5 research outputs found

    TIC Y SISTEMAS INTELIGENTES como herramientas de soporte para el manejo, educaci贸n y prevenci贸n del trauma

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    La corporaci贸n ecuatoriana para el desarrollo de la investigaci贸n y la academia,. CEDIA, promueve la exploraci贸n y resultados de proyectos innovadores que vinculan a instituciones ecuatorianas. A inicios del a帽o 2014, CEDIA conform贸 grupos de trabajo en varias 谩reas d einter茅s; una de ellas fue Telemedicina y Telesalud debido al gran impacto que tiene dentro de la investigaci贸n. Este grupo cuenta con la participaci贸n de seis universidades ecuatorianas: Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad Salesiana, Universidad Cat贸lica de Cuenca, Universidad del Azuay, Universidad Regional Aut贸noma de los Andes y Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. El objetivo de este grupo de trabajo es fortalecer, impulsar y motivar actividades de investigaci贸n entre las instituciones miembros de CEDIA en bienestar d ela comunidad. En este libro se visualiza el trabajo realizado por el Grupo de Trabajo en temas de trauma utilizando m煤ltiples formas de tecnolog铆a, desde aplicaciones m贸viles, e-learning, objetos de aprendizaje, hasta sistemas de recolecci贸n automatizada de datos; desarrollando programas que impactan en la atenci贸n de la salud en el 谩rea pre-hospitalaria, prevenci贸n de lesiones, registro de trauma, modalidades de educaci贸n y aprendizaje, mediante el uso de las TIC

    Ubiquitous childhood ADHD therapies based on smart-environment solutions

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    Las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y las Comunicaciones (TIC) han propiciado avances en el contexto de la salud tanto en la gesti贸n efectiva de informaci贸n socio-sanitaria de forma electr贸nica, como en la provisi贸n de servicios de e-salud y telemedicina. Los antecedentes de investigaci贸n publicados en esta 谩rea corroboran este hecho, presentando las mejoras experimentadas en la atenci贸n de la poblaci贸n y en la provisi贸n de servicios sanitarios. El acceso a un tratamiento adecuado y eficiente de trastornos del desarrollo, es un aspecto clave en la atenci贸n que reciben ni帽os y sus familiares. El Trastorno de D茅ficit de Atenci贸n e Hiperactividad (TDAH) ha sido catalogado como el Trastorno de Desarrollo Neurol贸gico (TDN) de mayor incidencia en ni帽os, adolescentes y adultos en todo el mundo. Su estudio ha generado incertidumbre a lo largo de los a帽os ya que sus causas a煤n no est谩n del todo claras y su prevalencia se extiende a la edad adulta. Adem谩s, su diagn贸stico es todav铆a susceptible de ser asociado con m谩s trastornos como el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) o el Trastorno de Ansiedad, entre otros. Diversos estudios vinculan al TDAH como un indicador que se correlaciona con el grado de desempe帽o acad茅mico en la ni帽ez y el nivel 茅xito en la edad adulta. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es el avance del conocimiento tecnol贸gico para habilitar la aplicaci贸n eficiente de terapias pervasivas, definidas como procesos terap茅uticos supervisados que se mantienen fuera de los entornos cl铆nicos, en ni帽os diagnosticados con TDAH. Para ello se realiza el an谩lisis, dise帽o, validaci贸n y verificaci贸n de una soluci贸n tecnol贸gica que combina la aplicaci贸n de la rob贸tica con el paradigma del Internet of Things (IoT) para el soporte terap茅utico del ni帽o en actividades de la vida diaria. La metodolog铆a de trabajo se centra en conocer en detalle cuales son las necesidades actuales y m谩s significativas que presentan las terapias tradicionales no farmacol贸gicas, para orientar las funcionalidades que se proponen en esta investigaci贸n con el fin de solventar dichas necesidades. Para ello se involucr贸 a un equipo multidisciplinar durante todo el desarrollo, permitiendo crear un entorno Smart-Home y un Asistente Rob贸tico, llamado Atent@, que extienden el proceso de terapia ocupacional de ni帽os con TDAH hasta sus hogares. La tesis resultante presenta una metodolog铆a de desarrollo que se fundamenta en iteraciones de mejora continua en base a validaciones parciales, tanto t茅cnicas como terap茅uticas. Para validar las hip贸tesis presentadas, se realizaron dos experimentos con los que se permiti贸 comprobar el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados. Las conclusiones muestran que se puede extender este tipo de terapias a m谩s escenarios sin convertir el ambiente natural del ni帽o en un laboratorio, permitiendo que los terapeutas puedan ofrecer nuevos y mejores tratamientos, as铆 como una mejor retroalimentaci贸n a los ni帽os y sus padres. ----------ABSTRACT---------- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have led to advances in the health context, both in the effective management of socio-health information electronically and in the provision of e-health and telemedicine services. The research published in this area corroborates this fact, presenting the improvements experienced in the care of the population and in the provision of health services. Access to adequate and efficient treatment of developmental disorders is a key aspect of the care received by children and their families. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been cataloged as the Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) with the highest incidence in children, adolescents, and adults worldwide. Its study has generated uncertainly over the years since its causes are still not entirely clear and its prevalence extends into adulthood. In addition, its diagnosis is still susceptible to being associated with more disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Anxiety Disorder, among others. Several studies link ADHD as an indicator that correlates with academic performance in childhood and the level of success in adulthood. The objective of this research is the advancement of technological knowledge to enable the efficient application of pervasive therapies, defined as supervised therapeutic processes that are maintained outside clinical settings, in children diagnosed with ADHD. For this purpose, the analysis, design, validation and verification of a technological solution that combines the application of robotics with the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm for the therapeutic support of the child in activities of daily living is performed. The work methodology focuses on knowing in detail what are the current and most significant needs presented by traditional nonpharmacological therapies, to guide the functionalities proposed in this research in order to meet these needs. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary team was involved throughout the development, allowing the creation of a Smart-Home environment and a Robotic Assistant, called Atent@, which extend the occupational therapy process of children with ADHD to their homes. The resulting thesis presents a development methodology based on iterations of continuous improvement based on partial validations, both technical and therapeutic. In order to validate the hypotheses presented, two experiments were carried out to verify the fulfillment of the proposed objectives. The conclusions show that this type of therapy can be extended to more scenarios without turning the child's natural environment into a laboratory, allowing therapists to offer new and better treatments, as well as better feedback to children and their parents

