592 research outputs found

    Gender Inequality in Education

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    Education in the United States despite governmental acts to create gender equality within all classroom environments still manages to produce unequal opportunities based on gender.https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/gender_studies/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Novel deceptions: historical illusionism in contemporary American fiction

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    This study investigates the subject of illusionism in contemporary American fiction. A recurrent yet under-examined theme, the history of stage magic in the U.S. suggests how an earlier age domesticated the seeming sorcery of market capitalism, credit, limitless self-(re)making, and ethnic vanishing. Such conditions provide antecedents and analogues for the writing of fiction in a world of digitalized knowledge, work, identity, and financialization. Self-reflexively illusionist fiction today represents itself ambivalently as magical entertainment. Is its function to mesmerize audiences or alert them to ideological sleight-of-hand? If the enchantments of literary art screen the machinations of power, how do novelists preserve fiction's capacity to inspire wonder, affective experience, and ethical commitment? Chapter One argues that Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian presents illusionism as integral to imperialism and commodification, as well as to its own artistry. McCarthy indicates the instrumentalization of aesthetics under late capitalism yet seeks through moments of enchantment to transcend it. Chapter Two shows that in Mr. Vertigo by Paul Auster and In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien, fiction’s "magic" lies in transcending social differences and inspiring empathy, but that the historical residue of racism in American illusionism obstructs the effort to imagine otherness. Both novels reframe the worth of fiction as therapeutic. Chapter Three argues that the figure of Harry Houdini embodies literature's status as primarily entertainment, inspiring wonder rather than critique. Michael Chabon's Kavalier & Clay celebrates escapistry, but seeks through Houdini to restore a utopian dimension to entertainment.2017-11-04T00:00:00

    Reproductive Ecology of Female Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus Jamesi Lincoln) and Food Habits of Broods in Southwestern North Dakota

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    A study of the reproductive ecology and brood food habits of sharp-tail grouse (Pedioecates phaslanel.lus jamesi Lincoln) was conducted in southwestern North Dakota during 1967 and 1968. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the nest and brooding cover selected by the female was made to determine the effect of intensive grazing. Radio telemetry was utilized to monitor dispersals of 13 females from three dancing grounds; eight nests were located. Nest sites were selected in areas of moderate grazing with residual vegetation , or in non-use areas associated with intensive grazing\u27 and land-use. Deferred grazing on native range was important in providing nesting habitat. Important species at nest sites included little bluestern (Andropogon scoparius), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum), needle-and-thread (Stipa comat a) , green needle (S. viridula) , and slender wheatgra-ss (A. trachycaulum). Five hens with broods were serai- continuously radio-tracked for movement and cover selection. Idle (non-use) grassland, mesic swales, and brushy areas were used extensively by broods. Agricultural practices (haying and grazing) also influenced brood location. The examination of 5Q crops and 53 gizzards from 56 immature sharptails indicated that beetles (Coleoptera), short-horned grasshoppers (Locustidae), and goatsbeard (Tragopogon dubius) were important animal and vegetable food items. The percentage of animal foods taken declined between 7 and 11 weeks of age. A correlation between hae availability of animal food and brood habitat selection was not observed

    Mercury Toxicity and Treatment: A Review of the Literature

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    Mercury is a toxic heavy metal which is widely dispersed in nature. Most human exposure results from fish consumption or dental amalgam. Mercury occurs in several chemical forms, with complex pharmacokinetics. Mercury is capable of inducing a wide range of clinical presentations. Diagnosis of mercury toxicity can be challenging but can be obtained with reasonable reliability. Effective therapies for clinical toxicity have been described

    Cadmium Toxicity and Treatment

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    Cadmium is a heavy metal of considerable toxicity with destructive impact on most organ systems. It is widely distributed in humans, the chief sources of contamination being cigarette smoke, welding, and contaminated food and beverages. Toxic impacts are discussed and appear to be proportional to body burden of cadmium. Detoxification of cadmium with EDTA and other chelators is possible and has been shown to be therapeutically beneficial in humans and animals when done using established protocols