152 research outputs found

    Le comblement des plans d’eau douce du littoral landais : un enjeu territorial majeur

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    Les lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral aquitain ont une histoire gĂ©ologique commune marquĂ©e par la transgression holocĂšne et l’édification du cordon dunaire littoral naturel. Le substrat sableux de leurs bassins versants, aux grains sphĂ©riques sans cohĂ©sion, facilement mobilisĂ© par les eaux et transportĂ© jusqu’aux plans d’eau dans lesquels il s’accumule est la principale cause du comblement qui touche particuliĂšrement les Ă©tangs de petites dimensions. Cette menace de disparition de ces plans d'eau, siĂšges d’une trĂšs riche biodiversitĂ©, d’usages ancestraux et d'activitĂ©s socio-Ă©conomiques, en particulier touristiques, pose depuis des dĂ©cennies la question de la rĂ©gulation de ce comblement. A partir de 1970, la mise en place de la MIACA (mission interministĂ©rielle d'amĂ©nagement de la cĂŽte aquitaine), dĂ©diĂ©e au dĂ©veloppement touristique de cette partie du territoire mĂ©tropolitain, a permis la conduite de diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes portant sur l'ensemble des lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral aquitain, parmi lesquelles une Ă©tude prĂ©sentant un programme de lutte contre le comblement de trois des plans d'eau les plus sensibles Ă  ce phĂ©nomĂšne. Ce programme intĂ©grait des actions de prĂ©vention des apports et des opĂ©rations de restauration par dragage. La mise en Ɠuvre de diverses interventions a Ă©tĂ© permise par la crĂ©ation en 1988 du Syndicat Mixte GĂ©olandes, qui poursuit depuis une politique de sauvegarde de ces plans d'eau. 16 bassins dessableurs retiennent les sĂ©diments avant leur arrivĂ©e dans les plans d'eau et 5 opĂ©rations lourdes de curage ou de dragage ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur 4 Ă©tangs. Les sables extraits des bassins sont rĂ©utilisables dans les travaux publics et les vases organiques draguĂ©es ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©coulĂ©es, aprĂšs traitement, auprĂšs de fabricants de supports de cultures, d'entreprises d’espaces verts et de collectivitĂ©s locales. Dans les dĂ©cennies Ă  venir, cette politique de sauvegarde des plans d'eau va nĂ©cessiter de mobiliser des enveloppes financiĂšres difficiles voire impossibles Ă  assumer par la seule puissance publique. L'utilisation dans ce contexte particulier des ressources naturelles que constituent sables et vases organiques dans les activitĂ©s du bĂątiment, des travaux publics et du paysage pourrait ĂȘtre une voie de valorisation permettant de rĂ©duire sensiblement les coĂ»ts globaux de cette politique, en s'appuyant sur un rĂ©seau de partenaires publics et privĂ©s. Une trĂšs large Ă©valuation prĂ©alable des enjeux et des impacts de ces projets d'extractions, intĂ©grant la gouvernance gĂ©nĂ©rale du territoire des lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral souhaitĂ©e par l'agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne, est cependant indispensable pour tenir pleinement compte de la qualitĂ© Ă©cologique exceptionnelle de ces milieux.The freshwater lakes and ponds of this coast have a common geological history marked by the Holocene transgression and the construction of a natural dune barrier. The sandy substrate of their watersheds, with spherical grains without cohesion, easily mobilized by water and transported to water bodies. The filling particularly affects small ponds. This threat of disappearance of these bodies of water, ecosystems of a very rich biodiversity, with ancestral uses and many socio-economic activities, in particular tourism, has for decades raised the question of how to regulate this filling. From 1970, the establishment of the MIACA (interministerial mission for the development of the Aquitaine coast), dedicated to the tourism development of this territory, made it possible to carry out various studies relating to all the lakes and ponds along the Aquitaine coast, including a program to fight against the filling of three of the most sensitive pond to this phenomenon.This program included actions to prevent sands supply and restoration operations by dredging. The implementation of various interventions was made possible by the creation in 1988 of the Syndicat Mixte GĂ©olandes (a public organization), which has since pursued a policy of safeguarding these ponds. 16 sand traps retain the sediments before their arrival in the ponds and 5 heavy cleaning or dredging operations were carried out on 4 ponds. The sands extracted from the basins can be used in public works and the dredged organic sludge was sold, after treatment, to manufacturers of organic soils, green space companies and local communities. In the future, this policy of safeguarding water bodies will require increasingly significant funding, which is difficult or even impossible to assume by the public authorities alone. The use in this particular context of the natural resources constituted by sands and organic sludge in building, public works and landscape activities could be a valuation allowing reducing overall costs of this policy, by relying on a network of public and private partners. A very broad prior assessment of the issues and impacts of these extractive projects, integrating the general governance of the territory of lakes and coastal ponds whished by the Adour Garonne Water Agency, is however essential to take full account of the exceptional ecological quality of these environments. lake, pond, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, use, management, sediment, public policy, ecology, natural resource

