28 research outputs found

    Good corporate social performance may lead to higher credit ratings

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    But only for firms whose countries share the same values, find Christian Klein, Christoph Stellner and Bernhard Zwerge

    Individual investment advice is key for sustainable investment behaviour

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    Given the global environmental and societal challenges of the 21st century, the concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the financial markets. It seems necessary to involve private individuals in the transition to a sustainable economy. However, investment preferences are very heterogeneous, so that investment products customised to "averaged" preferences often fail to achieve the goal of promoting sustainable [...

    Reconsidering the Impact of National Soccer Results on the FTSE 100

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    In past decades, many empirical studies revealed return anomalies in many different asset classes and markets. Very recent publications have, however, even found evidence that stock markets react to the results of soccer matches. In this paper, we argue that such empirical studies should be analyzed carefully; we thus endorse the use of replication studies to verify results. Consequently, by rebuilding the study of Ashton et al. (2003), we are able to detect mistakes in the empirical set-up. Based on these findings, we demonstrate how even minor flaws can have a crucial influence on the results of such studies and point out pitfalls that are frequently encountered. We furthermore emphasize the importance of robustness checks to validate the results of empirical studies

    Performance of candlestick analysis on intraday futures data

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    Performance of candlestick analysis on intraday futures data / Henning Fock, Christian Klein, Bernhard Zwergel. - In: The Journal of derivatives. 13. 2005. S. 28-40 Auch als: Arbeitspapiere zur Mathematischen Wirtschaftsforschung. H. 188 (2004

    Performance of candlestick analysis on intraday futures data

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    Performance of candlestick analysis on intraday futures data / Henning Fock, Christian Klein, Bernhard Zwergel. - In: The Journal of derivatives. 13. 2005. S. 28-40 Auch als: Arbeitspapiere zur Mathematischen Wirtschaftsforschung. H. 188 (2004

    Intraday futures patterns and volume-volatility relationships: the German evidence

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    Comparing those who do, might and will not invest in sustainable funds: a survey among German retail fund investors

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    Abstract In this paper, we present the results of an online questionnaire among private German mutual fund investors. In an exploratory nature, we empirically analyze the differences between three groups: sustainable investors, conventional investors that are either generally interested or those that are not interested at all to invest in socially responsible (SR) funds. We provide evidence on motives and attitudes of these three investor groups, showing that SR fund investors are quite similar to those interested in investing sustainably and very different from those who only consider investing conventionally. All three groups agree that sustainable actions of a company affect its stock price positively. Yet, they all believe that SR funds perform worse than conventional funds. Nevertheless, some still invest in SR funds. Consequently, different motives and attitudes are the determining factors when it comes to making an investment decision. These differences will be extensively discussed on the following pages