18 research outputs found

    Consistency of the B\"acklund transformation for the spin Calogero-Moser system

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    We prove the consistency of the B\"{a}cklund transformation (BT) for the spin Calogero-Moser (sCM) system in the rational, trigonometric, and hyperbolic cases. The BT for the sCM system consists of an overdetermined system of ODEs; to establish our result, we construct and analyze certain functions that measure the departure of this overdetermined system from consistency and show, under mild assumptions, that these functions are identically zero and that this allows for a unique solution to the initial value problem for the overdetermined system.Comment: 14 page

    Periodic solutions of the non-chiral intermediate Heisenberg ferromagnet equation described by elliptic spin Calogero-Moser dynamics

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    We present a class of periodic solutions of the non-chiral intermediate Heisenberg ferromagnet (ncIHF) equation, which was recently introduced by the authors together with Langmann as a classical, continuum limit of an Inozemtsev-type spin chain. These exact analytic solutions are constructed via a spin-pole ansatz written in terms of certain elliptic functions. The dynamical parameters in our solutions solve an elliptic spin Calogero-Moser (CM) system subject to certain constraints. In the course of our construction, we establish a novel B\"acklund transformation for this constrained elliptic spin CM system.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of PT phase transition in a simple mechanical system

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    If a Hamiltonian is PT symmetric, there are two possibilities: Either the eigenvalues are entirely real, in which case the Hamiltonian is said to be in an unbroken-PT-symmetric phase, or else the eigenvalues are partly real and partly complex, in which case the Hamiltonian is said to be in a broken-PT-symmetric phase. As one varies the parameters of the Hamiltonian, one can pass through the phase transition that separates the unbroken and broken phases. This transition has recently been observed in a variety of laboratory experiments. This paper explains the phase transition in a simple and intuitive fashion and then describes an extremely elementary experiment in which the phase transition is easily observed.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Elliptic soliton solutions of the spin non-chiral intermediate long-wave equation

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    We construct elliptic multi-soliton solutions of the spin non-chiral intermediate long-wave (sncILW) equation with periodic boundary conditions. These solutions are obtained by a spin-pole ansatz including a dynamical background term; we show that this ansatz solves the periodic sncILW equation provided the spins and poles satisfy the elliptic AA-type spin Calogero-Moser (sCM) system with certain constraints on the initial conditions. The key to this result is a B\"{a}cklund transformation for the elliptic sCM system which includes a non-trivial dynamical background term. We also present solutions of the sncILW equation on the real line and of the spin Benjamin-Ono equation which generalize previously obtained solutions by allowing for a non-trivial background term.Comment: 33 page