493 research outputs found


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    This paper highlights overlap and differences between Convention Theory and New Organizational Institutionalism and thus states the strong case for profitable dialog. It shows how the former can facilitate new institutional approaches. First, convention theory rounds off the model of institutionalized action by turning the spotlight to the role of evaluation in the coordination effort. In parallel, the attention focused on the two components of the qualification process also sheds new light on the institutional dynamics issue at the heart of organizational institutionalism research since the mid-90s.Convention; new institutionalism; institutional logic; qualification; compromise; higher-order principles of justice; order of worth

    L'attitude des Français à l'égard des inégalités à la lumière du système de prélèvements socio-fiscal

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    Les mesures traditionnelles des inégalités considèrent l'aversion collective à l'égard des inégalités comme un paramètre déterminé a priori. En particulier, ce paramètre est maintenu constant lorsqu'on effectue des comparaisons internationales ou intertemporelles. Nous proposons ici d'utiliser les données fiscales pour construire un indicateur d'inégalités qui tienne compte de l'attitude collective à l'égard des inégalités. Nous utilisons cet indicateur pour mesurer l'évolution des inégalités de revenus en France entre 1990 et 1997, à partir des données du modèle de micro-simulation construit par la division ''Etudes Sociales'' de l'INSEE. Il ressort de notre analyse que l'aversion collective à l'égard des inégalités a notablement augmenté au cours de cette période, ce qui s'est essentiellement manifesté par une modification de la politique de prélèvements sociaux. Ainsi, bien que la dispersion des revenus disponibles soit restée à peu près constante sur la période considérée, les inégalités perçues auraient augmenté.Attitude à l'égard des inégalités, mesure des inégalités, fiscalité

    Diversity of phase transitions and phase co-existences in active fluids

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    Active matter is not only indispensable to our understanding of diverse biological processes, but also provides a fertile ground for discovering novel physics. Many emergent properties impossible for equilibrium systems have been demonstrated in active systems. These emergent features include motility-induced phase separation, long-ranged ordered (collective motion) phase in two dimensions, and order-disorder phase co-existences (banding and reverse-banding regimes). Here, we unify these diverse phase transitions and phase co-existences into a single formulation based on generic hydrodynamic equations for active fluids. We also reveal a novel co-moving co-existence phase and a putative novel critical point.Comment: 5 pages of main text plus 9 pages of supplemental materia

    Que peut nous apprendre le courant de la Corporate Social Responsiveness sur les démarches de développement durable des entreprises contemporaines

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    Working paper serie RMT (WPS 10-10) , 34 pLa recherche gestionnaire dans le champ „Business & Society‟ souffre de sa faible prise en compte des enjeux organisationnels et managériaux associés aux démarches d‟entreprises en matière de responsabilité sociale et de développement durable. C‟est précisément ce constat qui, dans le courant des années 1970, a été le point de départ d‟un programme de recherche sur la Corporate Social Responsiveness au sein de la Harvard Business School aux Etats-Unis. Le contenu de ce programme ayant largement été oublié et/ou caricaturé, cet article propose d‟en redécouvrir la genèse, le contenu et sa portée, et formule des hypothèses sur sa disparition. Il reste pertinent pour l‟appréhension des pratiques contemporaines en matières de RSE et de DD

    Irreversibility across a nonreciprocal PT{\cal PT}-symmetry-breaking phase transition

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    Nonreciprocal interactions are commonplace in continuum-level descriptions of both biological and synthetic active matter, yet studies addressing their implications for time-reversibility have so far been limited to microscopic models. Here, we derive a general expression for the average rate of informational entropy production in the most generic mixture of conserved phase fields with nonreciprocal couplings and additive conservative noise. For the particular case of a binary system with Cahn-Hilliard dynamics augmented by nonreciprocal cross-diffusion terms, we observe a non-trivial scaling of the entropy production rate across a parity-time symmetry breaking phase transition. We derive a closed-form analytic expression in the weak-noise regime for the entropy production rate due to the emergence of a macroscopic dynamic phase, showing it can be written in terms of the global polar order parameter, a measure of parity-time symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 pages (3 figures) of main text + 10 pages (2 figures) of supplementary informatio

    Solving the stochastic dynamics of population growth

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    Population growth is a fundamental process in ecology and evolution. The population size dynamics during growth are often described by deterministic equations derived from kinetic models. Here, we simulate several population growth models and compare the size averaged over many stochastic realizations with the deterministic predictions. We show that these deterministic equations are generically bad predictors of the average stochastic population dynamics. Specifically, deterministic predictions overestimate the simulated population sizes, especially those of populations starting with a small number of individuals. Describing population growth as a stochastic birth process, we prove that the discrepancy between deterministic predictions and simulated data is due to unclosed-moment dynamics. In other words, the deterministic approach does not consider the variability of birth times, which is particularly important with small population sizes. We show that some moment-closure approximations describe the growth dynamics better than the deterministic prediction. However, they do not reduce the error satisfactorily and only apply to some population growth models. We explicitly solve the stochastic growth dynamics, and our solution applies to any population growth model. We show that our solution exactly quantifies the dynamics of a community composed of different strains and correctly predicts the fixation probability of a strain in a serial dilution experiment. Our work sets the foundations for a more faithful modeling of community and population dynamics. It will allow the development of new tools for a more accurate analysis of experimental and empirical results, including the inference of important growth parameters

    Local and global avalanches in a 2D sheared granular medium

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    We present the experimental and numerical studies of a 2D sheared amorphous material constituted of bidisperse photo-elastic disks. We analyze the statistics of avalanches during shear including the local and global fluctuations in energy and changes in particle positions and orientations. We find scale free distributions for these global and local avalanches denoted by power-laws whose cut-offs vary with inter-particle friction and packing fraction. Different exponents are found for these power-laws depending on the quantity from which variations are extracted. An asymmetry in time of the avalanche shapes is evidenced along with the fact that avalanches are mainly triggered from the shear bands. A simple relation independent from the intensity, is found between the number of local avalanches and the global avalanches they form. We also compare these experimental and numerical results for both local and global fluctuations to predictions from meanfield and depinning theories
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