    A Didactic Transmitter to Support the Communication and Learning Process of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Nowadays, more than one billion people live with some form of disability (almost 15% of the world population). In this line, the preterm and low weight in neonates constitute important public health problems, especially in low and middle income countries. Infants who survive preterm birth are at increased risk of developing neurological problems such as Cerebral Palsy (CP) and impaired cognitive function. The CP comprises a series of disturbances in brain functions, motor, hearing, vision and learning for people who have it. In the same way, this disease does not allow to patients to use ICT tools to express their feelings, ideas, and needs, or in general, improve their learning process. On this basis, in this paper we present a ICT-based tool that relies on an embedded system and a mobile application, able to be used by patients that can perform slight head movements, or hand movements. Likewise, our system can detect these movements to help during the communication or learning tasks. The system was evaluated and adjusted in several tests carried out with 47 children (20 girls, and 27 boys). The achieved results are encouraging, and have shown 89% of acceptance by the patients

    A Didactic Transmitter to Support the Communication and Learning Process of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Nowadays, more than one billion people live with some form of disability (almost 15% of the world population). In this line, the preterm and low weight in neonates constitute important public health problems, especially in low and middle income countries. Infants who survive preterm birth are at increased risk of developing neurological problems such as Cerebral Palsy (CP) and impaired cognitive function. The CP comprises a series of disturbances in brain functions, motor, hearing, vision and learning for people who have it. In the same way, this disease does not allow to patients to use ICT tools to express their feelings, ideas, and needs, or in general, improve their learning process. On this basis, in this paper we present a ICT-based tool that relies on an embedded system and a mobile application, able to be used by patients that can perform slight head movements, or hand movements. Likewise, our system can detect these movements to help during the communication or learning tasks. The system was evaluated and adjusted in several tests carried out with 47 children (20 girls, and 27 boys). The achieved results are encouraging, and have shown 89% of acceptance by the patients

    Digital Trainer for the Development of the Fine Motor Ability in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    The leading cause of disability in Ecuadorian children is cerebral palsy, this disorder in most cases produces a deficiency of the ability to move fingers, hands and wrists at various levels, this happens too with the intellect of the patient. Many of the treatments and therapies are seeking that the patient can develop all of your motor ability and intellectual skills, using activities that involve the part Intellectual and practicality of their extremities. Today technology gives us the opportunity to manage devices of aid and assistance that not only complement the daily activities that are performed during the therapies in the help centers, they need to give results that show leaps and bounds in the progress that you want to get. The purpose of this project is to make a device that helps a patient to develop their fine motor ability to the patient can use their hands, fingers and wrists movements in various ways in coordination with their vision in conjunction with occipital lobe causing that brain activity in the patient, present alterations of amplitude in the beta waves in the hemispheres of the brain that allow move muscles, with only maneuver a fully digital device and low cost. These brain and muscles signals will be analyzed in this project, to test the efficiency of this project