1,052 research outputs found

    Searching for the determinants of world heritage listing: an econometric analysis

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    The present paper provides empirical evidence of the main determinants affecting WorldHeritage listing across countries and time. While World Heritage represents the most relevant tangible cultural asset for the humankind, little research has been conducted to understand the conditions influencing the process of sites inscription. Using panel data, we provide a preliminary investigation about the relationship between world heritage sites per country and economic, social and institutional variables. In addition, we test whether additional political factors, such as the country involvement in the World Heritage Committee, influence inscription of national heritage sites in the list. The paper contributes to the cultural economics literature by addressing new insights on the determinants affecting the valorization of cultural heritage

    What if Hayek goes shopping in the bazaar?

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the peculiar institutional features of two retail markets: the middle eastern Bazaar and the western Mall (shopping center). We study the informational functions and performance of the different market institutions using an Agent Based Computational Economics (ACE) model under the assumption of behavioral learning by agents. Sellers decide which price setting strategy to adopt whereas buyers form their price beliefs exploring the market and decide which price to accept. The agents learn how to adapt and behave within the specific institutional framework to carry out their economic transactions, but market institutions, as mechanisms to coordinate information of market participants are expected to affect the price dynamics. The main area of interest concerns the question of whether the economic argument on the presumed underperformance of bazaar institutions respect to more competitive markets holds true or it is necessary a reassessment on it.Agent's beliefs; learning; adaptive behavior; market institutions; price dynamics

    The city mouse and the country mouse: the geography of creativity and cultural production in Italy

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    Through census employment data we analyze the evolving structure of the Italian cultural economy and highlights diverging spatial and organizational patterns of cultural production systems in urban and regional areas. Whilst large metropolitan areas remain the more important loci of cultural content production and consumption, craft-based sectors and creative systems of design have a tendency to locate in non-metropolitan centers. Based on the historical formation of manufacturing districts and on the emergence of Rome and Milan as “world cities”, the Italian cultural economy provides an interesting case study to analyze the geographical patterns of different cultural product industries. We extend previous literature on the geography of the cultural economy by offering new insights as to conditions in which metropolitan and rural areas emerge as leading centers of cultural production and creativity.

    Enhancing the valorisation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: a Pigouvian Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to cope with the disequilibrium affecting World Heritage Sites as to the conditions of their conservation and the resources available for their valorisation. We propose a tax-based mechanism divided into three phases. The first one aims at providing an objective approach to measure the needs and diversity of World Heritage Sites. The second phase presents valorisation strategies to generate new economic resources from cultural tourism. The third one illustrates the tax mechanism based on collecting resources trough an earmarked tax on tourist activities and redistributing these resources at a regional scale. Our proposal is a contribution to the growing literature on Unesco World Heritage sites and it may be useful to ground the decision making of the recently formed Unesco Centres aimed at raising funds for the World Heritage conservation.

    Loving Cultural Heritage Private Individual Giving and Prosocial Behavior

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse patterns of private individual giving to Cultural Heritage institutions in Italy. Based on the emerging economic literature on pro-social behavior, we carried out a Contingent Valuation survey to assess individuals’ willingness to donate to museums and heritage organizations according to different conditions and set of incentives. Our findings reveal that intrinsic motivations and accountability of the recipient institutions may be more effective drivers for eliciting charitable giving than the usually proposed fiscal incentives. The results provide avenues for future empirical research and policy suggestions for fund raising cultural institutions.Charitable Giving, Cultural Heritage, Contingent Valuation, Pro-social Behavior

    Loving Cultural Heritage. Private individual giving and prosocial behavior

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse patterns of private individual giving to Cultural Heritage institutions in Italy. Based on the emerging economic literature on pro-social behavior, we carried out a Contingent Valuation survey to assess individuals’ willingness to donate to museums and heritage organizations according to different conditions and set of incentives. Our findings reveal that intrinsic motivations and accountability of the recipient institutions may be more effective drivers for eliciting charitable giving than the usually proposed fiscal incentives. The results provide avenues for future empirical research and policy suggestions for fund raising cultural institutions.


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    La collezione di plastici geologici dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia ha un importante valore scientifico, economico e storico-culturale. Essa ù composta da undici rilievi in gesso e carta dipinti, di varia dimensione, realizzati a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo da disegnatori e cartografi italiani. La storia di questi rilievi tridimensionali si lega alle vicende dell’Italia Unita e agli studi geologici avviati con il progetto della Carta Geologica d’Italia. I plastici venivano spesso presentati alle esposizioni universali ed ai congressi nazionali e internazionali in quanto facili strumenti di comunicazione cartografica utili a promuovere le risorse del paese e a favorirne una crescita economica.The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia holds an important collection of geological models of great historic, scientific, economic and cultural value. The collection consists of eleven three-D models of different-size, made of colored gypsum plaster and paper. They were created by Italian mappers between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the XXth century. Their history interlaces to that of Italian Unification, in fact the models have been built based on geological studies developed by the Italian Geological Map Project officially started in 1861, the same year of the creation of the Italian State. They were showed in international congresses and exhibitions to promote the Italian natural and mining resources and support the economic growth