    Measurements of uncertainty in macrophyte metrics used to assess European lake water quality

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    Uncertainty is an important factor in ecological assessment, and has important implications for the ecological classification and management of lakes. However, our knowledge of the effects of uncertainty in the assessment of different ecological indicators is limited. Here, we used data from a standardized campaign of aquatic plant surveys, in 28 lakes from 10 European countries, to assess variation in macrophyte metrics across a set of nested spatial scales: countries, lakes, sampling stations, replicate transects, and replicate samples at two depth-zones. Metrics investigated in each transect included taxa richness, maximum depth of colonisation and two indicators of trophic status: Ellenberg’s N and a metric based on phosphorus trophic status. Metrics were found to have a slightly stronger relationship to pressures when they were calculated on abundance data compared to presence/absence data. Eutrophication metrics based on helophytes were found not to be useful in assessing the effects of nutrient pressure. These metrics were also found to vary with the depth of sampling, with shallower taxa representing higher trophic status. This study demonstrates the complex spatial variability in macrophyte communities, the effect of this variability on the metrics, and the implications to water managers, especially in relation to survey design

    RĂŽle fonctionnel, dynamiques Ă©cologiques et nĂ©cessitĂ© de gestion des communautĂ©s d’isoĂ©tides dans les lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral aquitain

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    Les lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral aquitain ont l’originalitĂ© d’abriter des plantes aquatiques protĂ©gĂ©es, rares et menacĂ©es, habituellement observĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions borĂ©o-atlantiques du nord de l’Europe. Ces plantes de petite taille, qui appartiennent Ă  la communautĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale des isoĂ©tides, composent des pelouses littorales rases souvent invisibles aux yeux des usagers des lacs. Ces plantes font l’objet de recherches scientifiques afin de dĂ©terminer leur rĂŽle fonctionnel et leurs dynamiques Ă©cologiques dans les lacs peu profonds. L’acquisition de connaissances sur ces espĂšces a pour objectif d’aider Ă  la gestion de l’ensemble des peuplements vĂ©gĂ©taux aquatiques dans les lacs et Ă©tangs aquitains. Les isoĂ©tides sont capables de transfĂ©rer l’oxygĂšne produit dans le sĂ©diment lacustre et de contrĂŽler les Ă©missions de mĂ©thane. Les processus Ă©cologiques en cours depuis les quarante derniĂšres annĂ©es indiquent un dĂ©clin rĂ©gulier des isoĂ©tides dans les lacs landais. L’action des vagues et l’exposition aux vents, l’occupation du sol sur les rives et les altĂ©rations physiques ponctuelles de l’hydromorphologie sont les paramĂštres physiques essentiels des biotopes aquatiques qui dĂ©terminent la rĂ©partition spatiale des isoĂ©tides dans les plans d’eau. Il est dĂ©sormais urgent d’établir et d’appliquer une stratĂ©gie de conservation, voire de restauration, des isoĂ©tides, visant Ă  prĂ©server les niveaux trophiques actuels relativement faibles, et Ă  les protĂ©ger des destructions mĂ©caniques directes dans les zones littorales. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cet article sont extraits et adaptĂ©s de travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s par INRAE (ex-Irstea) dans le cadre d’un post-doctorat et d’un doctorat financĂ©s par l’Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne.Natural lakes and ponds located along the western French Atlantic coast shelter rare and endangered aquatic plants usually found in the North-Atlantic Boreal regions in Europe. These small plants, belonging to the isoetid plant community, constitute shoreline lawns hardly visible to lake users. Here we aim to determine the functional role and ecological dynamics of isoetids in these shallow lakes. Isoetids transfer radial oxygen in sediment and control methane emissions. Aquatic plant community dynamics indicate a decline in the occurrence and the abundance of isoetids over the last forty years. We highlight the role of wave action and wind exposure, land cover and anthropogenic physical disturbances of the shoreline in determining the spatial distribution of isoetids. Now, it is urgent to establish and implement a conservation strategy dedicated to isoetids, in order to preserve the current oligotrophic water quality of lakes and protect these species from direct mechanical destruction in lake littoral zones

