corresponding halos in the 32 Mpc simulation, but higher mass resolution simulations are needed to strengthen this result. Combined, these results indicate that the density profile of DM halos is not universal, presenting shallower cores in dwarf galaxies and steeper cores in clusters. Physically the result sustains the hypothesis that the mass function of the accreting satellites determines the inner slope of the DM profile. In comoving coordinates, r, the profile \rho_{dm} \propto 1/(X^\alpha(1+X)^{3-\alpha}), with X=c_\Delta r/r_\Delta, r_\Delta is the virial radius and \alpha =\alpha(M_{dm}), provides a good fit to all the DM halos from dwarf galaxies to clusters at any redshift with the same concentration parameter c_\Delta ~ 7. The slope, \gamma, of the outer parts of the halo appears to depend on the acceleration of the universe: when the scale parameter is a=(1+z)^{-1} < 1, the slope is \gamma ~ 3 as in the NFW profile, but \gamma ~ 4 at a > 1 when \Omega_\Lambda ~ 1 and the universe is inflating.[abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, including 11 figures and 2 tables. The revised version has an additional discussion section and work on the velocity dispersion anisotrop
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