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    L’importante ruolo educativo che il patrimonio culturale ù in grado di svolgere, nei confronti del pubblico scolastico e della cittadinanza in genere, trova nella cartografia un valido sostegno. “Racconti di pietra” ù un progetto di educazione al patrimonio culturale che il Museo di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia sta portando avanti da alcuni anni in collaborazione con le scuole secondarie superiori del territorio e le istituzioni culturali nazionali e locali. Il progetto intende contribuire alla diffusione del sapere scientifico ed al crescere della consapevolezza del valore del patrimonio culturale attraverso percorsi di scoperta guidati dagli studenti, che trovano nella cartografia uno strumento di lettura e di narrazione del territorio e della sua evoluzione.“Stones telling stories” is an education project related to cultural heritage to spread scientific knowledge and awareness of the value of cultural heritage, using mapping as guide of discovery trails. The Earth Sciences Museum of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia has been carrying out it since 2010 in partnership with high schools and national and municipal cultural institutions. The 2013 edition has been among the winners of the initiative: “I love Cultural Heritage: call for proposals for the valorisation of cultural heritage” organised by the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Region Emilia Romagna. It will involve over 150 school students from three towns of the Modena province: Modena, Finale Emilia and Sassuolo. Their involvement will provide an opportunity to expand the network of knowledge and skills between school and museum with the intent to promote and to reconstruct, in a joint perspective, the cultural heritage of the province of Modena that the recent earthquake of the 2012 May deeply damaged


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    La ricerca presentata in questo lavoro vuole essere una testimonianza di come il mondo della Scuola, l’Università e le Istituzioni possano collaborare fra di loro per promuovere strategie di educazione al paesaggio sfruttando le potenzialità educative e narrative delle carte. Le esperienze didattiche sviluppate dalle scuole nell’ambito del progetto hanno portato studenti di qualunque età e persone in situazioni di disagio e disabilità a conoscere meglio il territorio locale attraverso la costruzione di narrazioni cartografiche dei luoghi da loro vissuti.This paper shows a case study of an educational project on landscape based on mapping teaching created with the involvment of local Environmental Agencies, Education Authorities, University and School. The project suggests some guidelines for engaging students and disabled to know their territory using maps like telling tools


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    “Gemma 1786”, il Museo del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ha avviato un nuovo progetto di valorizzazione e di divulgazione del suo patrimonio scientifico e storico-culturale. Questa rinnovata attività museale ha portato alla realizzazione di specifiche iniziative didattico-educative, tra le quali, di particolare interesse, ù quella legata al percorso chiamato “Il Paesaggio nella Cartografia”: una proposta didattica che ha trovato ispirazione da quanto enunciato dalla Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio (in vigore dal 1 marzo 2004) e dalla ferma convinzione che si possa incuriosire ed interessare un’ampia varietà di visitatori, anche se diversamente abili, attraverso la Cartografia, sfruttando la sua trasversalità disciplinare e culturale. “Il Paesaggio nella Cartografia” ù un progetto nato con l’intento di insegnare al pubblico ad osservare i diversi ambienti naturali e antropici presenti sul nostro Pianeta, indirizzandoli ad una loro lettura attraverso le carte ed aiutandoli a scoprire quanto una forte interazione tra uomo e ambiente abbia contribuito alla loro evoluzione nel tempo. Parole chiave: paesaggio, Cartografia, didattica, disabilità“Gemma 1786”, il Museo del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, ha avviato un nuovo progetto di valorizzazione e di divulgazione del suo patrimonio scientifico e storico-culturale. Questa rinnovata attività museale ha portato alla realizzazione di specifiche iniziative didattico-educative, tra le quali, di particolare interesse, ù quella legata al percorso chiamato “Il Paesaggio nella Cartografia”: una proposta didattica che ha trovato ispirazione da quanto enunciato dalla Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio (in vigore dal 1 marzo 2004) e dalla ferma convinzione che si possa incuriosire ed interessare un’ampia varietà di visitatori, anche se diversamente abili, attraverso la Cartografia, sfruttando la sua trasversalità disciplinare e culturale. “Il Paesaggio nella Cartografia” ù un progetto nato con l’intento di insegnare al pubblico ad osservare i diversi ambienti naturali e antropici presenti sul nostro Pianeta, indirizzandoli ad una loro lettura attraverso le carte ed aiutandoli a scoprire quanto una forte interazione tra uomo e ambiente abbia contribuito alla loro evoluzione nel tempo. Parole chiave: paesaggio, Cartografia, didattica, disabilit