    RĂŽle de l’histoire du paysage sur la diversitĂ© des macrophytes dans les lacs du littoral Aquitain

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    La biodiversitĂ© actuellement observĂ©e dans les milieux naturels est le rĂ©sultat de processus passĂ©s (naturels ou anthropiques) qui ont contraint et sĂ©lectionnĂ© les espĂšces prĂ©sentes sur ces milieux. L’histoire de ces contraintes est pourtant rarement considĂ©rĂ©e dans l’étude de la diversitĂ© des communautĂ©s biologiques, en particulier dans les Ă©cosystĂšmes aquatiques tels que les lacs et Ă©tangs. En utilisant l’histoire du paysage comme un indicateur de l’influence anthropique passĂ©e, nous avons cherchĂ©, dans cette Ă©tude, Ă  mesurer l’importance relative de ces processus historiques sur la diversitĂ© des plantes aquatiques. Ainsi, nous avons reconstituĂ© l’occupation du sol en 1945, 1965, 1985 et 2000 sur 17 bassins versants de lacs et Ă©tangs du littoral aquitain, afin d’examiner dans un premier temps la dynamique paysagĂšre sur ces espaces, et dans un second temps, de tester son importance sur la structure et la composition de la diversitĂ© des macrophytes. L’influence relative du paysage passĂ© et rĂ©cent ainsi que des facteurs abiotiques liĂ©s Ă  la qualitĂ© de l’eau et aux caractĂ©ristiques physiques des masses d’eau sur la richesse et la composition des macrophytes a ainsi Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les bassins versants Ă©tudiĂ©s tĂ©moignent d’une dynamique d’artificialisation croissante au dĂ©pens des zones semi-naturelles, et que la qualitĂ© physico-chimique de l’eau et l’occupation du sol passĂ©e jouent conjointement un rĂŽle prĂ©pondĂ©rant dans l’organisation des communautĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©tales. Ces rĂ©sultats soulignent l’importance de l’histoire du paysage dans la structuration de la biodiversitĂ© actuelle et suggĂšrent des dĂ©lais de rĂ©ponse importants des communautĂ©s de macrophytes suite aux diffĂ©rentes pressions anthropiques. IntĂ©grer les dynamiques temporelles dans l’étude des Ă©cosystĂšmes lacustres se rĂ©vĂšle donc indispensable Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes naturels qui gouvernent l’assemblage des espĂšces occupant ces milieux, et offre de nouvelles perspectives pour la gestion de sa biodiversitĂ©.Biological diversity currently observed in natural areas is the result of past environmental processes (natural or anthropogenic) which have constrained and selected local species occurrence. Environmental history is however rarely considered in biological studies focusing on community diversity, particularly in freshwater aquatic ecosystems such as lakes and ponds. In using landscape history as an indicator of past anthropogenic influence, we aimed to measure the relative importance of historic processes on aquatic plant diversity. Consequently, we determined land-use occupancies in 1945, 1965, 1985 and 2002 on 17 watershed’s lakes and ponds of South-Western France, in order to i) evaluated land-use changes during the last decades and ii) tested the effect of historical land-use on macrophyte diversity and composition. The relative influence of past land-use, recent land-use as well as abiotic factors related to water quality and lakes’ morphological features on macrophyte taxonomic richness and composition was tested. We found that lakes’ watershed landscapes evidenced an increase of anthropization at the expense of semi-natural areas and that water quality jointly with historical land-use strongly structured macrophytes taxonomic richness and composition. These results underlined the importance of past land-use on current diversity patterns and suggested delay responses of macrophytes communities to anthropogenic pressures. Including temporal dynamics in lacustrine ecosystems studies is thus essential for a better understanding of natural processes patterning aquatic species assemblages, and gives new insights for better management of their biodiversity

    Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake

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    Exotic hydrophytes are often considered as aquatic weeds, especially when forming dense mats on an originally poorly colonized environment. While management efforts and research are focused on the control and on the impacts of aquatic weeds on biodiversity, their influence on shallow lakes’ biogeochemical cycles is still unwell explored. The aim of the present study is to understand whether invasive aquatic plants may affect the biogeochemistry of shallow lakes and act as ecosystem engineers. We performed a multi-year investigation (2013–2015) of dissolved biogeochemical parameters in an oligo-mesotrophic shallow lake of south-west of France (Lacanau Lake), where wind-sheltered bays are colonized by dense mats of exotic Egeria densa Planch. and Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss. We collected seasonal samples at densely vegetated and plant-free areas, in order to extrapolate and quantify the role of the presence of invasive plants on the biogeochemistry, at the macrophyte stand scale and at the lake scale. Results revealed that elevated plant biomass triggers oxygen (O2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nitrogen (DIN) stratification, with hypoxia events frequently occurring at the bottom of the water column. Within plants bed, elevated respiration rates generated important amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ammonium (NH4+). The balance between benthic nutrients regeneration and fixation into biomass results strictly connected to the seasonal lifecycle of the plants. Indeed, during summer, DIC and DIN regenerated from the sediment are quickly fixed into plant biomass and sustain elevated growth rates. On the opposite, in spring and autumn, bacterial and plant respiration overcome nutrients fixation, resulting in an excess of nutrients in the water and in the increase of carbon emission toward the atmosphere. Our study suggests that aquatic weeds may perform as ecosystem engineers, by negatively affecting local oxygenation and by stimulating nutrients regeneration

    Global assessment of aquatic Isoëtes species ecology

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    1. Isoetes are iconic but understudied wetland plants, despite having suffered severe losses globally mainly because of alterations in their habitats. We therefore provide the first global ecological assessment of aquatic Isoetes to identify their environmental requirements and to evaluate if taxonomically related species differ in their ecology. 2. The assessment resulted in an extensive new database on aquatic Isoetes, ecological niche analyses, and descriptive species accounts. We compiled a global database that includes all known environmental data collected from 1935 to 2023 regarding aquatic Isoetes. We then evaluated the environmental drivers of 16 species using 2,179 global records. Additionally, we used hypervolume analysis to quantify the ecological niches of the two species with the greatest number of records, finding significant differences and evidence that Isoetes echinospora occupies a wider ecological niche than Isoetes lacustris. 3. Fifty-nine species (30% of the c. 200 Isoetes species known today) were categorised as aquatic and were mainly reported in the Americas and northern Europe. About 38% of the aquatic species are threatened with extinction or are endemic to a small region, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List in 2023. Many species were determined to be sensitive to certain water physical and chemical factors, generally preferring oligotrophic conditions such as low total phosphorus, moderate total nitrogen, moderate to low pH, and low conductivity. 4. This analysis includes ecological data in the assessment of rare/threatened aquatic plants globally. This new database and the ecological analyses completed defined the ecological requirements of several species and identified knowledge gaps, which can aid management actions and future research. 5. This paper highlights ecological significance and environmental sensitivities of aquatic Isoetes. The current level of knowledge is inadequate for a large proportion of known taxa. We affirm the extreme need to support global, collaborative initiatives on which to build future conservation strategies
